v1.1.1 June 2021 - Fix a regression when normalizing indicator values when serializing marcxml v1.1.0 June 2021 - Add support for additional valid subfield codes in marcxml v1.0.2 July 2017 - Now (correctly) throw an error if datafield string is the empty string (thanks to @bibliotechy) v1.0.1 February 2016 - Non-user-facing change in implementation of FieldMap strictly for performance v1.0.0 January 2015 - Mostly changes that deal with encoding, plus the plunge to a 1.0 release v0.5.0 April 2012 - Extensive rewrite of MARC::Reader (ISO 2709 binary reader) to provide a fairly complete and consistent handing of char encoding issues in ruby 1.9. - This code is well covered by automated tests, but ends up complex, there may be bugs, please report them. - May not work properly under jruby with non-unicode source encodings. - Still can't handle Marc8 encoding. - May not have entirely backwards compatible behavior with regard to char encodings under ruby 1.9.x as previous 0.4.x versions. Test your code. In particular, previous versions may have automatically _transcoded_ non-unicode encodings to UTF-8 for you. This version will not do so unless you ask it to with correct arguments. v0.4.4 Sat Mar 03 14:55:00 EDT 2012 - Fixed performance regression: strict reader will parse about 5x faster now - Updated CHANGES file for first time in a long time :-) v0.3.0 Wed Sep 23 21:51:00 EDT 2009 - Nokogiri and jrexml parser integration added as well as Ruby 1.9 support v0.2.2 Tue Dec 30 09:50:33 EST 2008 - DataField tags that are all numeric are now padded with leading zeros v0.2.1 Mon Aug 18 14:14:16 EDT 2008 - can now process records that have fields tags that are non-numeric (thanks Ross Singer) v0.2.0 Wed Jun 11 12:42:20 EDT 2008 - added newline to output generated by REXML::Formatters::Default to make it a bit more friendly. REXML::Formatters::Pretty and Transitive just don't do what I want (whitespace in weird places). v0.1.9 Thu Jun 5 12:00:01 EDT 2008 - small docfix change in XMLReader - use REXML::Formatters::Default instead of deprecated REXML::Element.write v0.1.8 Tue Nov 13 22:51:03 EST 2007 - added examples directory - fixed problem with leading whitespace and the leader in xml reader (thanks Morgan Cundiff) v0.1.7 Mon Nov 12 09:33:57 EST 2007 - updated Record.to_marc documentation to be a bit more precise - removed doc references to MARC::Field which is no longer around - changed from Artistic to MIT License v0.1.6 Fri May 4 12:37:33 EDT 2007 - fixed bad record length test - removed MARC::XMLWriter convert_to_utf8 which wasn't really working and shouldn't be there if it isn't good - added unescaping of entities to MARC::XMLReader v0.1.5 Tue May 1 16:50:02 EDT 2007 - docfix in MARC::DataField (thanks Jason Ronallo) - multiple docfixes (thanks Jonathan Rochkind) v0.1.4 Tue Jan 2 15:45:53 EST 2007 - fixed bug in MARC::XMLWriter that was outputting all control field tags as 00z (thanks Ross Singer) - added :include_namespace option to MARC::XMLWriter::encode to include the marcxml namespace, which allows MARC::Record::to_xml to emit the namespace for a single record. v0.1.3 Tue Jan 2 12:56:36 EST 2007 - added ability to map a MARC record to the Dublin Core fields. Calling to_dublin_core on a MARC::Record returns a hash that has Dublin Core fields as the hash keys. v0.1.2 Thu Dec 21 18:46:01 EST 2007 - fixed MARC::Record::to_xml so that it actually is tested and works (thanks Ross Singer) v0.1.1 - added ability to pass File like objects to the constructor for MARC::XMLReader like MARC::Reader (thanks Jake Glenn) v0.1.0 Wed Dec 6 15:40:40 EST 2006 - fixed pretty xml when stylesheet is used - added value() to MARC::DataField - added Rakefile for testing/building v0.0.9 Tue Mar 28 10:02:16 CST 2006 - changed XMLWriter.write to output pretty-printed XML - normalized Text in XML output - added XMLWriter checks and replacements for bad subfield codes and indicator values - added XMLWriter check and replacement for invalid control codes in xml data values - added XMLWriter checks for values in the leader that are invalid MARCXML - added bin/marc2xml - collapsed tc_xmlreader.rb tc_xmlwriter.rb into tc_xml.rb for full write/read test. - added :stylesheet argument to XLMWriter.new v0.0.8 Mon Jan 16 22:31:00 EST 2006 - removed control tests out of tc_field.rb into tc_control.rb - fixed some formatting - changed control/field to controlfield/datafield - added == check for controlfield - removed namespace declarations on record elements in favor of default namespace on collection element - added spaces around subfield code and delimeter in to_s - fixed up relevant tests that were expecting old formatting - fixed xmlreader strip_ns which was rerturning Nil when no namespace was found on an element (exposed by namespace changes). v0.0.7 Mon Jan 2 21:39:28 CST 2006 - MARC::XMLWriter added - removed encode/decode methods in MARC::MARC21 into MARC::Writer and MARC::Reader respectively. This required pushing MARC21 specific constants out into MARC::Constants which is required as necessary. - moved encode from MARC::MARXML into MARC::XMLWriter and added constants to MARC::Constants - added MARC::XMLReader for reading MARX as XML - added xml reading tests - fixed indentation to be two spaces v0.0.6 Tue Oct 18 09:33:12 CDT 2005 - MARC::MARC21::decode throws an exception when a directory can't be found. Exception is caught and ignored in MARC::ForgivingReader v0.0.5 Tue Oct 18 01:50:40 CDT 2005 - when unspecified field indicators are forced to blanks - checking for when a field appears to not have indicators and subfields in which case the field is skipped entirely v0.0.4 Tue Oct 18 00:39:50 CDT 2005 - fixed off by one error when reading in leader, previous versions were reading an extra character v0.0.3 Mon Oct 17 22:51:23 CDT 2005 - added ForgivingReader class and support for reading records without using possibly faulty offsets when the user needs them. v0.0.2 Mon Oct 17 17:42:57 CDT 2005 - updated version string to see if it'll fix some gem oddness v0.0.1 Mon Oct 10 10:29:20 CDT 2005 - initial release