Import-Module WebAdministration Function Install-Site( # Folder where all your websites are located [string] $WebSiteRootFolder = "C:\WebSites", # The port your default binding is using [int] $Port = 80, # Where the source files are -- without any trailing slash or otherwise -- # just the name, please. [string] $SourceDirectory = "source", # Name of site that you're setting up [string] $SiteName ) { #site folder $siteInstallLocation = "$WebSiteRootFolder\$SiteName" #site application pool $siteAppPool = "$SiteName-pool" #check if the site is already present (determines update or install) $isPresent = Get-Website -name $siteName if($isPresent){ # Upgrade the current package Write-Host "$SiteName will be updated" Copy-Item "$SourceDirectory\*" -Recurse $siteInstallLocation -Force } else { # Install a clean version of the package Write-Host "$SiteName will be installed" # Create site folder new-item $siteInstallLocation -ItemType directory -Force # Copy site files to site folder Copy-Item $SourceDirectory -Recurse $siteInstallLocation -Force # Create application pool New-WebAppPool -Name $siteAppPool -Force $hostHeader = Invoke-Expression "facter fqdn" # Create site New-Website -Name $SiteName -Port $Port -HostHeader $hostHeader ` -ApplicationPool $siteAppPool -PhysicalPath $siteInstallLocation } }