require 'spec_helper' require 'net/ssh/shell' require 'foreplay' describe Foreplay::Launcher do let(:session) { double(Net::SSH::Connection::Session) } let(:shell) { double(Net::SSH::Shell) } let(:process) { double(Net::SSH::Shell::Process) } before :each do # Setup foreplay `rm -f config/foreplay.yml` command = 'foreplay setup '\ '-r '\ '-s '\ '-f apps/%a '\ '-u fred '\ '--password trollope' `#{command}` # Stub all the things allow(Net::SSH).to receive(:start).and_return(session) allow(session).to receive(:close) allow(session).to receive(:shell).and_yield(shell) allow(shell).to receive(:execute).and_return(process) allow(shell).to receive(:wait!).and_return(false) allow(process).to receive(:on_output).and_yield(process, "output message\n") allow(process).to receive(:exit_status).and_return(0) end it "complains on check if there's no config file" do `rm -f config/foreplay.yml` expect { Foreplay::Launcher.start([:check, 'production', '']) } .to raise_error(RuntimeError, /.*Please run foreplay setup or create the file manually.*/) end it "complains on deploy if there's no config file" do `rm -f config/foreplay.yml` expect { Foreplay::Launcher.start([:deploy, 'production', '']) } .to raise_error(RuntimeError, /.*Please run foreplay setup or create the file manually.*/) end it 'complains on check if the config file is not valid YAML' do `echo %*:*: > config/foreplay.yml` expect { Foreplay::Launcher.start([:check, 'production', '']) } .to raise_error(RuntimeError, /.*Please run foreplay setup or edit the file manually.*/) end it 'complains on deploy if the config file is not valid YAML' do `echo %*:*: > config/foreplay.yml` expect { Foreplay::Launcher.start([:deploy, 'production', '']) } .to raise_error(RuntimeError, /.*Please run foreplay setup or edit the file manually.*/) end it 'complains if there are no authentication methods defined in the config file' do command = 'foreplay setup '\ '-r '\ '-s '\ '-f apps/%a '\ '-u fred '\ '--password ""' match = 'No authentication methods supplied. '\ 'You must supply a private key, key file or password in the configuration file.' `rm -f config/foreplay.yml` `#{command}` expect { Foreplay::Launcher.start([:deploy, 'production', '']) } .to raise_error( RuntimeError, /.*#{Regexp.quote(match)}*/ ) end it "complains if the private keyfile defined in the config file doesn't exist" do command = 'foreplay setup '\ '-r '\ '-s '\ '-f apps/%a '\ '-u fred '\ '--keyfile "/home/fred/no-such-file"' `rm -f config/foreplay.yml` `#{command}` expect { Foreplay::Launcher.start([:deploy, 'production', '']) } .to raise_error(Errno::ENOENT, %r{.*No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - /home/fred/no-such-file.*}) end it 'complains if a mandatory key is missing from the config file' do `sed -i 's/path:/pxth:/' config/foreplay.yml` expect { Foreplay::Launcher.start([:deploy, 'production', '']) } .to raise_error( RuntimeError, /.*Required key path not found in instructions for production environment.*/ ) end it 'complains if we try to deploy an environment that isn\'t defined' do expect { Foreplay::Launcher.start([:deploy, 'unknown', '']) } .to raise_error( RuntimeError, /.*No deployment configuration defined for unknown environment.*/ ) end it 'terminates if a remote process exits with a non-zero status' do allow(process).to receive(:exit_status).and_return(1) expect { Foreplay::Launcher.start([:deploy, 'production', '']) }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, /.*output message.*/) end it "terminates if a connection can't be established with the remote server" do allow(Net::SSH).to receive(:start).and_call_original expect { Foreplay::Launcher.start([:deploy, 'production', '']) } .to raise_error(RuntimeError, /.*There was a problem starting an ssh session on*/) end it 'checks the config' do expect($stdout).to receive(:puts).at_least(:once) Foreplay::Launcher.start [:check, 'production', ''] end it 'deploys to the environment' do expect(Net::SSH) .to(receive(:start)) .with(/web[12], 'fred', verbose: :warn, port: 22, password: 'trollope') .exactly(4).times .and_return(session) [ "echo Foreplay version #{Foreplay::VERSION}", 'mkdir -p apps/foreplay && cd apps/foreplay && rm -rf 50000 && '\ 'git clone -b master 50000', 'rvm rvmrc trust 50000', 'rvm rvmrc warning ignore 50000', 'cd 50000 && mkdir -p tmp doc log config', 'if [ -f .ruby-version ] ; then rvm install `cat .ruby-version` ; else echo "No .ruby-version file found" ; fi', 'echo "RAILS_ENV=production" > .env', 'echo "concurrency: web=1,worker=0,scheduler=0" > .foreman', 'echo "app: foreplay-50000" >> .foreman', 'echo "port: 50000" >> .foreman', 'echo "user: fred" >> .foreman', 'echo "production:" > config/database.yml', 'echo " adapter: postgresql" >> config/database.yml', 'echo " encoding: utf8" >> config/database.yml', 'echo " database: TODO Put the database name here" >> config/database.yml', 'echo " pool: 5" >> config/database.yml', 'echo " host: TODO Put here the database host name" >> config/database.yml', 'echo " username: TODO Put here the database user" >> config/database.yml', 'echo " password: TODO Put here the database user\'s password" >> config/database.yml', 'if [ -d ../cache/vendor/bundle/bundle ] ; then rm -rf ../cache/vendor/bundle/bundle'\ ' ; else echo No evidence of legacy copy bug ; fi', 'if [ -d ../cache/vendor/bundle ] ; then '\ 'rsync -aW --no-compress --delete --info=STATS1 ../cache/vendor/bundle/ vendor/bundle'\ ' ; else echo No bundle to restore ; fi', 'sudo ln -f `which bundle` /usr/bin/bundle || echo Using default version of bundle', 'bundle install --deployment --clean --jobs 2 --without development test', 'mkdir -p ../cache/vendor && '\ 'rsync -aW --no-compress --delete --info=STATS1 vendor/bundle/ ../cache/vendor/bundle', 'if [ -f public/assets/manifest.yml ] ; then echo "Not precompiling assets"'\ ' ; else RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec foreman run rake assets:precompile ; fi', 'sudo bundle exec foreman export upstart /etc/init', 'sudo start foreplay-50000 || sudo restart foreplay-50000', 'mkdir -p .foreplay/foreplay && touch .foreplay/foreplay/current_port && cat .foreplay/foreplay/current_port', 'echo 50000 > $HOME/.foreplay/foreplay/current_port', 'sleep 60', 'sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 50000', 'sudo iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 51000', 'sudo iptables-save > /etc/iptables/rules.v4', 'sudo iptables-save > /etc/iptables.up.rules', 'sudo iptables-save -c | egrep REDIRECT --color=never', 'sudo stop foreplay-51000 || echo \'No previous instance running\'' ].each do |command| expect(shell).to receive(:execute).with(command).and_return(process) end Foreplay::Launcher.start [:deploy, 'production', ''] end it "uses another port if there's already an installed instance" do allow(process).to receive(:on_output).and_yield(process, "50000\n") expect(shell).to receive(:execute).with('echo 51000 > $HOME/.foreplay/foreplay/current_port').and_return(process) Foreplay::Launcher.start [:deploy, 'production', ''] end it 'uses the private key provided in the config file' do command = 'foreplay setup '\ '-r '\ '-s '\ '-f apps/%a '\ '-u fred '\ '-k "top secret private key"' `rm -f config/foreplay.yml` `#{command}` Foreplay::Launcher.start([:deploy, 'production', '']) end it 'adds Redis details for Resque' do command = 'foreplay setup '\ '-r '\ '-s '\ '-f apps/%a '\ '-u fred '\ '--resque-redis "redis://localhost:6379"' `rm -f config/foreplay.yml` `#{command}` Foreplay::Launcher.start([:deploy, 'production', '']) end end