# Treetop (http://treetop.rubyforge.org/) grammar for package definitions. module Fig grammar Fig rule package optional_ws statements:(package_statement*) optional_ws { def to_package(directory, build_state) return build_state.new_package_statement(directory, statements) end } end rule package_statement archive / resource / retrieve / config end # Note that these are being parsed like they allow globbing despite # globbing not being performed. rule archive statement_start:"archive" ws resource_url { def to_package_statement(build_state) return build_state.new_asset_statement( Statement::Archive, statement_start, resource_url ) end } end rule resource statement_start:"resource" ws resource_url { def to_package_statement(build_state) return build_state.new_asset_statement( Statement::Resource, statement_start, resource_url ) end } end rule retrieve statement_start:"retrieve" ws var:environment_variable_name "->" path:retrieve_path ws { def to_package_statement(build_state) return build_state.new_retrieve_statement(statement_start, var, path) end } end rule retrieve_path [a-zA-Z0-9_/.\[\]-]+ end rule config statement_start:"config" ws config_name ws statements:config_statement* "end" ws { def to_package_statement(build_state) return build_state.new_configuration_statement( statement_start, config_name, statements ) end } end rule config_name [a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+ end rule config_statement override / include / command / path / set end rule include statement_start:"include" ws descriptor_string ws { def to_config_statement(build_state) return build_state.new_include_statement( statement_start, descriptor_string ) end } end rule override statement_start:"override" ws descriptor_string ws { def to_config_statement(build_state) return build_state.new_override_statement( statement_start, descriptor_string ) end } end rule path statement_start:("add" / "append" / "path") ws name_value:[\S]+ ws { def to_config_statement(build_state) return build_state.new_environment_variable_statement( Statement::Path, statement_start, name_value ) end } end rule environment_variable_name [a-zA-Z0-9_]+ end rule set statement_start:"set" ws name_value:[\S]+ ws { def to_config_statement(build_state) return build_state.new_environment_variable_statement( Statement::Set, statement_start, name_value ) end } end rule command statement_start:"command" ws string { def to_config_statement(build_state) return build_state.new_command_statement(statement_start, string) end } end rule string '"' value:(!'"' . )* '"' ws end rule descriptor_string [\S]+ end rule resource_url # Unquoted allows globbing for files, quoted does not. # # Unquoted, anything but: # @ - To allow for package substitution # "<>| - Characters not allowed in filenames on Windows # \s - Necessary for the "ws" token to work (url:[^@"<>|\s]+ ws) # Quoted, anything but: # @ - To allow for package substitution # "<>| - Characters not allowed in filenames on Windows # *?\[\]{} - Characters significant to Dir.glob() # \s - We just don't want these. :] (May need to allow space.) / ('"' url:[^@"<>|*?\[\]{}\s]+ '"' ws) end rule ws [ \n\r\t]+ end rule optional_ws [ \n\r\t]* end end end