= FixtureReplacement (version 3.0.1)
== What is FixtureReplacement
FixtureReplacement is a Rails[http://rubyonrails.org/] plugin that provides a simple way to
quickly populate your test database with model objects without having to manage multiple,
brittle fixture files. You can easily set up complex object graphs (with models which
reference other models) and add new objects on the fly.
Not only can FixtureReplacement make your test data easier to maintain, it can also help
to make your tests and specs much more readable and intention-revealing by allowing you
to omit extraneous details and focus only on the attributes that are important for a
particular behaviour. It works well with both RSpec[http://rspec.rubyforge.org/] and
== What's new since 2.0:
* default_* is gone in favor of new_*.
* Cyclic dependencies are no longer an issue. The "overrides hash" (the hash passed to new_* or create_*) can now be processed.
See CHANGELOG.rdoc + test suite for further changes.
== Installation
Install the plugin:
=== Using it with RSpec
Add the following to your spec/rails_helper.rb file, in the configuration section:
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.include FixtureReplacement
=== Using it with Test::Unit
Add the following to your test/test_helper.rb file:
class Test::Unit::TestCase
include FixtureReplacement
== How to use FixtureReplacement
=== Defining default attributes
At the heart of FixtureReplacement is the db/example_data.rb file where you
define the default attributes for each of your test models. This example shows the default
attributes for a user:
module FixtureReplacement
attributes_for :user do |u|
password = random_string
u.value = "a value",
u.other = "other value",
u.another = random_string, # random string 10 characters long
u.one_more = random_string(15), # 15 characters long
u.password = password,
u.password_confirmation = password,
u.associated_object = new_bar # expects attributes_for :bar to be setup
Note that:
- A 'random_string' method is provided for attributes whose exact value isn't important; this means you can
create multiple, unique model instances
- you can perform arbitrary set-up and execute any Ruby code prior to returning the hash
(as shown here where a password is generated and then used for both the :password and
:password_confirmation attributes)
- a new_modelname method is automatically provided that allows you to set up dependent
model objects (in this case an instance of the Bar model)
=== Available methods
Based on the above definition FixtureReplacement makes the following methods available:
- random_string: generates a random string as shown above
- new_user: equivalent to User.new with the attributes for the user.
- create_user: equivalent to User.create! with the user's attributes.
- valid_user_attributes: returns a hash of the user's attributes including associations, specified in db/example_data.rb.
=== Overriding attributes
Overrides of specific attributes can be performed as follows:
new_user(:thing => "overridden")
create_user(:thing => "overridden")
Overrides can also be used with associations:
scott = create_user(:username => "scott")
post = create_post(:user => scott)
=== Validate your fixtures (thanks Fixjour)
Validate your fixture definitions after including it in the spec helper or test helper:
==== spec_helper.rb:
Spec::Runner.configuration do |config|
config.include FixtureReplacement
==== test_helper.rb
class Test::Unit::TestCase
include FixtureReplacement
=== Using FixtureReplacement within script/console
$ ./script/console
Loading development environment
>> include FR
=> Object
>> create_user
=> #
= Philosophy & Disadvantages
See philosophy_and_bugs.rdoc
= Contributors, Contributions, & BUGS
See contributions.rdoc
== License
This software is dual licensed under the MIT and the GPLv3 Licenses (it's your pick).
Copyright 2007-2009 Scott Taylor / smtlaissezfaire[http://github.com/smtlaissezfaire] (scott@railsnewbie.com)