import Migration, { MigrationFunction } from '@watermarkchurch/contentful-migration' // Generated by contentful-schema-diff // from empty-export.json // to 7yx6ovlj39n5 export = function(migration : Migration, { makeRequest, spaceId, accessToken }) { /************ site-config ******************/ var siteConfig = migration.createContentType('site-config', { displayField: 'internalTitle', name: 'Site Config', description: 'This is the top level object for the configuration of your site.' }) siteConfig.createField('internalTitle', { name: 'Internal Title (Contentful Only)', type: 'Symbol', localized: false, required: true, validations: [], disabled: false, omitted: true }) siteConfig.createField('foreignKey', { name: 'Foreign Key', type: 'Symbol', localized: false, required: true, validations: [{ unique: true }, { in: ['default'], message: 'We only allow the default site config for this site' }], disabled: false, omitted: false }) siteConfig.createField('homepage', { name: 'Homepage', type: 'Link', localized: false, required: true, validations: [{ linkContentType: ['page'] }], disabled: false, omitted: false, linkType: 'Entry' }) siteConfig.createField('mainNavigation', { name: 'Main Navigation', type: 'Link', localized: false, required: false, validations: [{ linkContentType: ['menu'] }], disabled: false, omitted: false, linkType: 'Entry' }) siteConfig.createField('brand', { name: 'Brand', type: 'Link', localized: false, required: false, validations: [{ linkContentType: ['menuButton'] }], disabled: false, omitted: false, linkType: 'Entry' }) siteConfig.createField('emailHeader', { name: 'Email Header', type: 'Link', localized: false, required: false, validations: [{ linkMimetypeGroup: ['image'] }], disabled: false, omitted: false, linkType: 'Asset' }) siteConfig.changeEditorInterface('title', 'singleLine') siteConfig.changeEditorInterface('foreignKey', 'radio', { helpText: 'Must be `default`' }) siteConfig.changeEditorInterface('homepage', 'entryLinkEditor') siteConfig.changeEditorInterface('mainNavigation', 'entryLinkEditor') siteConfig.changeEditorInterface('brand', 'entryLinkEditor') siteConfig.changeEditorInterface('emailHeader', 'assetLinkEditor') } as MigrationFunction