module Fog module Storage class AzureRM # This class provides the actual implemention for service calls. class Real SINGLE_BLOB_PUT_THRESHOLD = 32 * 1024 * 1024 BLOCK_SIZE = 4 * 1024 * 1024 def upload_block_blob_from_file(container_name, blob_name, file_path, options = {}) Fog::Logger.debug "Uploading file #{file_path} as blob #{blob_name} to the container #{container_name}." if file_path.nil? blob = @blob_client.create_block_blob container_name, blob_name, nil, options Fog::Logger.debug "Blob #{blob_name} created successfully." return blob end begin size = ::File.size file_path if size <= SINGLE_BLOB_PUT_THRESHOLD blob = @blob_client.create_block_blob container_name, blob_name, IO.binread(::File.expand_path(file_path)), options else blocks = [] file_path, 'rb' do |file| while (read_bytes = block_id = Base64.strict_encode64 random_string(32) @blob_client.put_blob_block container_name, blob_name, block_id, read_bytes, options blocks << [block_id] end end blob = @blob_client.commit_blob_blocks container_name, blob_name, blocks, options end Fog::Logger.debug "Uploading #{file_path} successfully." blob rescue IOError => ex raise "Exception in reading #{file_path}: #{ex.inspect}" rescue Azure::Core::Http::HTTPError => ex raise "Exception in uploading #{file_path}: #{ex.inspect}" end end end # This class provides the mock implementation for unit tests. class Mock def upload_block_blob_from_file(_container_name, blob_name, _file_path, _options = {}) Fog::Logger.debug 'Blob created successfully.' { 'name' => blob_name, 'properties' => { 'last_modified' => 'Thu, 28 Jul 2016 06:53:05 GMT', 'etag' => '0x8D3B6B3D353FFCA', 'content_md5' => 'tXAohIyxuu/t94Lp/ujeRw==' } } end end end end end