require 'optparse' require 'set' require 'digest/md5' module ZSteg class MaskCLI DEFAULT_ACTIONS = %w'mask' COMMON_MASKS = [ 0b0000_0001, 0b0000_0011, 0b0000_0111, 0b0000_1111, 0b0000_0010, 0b0000_0100, 0b0000_1000, 0b0001_0000, 0b0010_0000, 0b0100_0000, 0b1000_0000, ] CHANNELS = [:r, :g, :b, :a] def initialize argv = ARGV @argv = argv @wasfiles = @cache = {} end def run @actions = [] @options = { :verbose => 0, :masks =>{|k,v| k[v] = [] }, :normalize => true } optparser = do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: zsteg-mask [options] filename.png [param_string]" opts.separator "" opts.on("-m", "--mask M", "apply mask to all channels", "mask: 0-255 OR 0x00-0xff OR 00000000-11111111", "OR 'all' for all common masks" ){ |x| @options[:masks][:all] << parse_mask(x) } opts.on("-R", "--red M", "red channel mask"){ |x| @options[:masks][:r] << parse_mask(x) } opts.on("-G", "--green M", "green channel mask"){ |x| @options[:masks][:g] << parse_mask(x) } opts.on("-B", "--blue M", "blue channel mask"){ |x| @options[:masks][:b] << parse_mask(x) } opts.on("-A", "--alpha M", "alpha channel mask"){ |x| @options[:masks][:a] << parse_mask(x) } opts.separator "" opts.on "-a", "--all", "try all common masks (default)" do @options[:try_all] = true end opts.separator "" opts.on "-N", "--[no-]normalize", "normalize color value after applying mask", "(default: normalize)" do |x| @options[:normalize] = x end opts.on "-O", "--outfile FILENAME", "output single result to specified file" do |x| @options[:outfile] = x end opts.on "-D", "--dir DIRNAME", "output multiple results to specified dir" do |x| @options[:dir] = x end opts.separator "" opts.on "-v", "--verbose", "Run verbosely (can be used multiple times)" do |v| @options[:verbose] += 1 end opts.on "-q", "--quiet", "Silent any warnings (can be used multiple times)" do |v| @options[:verbose] -= 1 end opts.on "-C", "--[no-]color", "Force (or disable) color output (default: auto)" do |x| Sickill::Rainbow.enabled = x end end if (argv = optparser.parse(@argv)).empty? puts return end # default :all mask if none specified if @options[:masks].empty? @options[:try_all] = true end @actions = DEFAULT_ACTIONS if @actions.empty? argv.each do |arg| if arg[','] && !File.exist?(arg) @options.merge!(decode_param_string(arg)) argv.delete arg end end argv.each_with_index do |fname,idx| if argv.size > 1 && @options[:verbose] >= 0 puts if idx > 0 puts "[.] #{fname}".green end next unless @image=load_image(@fname=fname) @actions.each do |action| if action.is_a?(Array) self.send(*action) if self.respond_to?(action.first) else self.send(action) if self.respond_to?(action) end end end rescue Errno::EPIPE # output interrupt, f.ex. when piping output to a 'head' command # prevents a 'Broken pipe - <STDOUT> (Errno::EPIPE)' message end def parse_mask x case x when /0x/i x.to_i(16) when /^[01]{8}$/ x.to_i(2) when /^\d{1,3}$/ x.to_i when /^all$/ COMMON_MASKS else raise "invalid mask #{x.inspect}" end end def load_image fname if puts "[?] #{fname} is a directory".yellow else ZPNG::Image.load(fname) end rescue ZPNG::Exception, Errno::ENOENT puts "[!] #{$!.inspect}".red end ########################################################################### # actions def mask masks = @options[:masks] masks.each{ |k,v| v.flatten!; v.uniq! } if @options[:try_all] # try all common masks masks = masks[:all] || [] masks = COMMON_MASKS if masks.empty? masks.each{ |x| run_masker x,x,x,x } masks.each{ |x| run_masker x,0,0,0xff } masks.each{ |x| run_masker 0,x,0,0xff } masks.each{ |x| run_masker 0,0,x,0xff } if @image.alpha_used? masks.each{ |x| run_masker 0,0,0,x } end elsif CHANNELS.all?{ |c| !masks[c] || masks[c].empty? } # no specific channels masks[:all].each do |x| run_masker x,x,x,x end else # specific channels CHANNELS.each{ |x| masks[x] = [x==:a ? 0xff : 0] if !masks[x] || masks[x].empty? } masks[:r].each do |r| masks[:g].each do |g| masks[:b].each do |b| if @image.alpha_used? masks[:a].each do |a| run_masker r,g,b,a end else run_masker r,g,b,0xff end end end end end end private def _all_pixels_same img sl0 = img.scanlines.first return false if sl0.pixels.to_a.uniq.size != 1 db0 = sl0.decoded_bytes img.scanlines[1..-1].each do |sl| return false if sl.decoded_bytes != db0 end true end def run_masker r,g,b,a params = @options.dup params[:masks] = params[:masks].merge( :r => r, :g => g, :b => b, :a => a) fname,color = @options[:outfile],nil fname,color = masks2fname(params[:masks]) unless fname print "[.] #{fname.send(color||:to_s)} .. " raise "already written to #{fname}" if @wasfiles.include?(fname) @wasfiles << fname dst =, params).mask if _all_pixels_same(dst) puts "all pixels = #{dst[0,0].inspect}".gray return end data = dst.export md5 = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(data) if @cache[md5] puts "same as #{File.basename(@cache[md5])}".gray return end @cache[md5] = fname, "wb"){ |f| f<<data } printf "%6d bytes\n".green, File.size(fname) end def masks2fname masks masks = masks.dup.delete_if{ |k,v| !CHANNELS.include?(k) } bname = @fname.sub(/#{Regexp.escape(File.extname(@fname))}$/,'') color = nil raise "TODO" if masks.values.all?(&:nil?) if masks.values.uniq.size == 1 tail = "%08b" % masks.values.first else a = [] masks.each do |c,mask| a << "%s%08b" % [c,mask] if mask && mask != 0 end raise "TODO" if a.empty? a -= ['a11111111'] if a.size > 1 # fully opaque alpha is OK if a.size == 1 color = case a[0][0,1] when 'r'; :red when 'g'; :green when 'b'; :blue when 'a'; :gray else nil end end tail = a.join(".") end fname = [bname, tail, "png"].join('.') fname = File.join(@options[:dir], File.basename(fname)) if @options[:dir] [fname, color] end end end