var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path'); function serializeOption(value) { if (typeof value === 'function') { return value.toString(); } return JSON.stringify(value); } var phantomJSExePath = function () { // If the path we're given by phantomjs is to a .cmd, it is pointing to a global copy. // Using the cmd as the process to execute causes problems cleaning up the processes // so we walk from the cmd to the phantomjs.exe and use that instead.  var phantomSource = require('phantomjs').path;  if (path.extname(phantomSource).toLowerCase() === '.cmd') {    return path.join(path.dirname( phantomSource ), '//node_modules//phantomjs//lib//phantom//phantomjs.exe');  }  return phantomSource; }; var PhantomJSBrowser = function(baseBrowserDecorator, config, args) { baseBrowserDecorator(this); var options = args && args.options || config && config.options || {}; var flags = args && args.flags || config && config.flags || []; this._start = function(url) { // create the js file that will open karma var captureFile = this._tempDir + '/capture.js'; var optionsCode = Object.keys(options).map(function (key) { if (key !== 'settings') { // settings cannot be overriden, it should be extended! return 'page.' + key + ' = ' + serializeOption(options[key]) + ';'; } }); if (options.settings) { optionsCode = optionsCode.concat(Object.keys(options.settings).map(function (key) { return 'page.settings.' + key + ' = ' + serializeOption(options.settings[key]) + ';'; })); } var captureCode = 'var page = require("webpage").create();\n' + optionsCode.join('\n') + '\"' + url + '");\n'; fs.writeFileSync(captureFile, captureCode); flags = flags.concat(captureFile); // and start phantomjs this._execCommand(this._getCommand(), flags); }; }; PhantomJSBrowser.prototype = { name: 'PhantomJS', DEFAULT_CMD: { linux: require('phantomjs').path, darwin: require('phantomjs').path, win32: phantomJSExePath() }, ENV_CMD: 'PHANTOMJS_BIN' }; PhantomJSBrowser.$inject = ['baseBrowserDecorator', 'config.phantomjsLauncher', 'args']; // PUBLISH DI MODULE module.exports = { 'launcher:PhantomJS': ['type', PhantomJSBrowser] };