How to install on Windows

This document describes how to install and use Rabbit on Windows.

There are required softwares and optional softwares.

Install required softwares

Here are required softwares.

  • Ruby
  • Rabbit

Install Ruby

Install Ruby 1.8.7 from download page of RubyInstall for Windows. For example, Ruby 1.8.7-p334 installer can be downloaded via the following URL.


Install Rabbit

RubyInstaller install "Start Command Prompt with Ruby" program into start menu. This program shows command prompt with PATH configuration for ruby.exe. You can install Rabbit by the following command on the command prompt:

> gem install rabbit

Related softwares (e.g. Ruby/GTK2 and so on) are also install automatically.

Now you can run Rabbit by the following command:

> rabbit

Install optional softwares

Here are optional softwares:

  • RDtool
  • Ghostscript
  • Enscript
  • div

Install RDTool

Install RAA:rdtool.

Extract the following archive and execute setup.rb to install.


EPS format support

  1. Install AFPL Ghostscript for Win32.
  2. Add <Ghostscript Install Path>/gs/gs8.53/bin to the PATH environment variable.

Source code highlighting support

  1. Install Enscript.
  2. Add <Enscript Install Path>/bin to the PATH environment variable.
  3. You may need to obtain for Ruby syntax highlighting.

    > cd <Enscript Install Path>/share/enscript/hl
    > ruby -ropen-uri -e "puts open('').read" >
  4. Install RAA:htree.

    Extract the following archive and execute install.rb to install.


Use rabrick

Install RAA:div.

Extract the following archive and execute install.rb to install.


Sorry for having so many steps.