= LutaML Ruby modeller https://github.com/lutaml/lutaml-model[image:https://img.shields.io/github/stars/lutaml/lutaml-model.svg?style=social[GitHub Stars]] https://github.com/lutaml/lutaml-model[image:https://img.shields.io/github/forks/lutaml/lutaml-model.svg?style=social[GitHub Forks]] image:https://img.shields.io/github/license/lutaml/lutaml-model.svg[License] image:https://img.shields.io/github/actions/workflow/status/lutaml/lutaml-model/test.yml?branch=main[Build Status] image:https://img.shields.io/gem/v/lutaml-model.svg[RubyGems Version] == Purpose Lutaml::Model is a lightweight library for serializing and deserializing Ruby objects to and from various formats such as JSON, XML, YAML, and TOML. It uses an adapter pattern to support multiple libraries for each format, providing flexibility and extensibility for your data modeling needs. The name "LutaML" comes from the Latin word for clay, "Lutum", and "ML" for Markup Language. Just as clay can be molded and modeled into beautiful and practical end products, the Lutaml::Model gem is used for data modeling, allowing you to shape and structure your data into useful forms. NOTE: Lutaml::Model is designed to be compatible with the https://www.shalerb.org[Shale] data modeling API. Shale is an amazing Ruby data modeller. Lutaml::Model is meant to address needs that are not currently addressed by Shale. == Data modeling in a nutshell Data modeling is the process of creating a data model for the data to be stored in a database or used in an application. It helps in defining the structure, relationships, and constraints of the data, making it easier to manage and use. Lutaml::Model simplifies data modeling in Ruby by allowing you to define models with attributes and serialize/deserialize them to/from various serialization formats seamlessly. == Features * Define models with attributes and types * Serialize and deserialize models to/from JSON, XML, YAML, and TOML * Support for multiple serialization libraries (e.g., `toml-rb`, `tomlib`) * Configurable adapters for different serialization formats * Support for collections and default values * Custom serialization/deserialization methods * XML namespaces and mappings == Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: [source,ruby] ---- gem 'lutaml-model' ---- And then execute: [source,shell] ---- bundle install ---- Or install it yourself as: [source,shell] ---- gem install lutaml-model ---- == Defining a data model class === General There are two ways to define a data model in Lutaml::Model: * Inheriting from the `Lutaml::Model::Serializable` class * Including the `Lutaml::Model::Serialize` module === Definition through inheritance The simplest way to define a model is to create a class that inherits from `Lutaml::Model::Serializable`. The `attribute` class method is used to define attributes. [source,ruby] ---- require 'lutaml/model' class Kiln < Lutaml::Model::Serializable attribute :brand, Lutaml::Model::Type::String attribute :capacity, Lutaml::Model::Type::Integer attribute :temperature, Lutaml::Model::Type::Integer end ---- === Definition through inclusion If the model class already has a super class that it inherits from, the model can be extended using the `Lutaml::Model::Serialize` module. [source,ruby] ---- require 'lutaml/model' class Kiln < SomeSuperClass include Lutaml::Model::Serialize attribute :brand, Lutaml::Model::Type::String attribute :capacity, Lutaml::Model::Type::Integer attribute :temperature, Lutaml::Model::Type::Integer end ---- == Defining attributes === Supported attribute value types Lutaml::Model supports the following attribute types, they can be referred by a string, a symbol, or their class constant. Syntax: [source,ruby] ---- attribute :name_of_attribute, {symbol | string | class} ---- |=== | String | Symbol | Class name | Actual value class | `String` | `:string` | `Lutaml::Model::Type::String` | `::String` | `Integer` | `:integer` | `Lutaml::Model::Type::Integer` | `::Integer` | `Float` | `:float` | `Lutaml::Model::Type::Float` | `::Float` | `Date` | `:date` | `Lutaml::Model::Type::Date` | `::Date` | `Time` | `:time` | `Lutaml::Model::Type::Time` | `::Time` | `DateTime` | `:date_time` | `Lutaml::Model::Type::DateTime` | `::DateTime` | `TimeWithoutDate` | `:time_without_date` | `Lutaml::Model::Type::TimeWithoutDate` | `::Time` | `Boolean` | `:boolean` | `Lutaml::Model::Type::Boolean` | `Boolean` | `Decimal` | `:decimal` | `Lutaml::Model::Type::Decimal` | `::BigDecimal` | `Hash` | `:hash` | `Lutaml::Model::Type::Hash` | `::Hash` | `Uuid` | `:uuid` | `Lutaml::Model::Type::Uuid` | `::String` | `Symbol` | `:symbol` | `Lutaml::Model::Type::Symbol` | `Symbol` | `Binary` | `:binary` | `Lutaml::Model::Type::Binary` | `Binary` | `Url` | `:url` | `Lutaml::Model::Type::Url` | `::URI` | `IpAddress` | `:ip_address` | `Lutaml::Model::Type::IpAddress` | `::IPAddr` | `Json` | `:json` | `Lutaml::Model::Type::Json` | `::JSON` |=== .Defining attributes with supported types via symbol, string and class [example] ==== [source,ruby] ---- class Studio < Lutaml::Model::Serializable # The following are equivalent attribute :location, :string attribute :potter, "String" attribute :kiln, Lutaml::Model::Type::String end ---- [source,ruby] ---- > s = Studio.new(location: 'London', potter: 'John Doe', kiln: 'Kiln 1') > # <Studio:0x0000000104ac7240 @location="London", @potter="John Doe", @kiln="Kiln 1"> > s.location > # "London" > s.potter > # "John Doe" > s.kiln > # "Kiln 1" ---- ==== === Attribute as a collection Define attributes as collections (arrays or hashes) to store multiple values using the `collection` option. Syntax: [source,ruby] ---- attribute :name_of_attribute, Type, collection: true ---- .Using the `collection` option to define a collection attribute [example] ==== [source,ruby] ---- class Studio < Lutaml::Model::Serializable attribute :location, Lutaml::Model::Type::String attribute :potters, Lutaml::Model::Type::String, collection: true end ---- [source,ruby] ---- > Studio.new.potters > # [] > Studio.new(potters: ['John Doe', 'Jane Doe']).potters > # ['John Doe', 'Jane Doe'] ---- ==== === Attribute as an enumeration An attribute can be defined as an enumeration by using the `values` directive. The `values` directive is used to define acceptable values in an attribute. If any other value is given, a `Lutaml::Model::InvalidValueError` will be raised. Syntax: [source,ruby] ---- attribute :name_of_attribute, Type, values: [value1, value2, ...] ---- .Using the `values` directive to define acceptable values for an attribute [example] ==== [source,ruby] ---- class Ceramic < Lutaml::Model::Serializable attribute :type, Lutaml::Model::Type::String, values: ['Porcelain', 'Earthenware', 'Stoneware'] end ---- [source,ruby] ---- > Ceramic.new(type: 'Porcelain').type > # "Porcelain" > Ceramic.new(type: 'Earthenware').type > # "Earthenware" > Ceramic.new(type: 'Bone China').type > # Lutaml::Model::InvalidValueError: Invalid value for attribute 'type' ---- ==== === Attribute value default Specify default values for attributes using the `default` option. The `default` option can be set to a value or a lambda that returns a value. Syntax: [source,ruby] ---- attribute :name_of_attribute, Type, default: -> { value } ---- .Using the `default` option to set a default value for an attribute [example] ==== [source,ruby] ---- class Glaze < Lutaml::Model::Serializable attribute :color, Lutaml::Model::Type::String, default: -> { 'Clear' } attribute :temperature, Lutaml::Model::Type::Integer, default: -> { 1050 } end ---- [source,ruby] ---- > Glaze.new.color > # "Clear" > Glaze.new.temperature > # 1050 ---- ==== == Serialization model mappings === General Lutaml::Model allows you to translate a data model into serialization models of various serialization formats including XML, JSON, YAML, and TOML. Depending on the serialization format, different methods are supported for defining serialization and deserialization mappings. Serialization model mappings are defined under the `xml`, `json`, `yaml`, and `toml` blocks. .Using the `xml`, `json`, `yaml`, and `toml` blocks to define serialization mappings [source,ruby] ---- class Example < Lutaml::Model::Serializable xml do # ... end json do # ... end yaml do # ... end toml do # ... end end ---- === XML ==== Setting root element name The `root` method sets the root element tag name of the XML document. If `root` is not given, then the snake-cased class name will be used as the root. [example] Sets the tag name for `<example>` in XML `<example>...</example>`. Syntax: [source,ruby] ---- xml do root 'xml_element_name' end ---- .Setting the root element name to `example` [example] ==== [source,ruby] ---- class Example < Lutaml::Model::Serializable xml do root 'example' end end ---- [source,ruby] ---- > Example.new.to_xml > #<example></example> ---- ==== ==== Mapping elements The `map_element` method maps an XML element to a data model attribute. [example] To handle the `<name>` tag in `<example><name>John Doe</name></example>`. The value will be set to `John Doe`. Syntax: [source,ruby] ---- xml do map_element 'xml_element_name', to: :name_of_attribute end ---- .Mapping the `name` tag to the `name` attribute [example] ==== [source,ruby] ---- class Example < Lutaml::Model::Serializable attribute :name, Lutaml::Model::Type::String xml do root 'example' map_element 'name', to: :name end end ---- [source,xml] ---- <example><name>John Doe</name></example> ---- [source,ruby] ---- > Example.from_xml(xml) > #<Example:0x0000000104ac7240 @name="John Doe"> > Example.new(name: "John Doe").to_xml > #<example><name>John Doe</name></example> ---- ==== ==== Mapping attributes The `map_attribute` method maps an XML attribute to a data model attribute. Syntax: [source,ruby] ---- xml do map_attribute 'xml_attribute_name', to: :name_of_attribute end ---- .Using `map_attribute` to map the `value` attribute [example] ==== The following class will parse the XML snippet below: [source,ruby] ---- class Example < Lutaml::Model::Serializable attribute :value, Lutaml::Model::Type::Integer xml do root 'example' map_attribute 'value', to: :value end end ---- [source,xml] ---- <example value=12><name>John Doe</name></example> ---- [source,ruby] ---- > Example.from_xml(xml) > #<Example:0x0000000104ac7240 @value=12> > Example.new(value: 12).to_xml > #<example value="12"></example> ---- ==== ==== Mapping content Content represents the text inside an XML element, inclusive of whitespace. The `map_content` method maps an XML element's content to a data model attribute. Syntax: [source,ruby] ---- xml do map_content to: :name_of_attribute end ---- .Using `map_content` to map content of the `description` tag [example] ==== The following class will parse the XML snippet below: [source,ruby] ---- class Example < Lutaml::Model::Serializable attribute :description, Lutaml::Model::Type::String xml do root 'example' map_content to: :description end end ---- [source,xml] ---- <example>John Doe is my moniker.</example> ---- [source,ruby] ---- > Example.from_xml(xml) > #<Example:0x0000000104ac7240 @description="John Doe is my moniker."> > Example.new(description: "John Doe is my moniker.").to_xml > #<example>John Doe is my moniker.</example> ---- ==== ==== Example for mapping [example] ==== The following class will parse the XML snippet below: [source,ruby] ---- class Example < Lutaml::Model::Serializable attribute :name, Lutaml::Model::Type::String attribute :description, Lutaml::Model::Type::String attribute :value, Lutaml::Model::Type::Integer xml do root 'example' map_element 'name', to: :name map_attribute 'value', to: :value map_content to: :description end end ---- [source,xml] ---- <example value=12><name>John Doe</name> is my moniker.</example> ---- [source,ruby] ---- > Example.from_xml(xml) > #<Example:0x0000000104ac7240 @name="John Doe", @description=" is my moniker.", @value=12> > Example.new(name: "John Doe", description: " is my moniker.", value: 12).to_xml > #<example value="12"><name>John Doe</name> is my moniker.</example> ---- ==== ==== Namespaces ===== Namespace at root The `namespace` method in the `xml` block sets the namespace for the root element. Syntax: [source,ruby] ---- xml do namespace 'http://example.com/namespace' end ---- .Using the `namespace` method to set the namespace for the root element [example] ==== [source,ruby] ---- class Ceramic < Lutaml::Model::Serializable attribute :type, Lutaml::Model::Type::String attribute :glaze, Lutaml::Model::Type::String xml do root 'Ceramic' namespace 'http://example.com/ceramic' map_element 'Type', to: :type map_element 'Glaze', to: :glaze end end ---- [source,xml] ---- <Ceramic xmlns='http://example.com/ceramic'><Type>Porcelain</Type><Glaze>Clear</Glaze></Ceramic> ---- [source,ruby] ---- > Ceramic.from_xml(xml_file) > #<Ceramic:0x0000000104ac7240 @type="Porcelain", @glaze="Clear"> > Ceramic.new(type: "Porcelain", glaze: "Clear").to_xml > #<Ceramic xmlns="http://example.com/ceramic"><Type>Porcelain</Type><Glaze>Clear</Glaze></Ceramic> ---- ==== ===== Namespace on attribute If the namespace is defined on an XML attribute, then that will be given priority over the one defined in the class. Syntax: [source,ruby] ---- xml do map_element 'xml_element_name', to: :name_of_attribute, namespace: 'http://example.com/namespace', prefix: 'prefix' end ---- `namespace`:: The XML namespace used by this element `prefix`:: The XML namespace prefix used by this element (optional) .Using the `namespace` option to set the namespace for an element [example] ==== In this example, `glz` will be used for `Glaze` if it is added inside the `Ceramic` class, and `glaze` will be used otherwise. [source,ruby] ---- class Glaze < Lutaml::Model::Serializable attribute :color, Lutaml::Model::Type::String attribute :temperature, Lutaml::Model::Type::Integer xml do root 'Glaze' namespace 'http://example.com/old_glaze', 'glaze' map_element 'color', to: :color map_element 'temperature', to: :temperature end end class Ceramic < Lutaml::Model::Serializable attribute :type, Lutaml::Model::Type::String attribute :glaze, Glaze xml do root 'Ceramic' map_element 'Type', to: :type map_element 'Glaze', to: :glaze, namespace: 'http://example.com/glaze', prefix: "glz" map_attribute 'xmlns', to: :namespace, namespace: 'http://example.com/ceramic' end end ---- [source,xml] ---- <Ceramic xmlns='http://example.com/ceramic'> <Type>Porcelain</Type> <glz:Glaze xmlns='http://example.com/glaze'> <color>Clear</color> <temperature>1050</temperature> </glz:Glaze> </Ceramic> ---- [source,ruby] ---- > Ceramic.from_xml(xml_file) > #<Ceramic:0x0000000104ac7240 @type="Porcelain", @glaze=#<Glaze:0x0000000104ac7240 @color="Clear", @temperature=1050>> > Ceramic.new(type: "Porcelain", glaze: Glaze.new(color: "Clear", temperature: 1050)).to_xml > #<Ceramic xmlns="http://example.com/ceramic"><Type>Porcelain</Type><glz:Glaze xmlns="http://example.com/glaze"><color>Clear</color><temperature>1050</temperature></glz:Glaze></Ceramic> ---- ==== ===== Namespace with `inherit` option The `inherit` option is used at the element level to inherit the namespace from the root element. Syntax: [source,ruby] ---- xml do map_element 'xml_element_name', to: :name_of_attribute, namespace: :inherit end ---- .Using the `inherit` option to inherit the namespace from the root element [example] ==== In this example, the `Type` element will inherit the namespace from the root. [source,ruby] ---- class Ceramic < Lutaml::Model::Serializable attribute :type, Lutaml::Model::Type::String attribute :glaze, Lutaml::Model::Type::String attribute :color, Lutaml::Model::Type::String xml do root 'Ceramic' namespace 'http://example.com/ceramic', prefix: 'cera' map_element 'Type', to: :type, namespace: :inherit map_element 'Glaze', to: :glaze map_attribute 'color', to: :color, namespace: 'http://example.com/color', prefix: 'clr' end end ---- [source,xml] ---- <Ceramic xmlns:cera='http://example.com/ceramic' xmlns:clr='http://example.com/color' clr:color="navy-blue"> <cera:Type>Porcelain</cera:Type> <Glaze>Clear</Glaze> </Ceramic> ---- [source,ruby] ---- > Ceramic.from_xml(xml_file) > #<Ceramic:0x0000000104ac7240 @type="Porcelain", @glaze="Clear", @color="navy-blue"> > Ceramic.new(type: "Porcelain", glaze: "Clear", color: "navy-blue").to_xml > #<Ceramic xmlns:cera="http://example.com/ceramic" # xmlns:clr='http://example.com/color' # clr:color="navy-blue"> # <cera:Type>Porcelain</cera:Type> # <Glaze>Clear</Glaze> # </Ceramic> ---- ==== ==== Mixed content ===== General In XML there can be tags that contain content mixed with other tags and where whitespace is significant, such as to represent rich text. [example] ==== [source,xml] ---- <description><p>My name is <bold>John Doe</bold>, and I'm <i>28</i> years old</p></description> ---- ==== To map this to Lutaml::Model we can use the `mixed` option in either way: * when defining the model; * when referencing the model. ===== Specifying the `mixed` option at `root` This will always treat the content of the element itself as mixed content. Syntax: [source,ruby] ---- xml do root 'xml_element_name', mixed: true end ---- .Applying `mixed` to treat root as mixed content [example] ==== [source,ruby] ---- class Paragraph < Lutaml::Model::Serializable attribute :bold, Lutaml::Model::Type::String attribute :italic, Lutaml::Model::Type::String xml do root 'p', mixed: true map_element 'bold', to: :bold map_element 'i', to: :italic end end ---- [source,ruby] ---- > Paragraph.from_xml("<p>My name is <bold>John Doe</bold>, and I'm <i>28</i> years old</p>") > #<Paragraph:0x0000000104ac7240 @bold="John Doe", @italic="28"> > Paragraph.new(bold: "John Doe", italic: "28").to_xml > #<p>My name is <bold>John Doe</bold>, and I'm <i>28</i> years old</p> ---- ==== TODO: How to create mixed content from `#new`? ===== Specifying the `mixed` option when referencing a model This will only treat the content of the referenced model as mixed content if the `mixed: true` is added when referencing it. Syntax: [source,ruby] ---- xml do map_element 'xml_element_name', to: :name_of_attribute, mixed: true end ---- .Applying `mixed` to treat an inner element as mixed content [example] ==== [source,ruby] ---- class Paragraph < Lutaml::Model::Serializable attribute :bold, Lutaml::Model::Type::String attribute :italic, Lutaml::Model::Type::String xml do root 'p' map_element 'bold', to: :bold map_element 'i', to: :italic end end class Description < Lutaml::Model::Serializable attribute :paragraph, Paragraph xml do root 'description' map_element 'p', to: :paragraph, mixed: true end end ---- [source,ruby] ---- > Description.from_xml("<description><p>My name is <bold>John Doe</bold>, and I'm <i>28</i> years old</p></description>") > #<Description:0x0000000104ac7240 @paragraph=#<Paragraph:0x0000000104ac7240 @bold="John Doe", @italic="28">> > Description.new(paragraph: Paragraph.new(bold: "John Doe", italic: "28")).to_xml > #<description><p>My name is <bold>John Doe</bold>, and I'm <i>28</i> years old</p></description> ---- ==== === Key value data models ==== General Key-value data models like JSON, YAML, and TOML all share a similar structure where data is stored as key-value pairs. Lutaml::Model works with these formats in a similar way. ==== Mapping The `map` method is used to define key-value mappings. Syntax: [source,ruby] ---- json | yaml | toml do map 'key_value_model_attribute_name', to: :name_of_attribute end ---- .Using the `map` method to define key-value mappings [example] ==== [source,ruby] ---- class Example < Lutaml::Model::Serializable attribute :name, Lutaml::Model::Type::String attribute :value, Lutaml::Model::Type::Integer json do map 'name', to: :name map 'value', to: :value end yaml do map 'name', to: :name map 'value', to: :value end toml do map 'name', to: :name map 'value', to: :value end end ---- [source,json] ---- { "name": "John Doe", "value": 28 } ---- [source,ruby] ---- > Example.from_json(json) > #<Example:0x0000000104ac7240 @name="John Doe", @value=28> > Example.new(name: "John Doe", value: 28).to_json > #{"name"=>"John Doe", "value"=>28} ---- ==== ==== Nested attribute mappings The `map` method can also be used to map nested key-value data models by referring to a Lutaml::Model class as an attribute class. [example] ==== [source,ruby] ---- class Glaze < Lutaml::Model::Serializable attribute :color, Lutaml::Model::Type::String attribute :temperature, Lutaml::Model::Type::Integer json do map 'color', to: :color map 'temperature', to: :temperature end end class Ceramic < Lutaml::Model::Serializable attribute :type, Lutaml::Model::Type::String attribute :glaze, Glaze json do map 'type', to: :type map 'glaze', to: :glaze end end ---- [source,json] ---- { "type": "Porcelain", "glaze": { "color": "Clear", "temperature": 1050 } } ---- [source,ruby] ---- > Ceramic.from_json(json) > #<Ceramic:0x0000000104ac7240 @type="Porcelain", @glaze=#<Glaze:0x0000000104ac7240 @color="Clear", @temperature=1050>> > Ceramic.new(type: "Porcelain", glaze: Glaze.new(color: "Clear", temperature: 1050)).to_json > #{"type"=>"Porcelain", "glaze"=>{"color"=>"Clear", "temperature"=>1050}} ---- ==== === Advanced attribute mapping ==== Attribute mapping delegation Delegate attribute mappings to nested objects using the `delegate` option. Syntax: [source,ruby] ---- xml | json | yaml | toml do map 'key_value_model_attribute_name', to: :name_of_attribute, delegate: :model_to_delegate_to end ---- .Using the `delegate` option to map attributes to nested objects [example] ==== The following class will parse the JSON snippet below: [source,ruby] ---- class Glaze < Lutaml::Model::Serializable attribute :color, Lutaml::Model::Type::String attribute :temperature, Lutaml::Model::Type::Integer json do map 'color', to: :color map 'temperature', to: :temperature end end class Ceramic < Lutaml::Model::Serializable attribute :type, Lutaml::Model::Type::String attribute :glaze, Glaze json do map 'type', to: :type map 'color', to: :color, delegate: :glaze end end ---- [source,json] ---- { "type": "Porcelain", "color": "Clear" } ---- [source,ruby] ---- > Ceramic.from_json(json) > #<Ceramic:0x0000000104ac7240 @type="Porcelain", @glaze=#<Glaze:0x0000000104ac7240 @color="Clear", @temperature=nil>> > Ceramic.new(type: "Porcelain", glaze: Glaze.new(color: "Clear")).to_json > #{"type"=>"Porcelain", "color"=>"Clear"} ---- ==== ==== Attribute serialization with custom methods Define custom methods for specific attribute mappings using the `with:` key for each serialization mapping block for `from` and `to`. Syntax: [source,ruby] ---- xml | json | yaml | toml do map 'key_value_model_attribute_name', to: :name_of_attribute, with: { to: :method_name_to_serialize, from: :method_name_to_deserialize } end ---- .Using the `with:` key to define custom serialization methods [example] ==== The following class will parse the JSON snippet below: [source,ruby] ---- class CustomCeramic < Lutaml::Model::Serializable attribute :name, Lutaml::Model::Type::String attribute :size, Lutaml::Model::Type::Integer json do map 'name', to: :name, with: { to: :name_to_json, from: :name_from_json } map 'size', to: :size end def name_to_json(model, value) "Masterpiece: #{value}" end def name_from_json(model, doc) doc['name'].sub(/^Masterpiece: /, '') end end ---- [source,json] ---- { "name": "Masterpiece: Vase", "size": 12 } ---- [source,ruby] ---- > CustomCeramic.from_json(json) > #<CustomCeramic:0x0000000104ac7240 @name="Vase", @size=12> > CustomCeramic.new(name: "Vase", size: 12).to_json > #{"name"=>"Masterpiece: Vase", "size"=>12} ---- ==== ==== Attribute extraction NOTE: This feature is for key-value data model serialization only. The `child_mappings` option is used to extract results from a key-value data model (JSON, YAML, TOML) into a `Lutaml::Model` collection. The values are extracted from the key-value data model using the list of keys provided. Syntax: [source,ruby] ---- json | yaml | toml do map 'key_value_model_attribute_name', to: :name_of_attribute, child_mappings: { key_attribute_name_1: <1> {path_to_value_1}, <2> key_attribute_name_2: {path_to_value_2}, # ... } end ---- <1> The `key_attribute_name_1` is the attribute name in the model. The value of this attribute will be assigned the key of the hash in the key-value data model. <2> The `path_to_value_1` is an array of keys that represent the path to the value in the key-value data model. The keys are used to extract the value from the key-value data model and assign it to the attribute in the model. The `path_to_value` is in a nested array format with each value a symbol, where each symbol represents a key to traverse down. The last key in the path is the value to be extracted. .Determining the path to value in a key-value data model [example] ==== The following JSON contains 2 keys in schema named `engine` and `gearbox`. [source,json] ---- { "components": { "engine": { "manufacturer": "Ford", "model": "V8" }, "gearbox": { "manufacturer": "Toyota", "model": "4-speed" } } } ---- The path to value for the `engine` schema is `[:components, :engine]` and for the `gearbox` schema is `[:components, :gearbox]`. ==== In `path_to_value`, the `:key` and `:value` are reserved instructions used to assign the key or value of the serialization data respectively as the value to the attribute. [example] ==== In the following JSON content, the `path_to_value` for the object keys named `engine` and `gearbox` will utilize the `:key` keyword to assign the key of the object as the value of a designated attribute. [source,json] ---- { "components": { "engine": { /*...*/ }, "gearbox": { /*...*/ } } } ---- ==== If a specified value path is not found, the corresponding attribute in the model will be assigned a `nil` value. .Attribute values set to `nil` when the `path_to_value` is not found [example] ==== In the following JSON content, the `path_to_value` of `[:extras, :sunroof]` and `[:extras, :drinks_cooler]` at the object `"gearbox"` would be set to `nil`. [source,json] ---- { "components": { "engine": { "manufacturer": "Ford", "extras": { "sunroof": true, "drinks_cooler": true } }, "gearbox": { "manufacturer": "Toyota" } } } ---- ==== .Using the `child_mappings` option to extract values from a key-value data model [example] ==== The following JSON contains 2 keys in schema named `foo` and `bar`. [source,json] ---- { "schemas": { "foo": { <1> "path": { <2> "link": "link one", "name": "one" } }, "bar": { <1> "path": { <2> "link": "link two", "name": "two" } } } } ---- <1> The keys `foo` and `bar` are to be mapped to the `id` attribute. <2> The nested `path.link` and `path.name` keys are used as the `link` and `name` attributes, respectively. A model can be defined for this JSON as follows: [source,ruby] ---- class Schema < Lutaml::Model::Serializable attribute :id, Lutaml::Model::Type::String attribute :link, Lutaml::Model::Type::String attribute :name, Lutaml::Model::Type::String end class ChildMappingClass < Lutaml::Model::Serializable attribute :schemas, Schema, collection: true json do map "schemas", to: :schemas, child_mappings: { id: :key, link: %i[path link], name: %i[path name], } end end ---- The output becomes: [source,ruby] ---- > ChildMappingClass.from_json(json) > #<ChildMappingClass:0x0000000104ac7240 @schemas= [#<Schema:0x0000000104ac6e30 @id="foo", @link="link one", @name="one">, #<Schema:0x0000000104ac58f0 @id="bar", @link="link two", @name="two">]> > ChildMappingClass.new(schemas: [Schema.new(id: "foo", link: "link one", name: "one"), Schema.new(id: "bar", link: "link two", name: "two")]).to_json > #{"schemas"=>{"foo"=>{"path"=>{"link"=>"link one", "name"=>"one"}}, {"bar"=>{"path"=>{"link"=>"link two", "name"=>"two"}}}} ---- In this example: * The `key` of each schema (`foo` and `bar`) is mapped to the `id` attribute. * The nested `path.link` and `path.name` keys are mapped to the `link` and `name` attributes, respectively. ==== == Adapters === General Lutaml::Model uses an adapter pattern to support multiple libraries for each serialization format. You will need to specify the configuration for the adapter you want to use. The easiest way is to copy and paste the following configuration into your code. The default configuration is as follows: [source,ruby] ---- require 'lutaml/model' require 'lutaml/model/xml_adapter/nokogiri_adapter' require 'lutaml/model/json_adapter/standard_json_adapter' require 'lutaml/model/toml_adapter/toml_rb_adapter' require 'lutaml/model/yaml_adapter/standard_yaml_adapter' Lutaml::Model::Config.configure do |config| config.xml_adapter = Lutaml::Model::XmlAdapter::NokogiriAdapter config.yaml_adapter = Lutaml::Model::YamlAdapter::StandardYamlAdapter config.json_adapter = Lutaml::Model::JsonAdapter::StandardJsonAdapter config.toml_adapter = Lutaml::Model::TomlAdapter::TomlRbAdapter end ---- === XML Lutaml::Model supports the following XML adapters: * Nokogiri (default) * Oga (optional, plain Ruby suitable for Opal/JS) * Ox (optional) .Using the Nokogiri XML adapter [source,ruby] ---- require 'lutaml/model' Lutaml::Model::Config.configure do |config| require 'lutaml/model/xml_adapter/nokogiri_adapter' config.xml_adapter = Lutaml::Model::XmlAdapter::NokogiriAdapter end ---- .Using the Oga XML adapter [source,ruby] ---- require 'lutaml/model' Lutaml::Model::Config.configure do |config| require 'lutaml/model/xml_adapter/oga_adapter' config.xml_adapter = Lutaml::Model::XmlAdapter::OgaAdapter end ---- .Using the Ox XML adapter [source,ruby] ---- require 'lutaml/model' Lutaml::Model::Config.configure do |config| require 'lutaml/model/xml_adapter/ox_adapter' config.xml_adapter = Lutaml::Model::XmlAdapter::OxAdapter end ---- === YAML Lutaml::Model supports only one YAML adapter. * YAML (default) .Using the YAML adapter [source,ruby] ---- require 'lutaml/model' Lutaml::Model::Config.configure do |config| require 'lutaml/model/yaml_adapter/standard_yaml_adapter' config.yaml_adapter = Lutaml::Model::YamlAdapter::StandardYamlAdapter end ---- === JSON Lutaml::Model supports the following JSON adapters: * JSON (default) * MultiJson (optional) .Using the JSON adapter [source,ruby] ---- require 'lutaml/model' Lutaml::Model::Config.configure do |config| require 'lutaml/model/json_adapter/standard_json_adapter' config.json_adapter = Lutaml::Model::JsonAdapter::StandardJsonAdapter end ---- .Using the MultiJson adapter [source,ruby] ---- require 'lutaml/model' Lutaml::Model::Config.configure do |config| require 'lutaml/model/json_adapter/multi_json_adapter' config.json_adapter = Lutaml::Model::JsonAdapter::MultiJsonAdapter end ---- === TOML Lutaml::Model supports the following TOML adapters: * Toml-rb (default) * Tomlib (optional) .Using the Toml-rb adapter [source,ruby] ---- require 'lutaml/model' Lutaml::Model::Config.configure do |config| require 'lutaml/model/toml_adapter/toml_rb_adapter' config.toml_adapter = Lutaml::Model::TomlAdapter::TomlRbAdapter end ---- .Using the Tomlib adapter [source,ruby] ---- require 'lutaml/model' Lutaml::Model::Config.configure do |config| config.toml_adapter = Lutaml::Model::TomlAdapter::TomlibAdapter require 'lutaml/model/toml_adapter/tomlib_adapter' end ---- == License and Copyright This project is licensed under the BSD 2-clause License. See the LICENSE file for details. Copyright Ribose.