require 'English' require 'pathname' require 'fileutils' require 'tempfile' require 'tmpdir' require 'time' require 'uuid' require 'archive/zip' require 'epub' require 'epub/constants' require 'epub/book' require 'epub/parser' require "epub/maker/version" require 'epub/maker/ocf' require 'epub/maker/publication' require 'epub/maker/content_document' module EPUB module Maker class Error < StandardError; end class << self # @param path [Pathname|#to_path|String] # @todo Add option whether mv blocks or not when file locked already # @todo Timeout when file shared-locked long time def make(path) path = Pathname(path) unless path.kind_of? Pathname book = dir = Pathname.mktmpdir 'epub-maker' temp_path = dir/path.basename mimetype = dir/'mimetype' mimetype.write EPUB::MediaType::EPUB temp_path.to_path, :w do |archive| file = Archive::Zip::Entry.from_file(mimetype.to_path, compression_codec: Archive::Zip::Codec::Store) archive.add_entry file end book.epub_file = temp_path.to_path yield book if block_given? 'wb' do |file| raise Error, "File locked by other process: #{path}" unless file.flock File::LOCK_SH|File::LOCK_NB ($VERBOSE ? ::FileUtils::Verbose : ::FileUtils).move temp_path.to_path, path.to_path end dir.remove_entry_secure book.epub_file = path.to_path book # validate # build_xml # archive rescue => error backtrace = error.backtrace error = error.exception([ error.message, "[#{self}]Working directory remained at: #{dir}" ].join($RS)) backtrace.unshift("#{__FILE__}:#{__LINE__}:in `rescue in #{__method__}'") error.set_backtrace backtrace raise error end # Substance of +epub-archive+ command # @param source_file [Pathname, String] # @param epub_file [Pathname, String, nil] # @return [Pathname] Path to generated EPUB file # @raise [RuntimeError] if directory +source_dir+ doesn't exist # @raise [Archive::Zip::Error] if something goes wrong around ZIP archive manipulation # @todo Accept usage that +epub-archive path/to/boo .+ generates ./book.epub # @todo Abstract ZIP library # @todo Accept compression method option # @todo Accept compression level option def archive(source_dir, epub_file = nil) source_dir = Pathname(source_dir) raise "source directory #{source_dir} not exist" unless source_dir.exist? epub_file ||= source_dir.sub_ext(".epub") epub_file = Pathname(epub_file) Pathname.mktmpdir "epub-maker", epub_file.dirname do |dir| temp_dest = Pathname(Tempfile.create(epub_file.basename.to_path, dir)) temp_container = dir/source_dir.basename temp_container.mkdir mimetype = temp_container/"mimetype" mimetype.write EPUB::MediaType::EPUB temp_dest.to_path, :w do |archive| file = Archive::Zip::Entry.from_file(mimetype.to_path, compression_codec: Archive::Zip::Codec::Store) archive.add_entry file end mimetype.delete temp_container.delete FileUtils.cp_r source_dir, temp_container mimetype.delete if mimetype.exist? Archive::Zip.archive temp_dest.to_path, temp_container.to_path + "/.", directories: false temp_dest.rename epub_file end epub_file end end end module Book::Features def make_ocf self.ocf = ocf.make do |ocf| yield ocf if block_given? end ocf end def make_package package = = self package.make do |package| yield package if block_given? end no_package_rootfile = rootfiles.find {|rf| rf.package.nil?} no_package_rootfile.package = package if no_package_rootfile package end def save packages.each(&:save) resources.each(&:save) end end end class Pathname class << self # @overload mktmpdir(prefix_suffix=nil, tmpdir=nil) # @param prefix_suffix [String|nil] see Dir.mktmpdir # @param tmpdir [String|nil] see Dir.mktmpdir # @return [Pathname] path to temporary directory # @overload mktmpdir(prefix_suffix=nil, tmpdir=nil) # @param prefix_suffix [String|nil] see Dir.mktmpdir # @param tmpdir [String|nil] see Dir.mktmpdir # @yieldparam dir [Pathname] path to temporary directory # @return value of given block def mktmpdir(prefix_suffix=nil, tmpdir=nil) if block_given? Dir.mktmpdir prefix_suffix, tmpdir do |dir| yield new(dir) end else new(Dir.mktmpdir(prefix_suffix, tmpdir)) end end end def remove_entry_secure FileUtils.remove_entry_secure to_path end unless method_defined? :/ alias / + end end