module Representable # The Binding provides methods to read/write the fragment for one property. # # Actually parsing the fragment from the document happens in Binding#read, everything after that is generic. class Binding class FragmentNotFound end def return definition.create_binding if definition[:binding] build_for(definition) end def initialize(definition) @definition = definition @name = @getter = @definition.getter @setter = @definition.setter setup_exec_context! end attr_reader :name, :getter, :setter extend Uber::Delegates delegates :@definition, :has_default?, :representable?, :array?, :typed? # Single entry points for rendering and parsing a property are #compile_fragment # and #uncompile_fragment in Mapper. module Deprecatable # Retrieve value and write fragment to the doc. def compile_fragment(options) render_pipeline(nil, options).(nil, options) end # Parse value from doc and update the model property. def uncompile_fragment(options) parse_pipeline(options[:doc], options).(options[:doc], options) end end include Deprecatable module EvaluateOption def evaluate_option(name, input, options) proc = self[name] # puts "@@@@@ #{self.inspect}, #{name}...... #{self[name]}" proc.(send(:exec_context, options), options.merge(user_options: options[:options][:user_options], input: input)) # from Uber::Options::Value. # NOTE: this can also be the Proc object if it's not wrapped by Uber:::Value. end end # include EvaluateOption def [](name) @definition[name] end def skipable_empty_value?(value) value.nil? and not self[:render_nil] end def default_for(value) return self[:default] if skipable_empty_value?(value) value end attr_accessor :cached_representer require "representable/pipeline_factories" include Factories private def setup_exec_context! @exec_context = ->(options) { options[:represented] } unless self[:exec_context] @exec_context = ->(options) { self } if self[:exec_context] == :binding @exec_context = ->(options) { options[:decorator] } if self[:exec_context] == :decorator end def exec_context(options) @exec_context.(options) end def parse_pipeline(input, options) @parse_pipeline ||= pipeline_for(:parse_pipeline, input, options) { Pipeline[*parse_functions] } end def render_pipeline(input, options) @render_pipeline ||= pipeline_for(:render_pipeline, input, options) { Pipeline[*render_functions] } end # generics for collection bindings. module Collection def skipable_empty_value?(value) # TODO: this can be optimized, again. return true if value.nil? and not self[:render_nil] # FIXME: test this without the "and" return true if self[:render_empty] == false and value and value.size == 0 # TODO: change in 2.0, don't render emtpy. end end end class DeserializeError < RuntimeError end end