@mobile @ios @android @regression Feature: App screen deep links In order to ensure comprehensive support for native app deep links As a developer of the TestCentricity gem I expect to validate that app screens can be directly accessed with minimal UI interactions Background: Given I have launched the SauceLabs My Demo app Scenario Outline: Verify screens can be directly accessed via deep links Given I am on the screen When I load the screen Then I expect the screen to be correctly displayed Examples: |start |destination | |Products |About | |Products |Login | |Products |Webview | |Products |Checkout - Address | |Products |Checkout - Payment | |About |Products | Scenario Outline: Verify Product Item screen can be directly accessed via deep links Given I am on the Products screen And I access the data for product id When I load the Product Item screen Then I expect the Product Item screen to be correctly displayed Examples: |product_id | |1 | |5 |