/* eslint-disable require-jsdoc */
import getCoordinateInputName from "./coordinate_input"
* You can use this method to "attach" front-end geocoding to any forms in the
* front-end which have address fields with geocoding autocompletion
* functionality already applied to them.
* To learn more about the front-end geocoding autocompletion, please refer to
* the maps documentation at: /docs/customization/maps.md.
* When the geocoding autocompletion finishes, most of the times, its results
* will also contain the geocoordinate information for the selected address.
* This method allows you to pass these coordinates (latitude and longitude)
* to the same front-end form where the geocoding autocompletion address field
* is located at (which is the $input you pass to this method). The latitude
* and longitude coordinates will be added or "attached" to the form once the
* user selects one of the suggested addresses.
* Therefore, if there was the following geocoding autocompletion field at
* your form:
* You would then "attach" the geocoding result coordinates to the same form
* where this input is at as follows:
* $(document).ready(function() {
* window.Decidim.attachGeocoding($("#record_address"));
* });
* Now, after the user selects one of the suggested geocoding autocompletion
* addresses and the geocoding autocompletion API provides the coordinates in
* the results, you would have the following fields automatically generated
* to your form:
* If you would not do the attachment, these hidden longitude and latitude
* fields would not be generated and the geocoding would have to happen at the
* server-side when the form is submitted. The problem with that approach
* would be that the server-side address geocoding could potentially result in
* different coordinates than what the user actually selected in the front-end
* because the autocompletion API can return different coordinates than the
* geocoding API. Another reason is to avoid unnecessary calls to the
* geocoding API as the front-end geocoding suggestion already returned the
* coordinate values we need.
* @param {jQuery} $input The input jQuery element for the geocoded address
* field.
* @param {Object} options (optional) Extra options if you want to customize
* the latitude and longitude element IDs or names from the default.
* @param {function} callback (optional) Callback to run when updating the coordinates values
* @returns {void}
export default function attachGeocoding($input, options, callback) {
const attachOptions = $.extend({}, options);
const inputIdParts = $input.attr("id").split("_");
const idPrefix = `${inputIdParts.join("_")}`;
let latitudeName = "latitude";
let longitudeName = "longitude";
if ($input.length > 0) {
latitudeName = getCoordinateInputName("latitude", $input, attachOptions);
longitudeName = getCoordinateInputName("longitude", $input, attachOptions);
const config = $.extend({
latitudeId: `${idPrefix}_latitude`,
longitudeId: `${idPrefix}_longitude`,
latitudeName: latitudeName,
longitudeName: longitudeName
}, options);
let geocoded = false;
const createCoordinateFields = () => {
let $latitude = $(`#${config.latitudeId}`);
if ($latitude.length < 1) {
$latitude = $(``);
let $longitude = $(`#${config.longitudeId}`);
if ($longitude.length < 1) {
$longitude = $(``);
const clearCoordinateFields = () => {
if (geocoded) {
const setCoordinates = (coordinates) => {
$(`#${config.latitudeId}`).val(coordinates[0]).attr("value", coordinates[0]);
$(`#${config.longitudeId}`).val(coordinates[1]).attr("value", coordinates[1]);
// When the user changes the value of the coordinate field without selecting
// any of the geocoding autocomplete results, clear the current latitude and
// longitude values to let the backend do the geocoding. Once a geocoding
// autocomplete value has been selected, assume the user just wants to
// refine the address formatting without changing the location point value.
// If they want, they can still modify the point in the next step of the
// proposal creation/editing.
$input.on("change.decidim", () => {
// When we receive the geocoding event on the field, update the coordinate
// values.
$input.on("geocoder-suggest-coordinates.decidim", (_ev, coordinates) => {
geocoded = true;
if (typeof callback === "function") {
// Set the initial values if the field defines the coordinates
const coordinates = `${$input.data("coordinates")}`.split(",").map(parseFloat);
if (Array.isArray(coordinates) && coordinates.length === 2) {