###* Caching and preloading ====================== Unpoly caches server responses for a few minutes, making requests to these URLs return instantly. All Unpoly functions and selectors go through this cache. If you need to make cache-aware requests from your [custom Javascript](/up.syntax), use [`up.ajax`](/up.ajax). \#\#\# How the cache is cleared The cache holds up to 70 responses for 5 minutes. You can configure the cache size and expiry using [`up.proxy.config`](/up.proxy.config), or clear the cache manually using [`up.proxy.clear`](/up.proxy.clear). Also the entire cache is cleared with every non-`GET` request (like `POST` or `PUT`). \#\#\# Preloading Unpoly also lets you speed up reaction times by [preloading links](/up-preload) when the user hovers over the click area (or puts the mouse/finger down). This way the response will already be cached when the user releases the mouse/finger. \#\#\# Spinners You can listen to the [`up:proxy:slow`](/up:proxy:slow) event to implement a spinner that appears during a long-running request. @class up.proxy ### up.proxy = (($) -> u = up.util $waitingLink = undefined preloadDelayTimer = undefined slowDelayTimer = undefined pendingCount = undefined slowEventEmitted = undefined queuedRequests = [] ###* @property up.proxy.config @param {Number} [config.preloadDelay=75] The number of milliseconds to wait before [`[up-preload]`](/up-preload) starts preloading. @param {Number} [config.cacheSize=70] The maximum number of responses to cache. If the size is exceeded, the oldest items will be dropped from the cache. @param {Number} [config.cacheExpiry=300000] The number of milliseconds until a cache entry expires. Defaults to 5 minutes. @param {Number} [config.slowDelay=300] How long the proxy waits until emitting the [`up:proxy:slow` event](/up:proxy:slow). Use this to prevent flickering of spinners. @param {Number} [config.maxRequests=4] The maximum number of concurrent requests to allow before additional requests are queued. This currently ignores preloading requests. You might find it useful to set this to `1` in full-stack integration tests (e.g. Selenium). Note that your browser might [impose its own request limit](http://www.browserscope.org/?category=network) regardless of what you configure here. @param {Array} [config.wrapMethods] An array of uppercase HTTP method names. AJAX requests with one of these methods will be converted into a `POST` request and carry their original method as a `_method` parameter. This is to [prevent unexpected redirect behavior](https://makandracards.com/makandra/38347). @param {String} [config.wrapMethodParam] The name of the POST parameter when wrapping HTTP methods in a `POST` request. @param {Array} [config.safeMethods] An array of uppercase HTTP method names that are considered idempotent. The proxy cache will only cache idempotent requests and will clear the entire cache after a non-idempotent request. @stable ### config = u.config slowDelay: 300 preloadDelay: 75 cacheSize: 70 cacheExpiry: 1000 * 60 * 5 maxRequests: 4 wrapMethods: ['PATCH', 'PUT', 'DELETE'] wrapMethodParam: '_method' safeMethods: ['GET', 'OPTIONS', 'HEAD'] cacheKey = (request) -> normalizeRequest(request) [ request.url, request.method, u.requestDataAsQuery(request.data), request.target ].join('|') cache = u.cache size: -> config.cacheSize expiry: -> config.cacheExpiry key: cacheKey # log: 'up.proxy' ###* Returns a cached response for the given request. Returns `undefined` if the given request is not currently cached. @function up.proxy.get @return {Promise} A promise for the response that is API-compatible with the promise returned by [`jQuery.ajax`](http://api.jquery.com/jquery.ajax/). @experimental ### get = (request) -> request = normalizeRequest(request) if isCachable(request) candidates = [request] unless request.target is 'html' requestForHtml = u.merge(request, target: 'html') candidates.push(requestForHtml) unless request.target is 'body' requestForBody = u.merge(request, target: 'body') candidates.push(requestForBody) for candidate in candidates if response = cache.get(candidate) return response cancelPreloadDelay = -> clearTimeout(preloadDelayTimer) preloadDelayTimer = null cancelSlowDelay = -> clearTimeout(slowDelayTimer) slowDelayTimer = null reset = -> $waitingLink = null cancelPreloadDelay() cancelSlowDelay() pendingCount = 0 config.reset() cache.clear() slowEventEmitted = false queuedRequests = [] reset() normalizeRequest = (request) -> unless request._normalized request.method = u.normalizeMethod(request.method) request.url = u.normalizeUrl(request.url) if request.url request.target ||= 'body' request._normalized = true request ###* Makes a request to the given URL and caches the response. If the response was already cached, returns the HTML instantly. If requesting a URL that is not read-only, the response will not be cached and the entire cache will be cleared. Only requests with a method of `GET`, `OPTIONS` and `HEAD` are considered to be read-only. \#\#\# Example up.ajax('/search', data: { query: 'sunshine' }).then(function(data, status, xhr) { console.log('The response body is %o', data); }).fail(function(xhr, status, error) { console.error('The request failed'); }); \#\#\# Events If a network connection is attempted, the proxy will emit a [`up:proxy:load`](/up:proxy:load) event with the `request` as its argument. Once the response is received, a [`up:proxy:receive`](/up:proxy:receive) event will be emitted. @function up.ajax @param {String} url @param {String} [request.method='GET'] @param {String} [request.target='body'] @param {Boolean} [request.cache] Whether to use a cached response, if available. If set to `false` a network connection will always be attempted. @param {Object} [request.headers={}] An object of additional header key/value pairs to send along with the request. @param {Object} [request.data={}] An object of request parameters. @param {String} [request.url] You can omit the first string argument and pass the URL as a `request` property instead. @return A promise for the response that is API-compatible with the promise returned by [`jQuery.ajax`](http://api.jquery.com/jquery.ajax/). @stable ### ajax = (args...) -> options = u.extractOptions(args) options.url = args[0] if u.isGiven(args[0]) forceCache = (options.cache == true) ignoreCache = (options.cache == false) request = u.only(options, 'url', 'method', 'data', 'target', 'headers', '_normalized') request = normalizeRequest(request) pending = true # Non-GET requests always touch the network # unless `options.cache` is explicitly set to `true`. # These requests are never cached. if !isIdempotent(request) && !forceCache clear() promise = loadOrQueue(request) # If we have an existing promise matching this new request, # we use it unless `options.cache` is explicitly set to `false`. # The promise might still be pending. else if (promise = get(request)) && !ignoreCache up.puts 'Re-using cached response for %s %s', request.method, request.url pending = (promise.state() == 'pending') # If no existing promise is available, we make a network request. else promise = loadOrQueue(request) set(request, promise) # Don't cache failed requests promise.fail -> remove(request) if pending && !options.preload # This might actually make `pendingCount` higher than the actual # number of outstanding requests. However, we need to cover the # following case: # # - User starts preloading a request. # This triggers *no* `up:proxy:slow`. # - User starts loading the request (without preloading). # This triggers `up:proxy:slow`. # - The request finishes. # This triggers `up:proxy:recover`. loadStarted() promise.always(loadEnded) promise ###* Returns whether the proxy is capable of caching the given request. Even if this returns `true`, only idempodent requests will be cached by default. @function up.proxy.isCachable @internal ### isCachable = (request) -> not u.isFormData(request.data) ###* Returns `true` if the proxy is not currently waiting for a request to finish. Returns `false` otherwise. @function up.proxy.isIdle @return {Boolean} Whether the proxy is idle @experimental ### isIdle = -> pendingCount == 0 ###* Returns `true` if the proxy is currently waiting for a request to finish. Returns `false` otherwise. @function up.proxy.isBusy @return {Boolean} Whether the proxy is busy @experimental ### isBusy = -> pendingCount > 0 loadStarted = -> wasIdle = isIdle() pendingCount += 1 if wasIdle # Since the emission of up:proxy:slow might be delayed by config.slowDelay, # we wrap the mission in a function for scheduling below. emission = -> if isBusy() # a fast response might have beaten the delay up.emit('up:proxy:slow', message: 'Proxy is busy') slowEventEmitted = true slowDelayTimer = u.setTimer(config.slowDelay, emission) ###* This event is [emitted](/up.emit) when [AJAX requests](/up.ajax) are taking long to finish. By default Unpoly will wait 300 ms for an AJAX request to finish before emitting `up:proxy:slow`. You can configure this time like this: up.proxy.config.slowDelay = 150; Once all responses have been received, an [`up:proxy:recover`](/up:proxy:recover) will be emitted. Note that if additional requests are made while Unpoly is already busy waiting, **no** additional `up:proxy:slow` events will be triggered. \#\#\# Spinners You can [listen](/up.on) to the `up:proxy:slow` and [`up:proxy:recover`](/up:proxy:recover) events to implement a spinner that appears during a long-running request, and disappears once the response has been received:
Please wait!
Here is the Javascript to make it alive: up.compiler('.spinner', function($element) { show = function() { $element.show() }; hide = function() { $element.hide() }; hide(); return [ up.on('up:proxy:slow', show), up.on('up:proxy:recover', hide) ]; }); The `up:proxy:slow` event will be emitted after a delay of 300 ms to prevent the spinner from flickering on and off. You can change (or remove) this delay by [configuring `up.proxy`](/up.proxy.config) like this: up.proxy.config.slowDelay = 150; @event up:proxy:slow @stable ### loadEnded = -> pendingCount -= 1 if isIdle() && slowEventEmitted up.emit('up:proxy:recover', message: 'Proxy is idle') slowEventEmitted = false ###* This event is [emitted](/up.emit) when [AJAX requests](/up.ajax) have [taken long to finish](/up:proxy:slow), but have finished now. See [`up:proxy:slow`](/up:proxy:slow) for more documentation on how to use this event for implementing a spinner that shows during long-running requests. @event up:proxy:recover @stable ### loadOrQueue = (request) -> if pendingCount < config.maxRequests load(request) else queue(request) queue = (request) -> up.puts('Queuing request for %s %s', request.method, request.url) deferred = $.Deferred() entry = deferred: deferred request: request queuedRequests.push(entry) deferred.promise() load = (request) -> up.emit('up:proxy:load', u.merge(request, message: ['Loading %s %s', request.method, request.url])) # We will modify the request below for features like method wrapping. # Let's not change the original request which would confuse API clients # and cache key logic. request = u.copy(request) request.headers ||= {} request.headers['X-Up-Target'] = request.target if u.contains(config.wrapMethods, request.method) request.data = u.appendRequestData(request.data, config.wrapMethodParam, request.method) request.method = 'POST' if u.isFormData(request.data) # Disable jQuery's request data processing so we can pass # a FormData object (http://stackoverflow.com/a/5976031) request.contentType = false request.processData = false promise = $.ajax(request) promise.done (data, textStatus, xhr) -> responseReceived(request, xhr) promise.fail (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) -> responseReceived(request, xhr) promise responseReceived = (request, xhr) -> up.emit('up:proxy:received', u.merge(request, message: ['Server responded with %s %s (%d bytes)', xhr.status, xhr.statusText, xhr.responseText?.length])) pokeQueue() pokeQueue = -> if entry = queuedRequests.shift() promise = load(entry.request) promise.done (args...) -> entry.deferred.resolve(args...) promise.fail (args...) -> entry.deferred.reject(args...) return ###* Makes the proxy assume that `newRequest` has the same response as the already cached `oldRequest`. Unpoly uses this internally when the user redirects from `/old` to `/new`. In that case, both `/old` and `/new` will cache the same response from `/new`. @function up.proxy.alias @param {Object} oldRequest @param {Object} newRequest @experimental ### alias = cache.alias ###* Manually stores a promise for the response to the given request. @function up.proxy.set @param {String} request.url @param {String} [request.method='GET'] @param {String} [request.target='body'] @param {Promise} response A promise for the response that is API-compatible with the promise returned by [`jQuery.ajax`](http://api.jquery.com/jquery.ajax/). @experimental ### set = cache.set ###* Manually removes the given request from the cache. You can also [configure](/up.proxy.config) when the proxy automatically removes cache entries. @function up.proxy.remove @param {String} request.url @param {String} [request.method='GET'] @param {String} [request.target='body'] @experimental ### remove = cache.remove ###* Removes all cache entries. Unpoly also automatically clears the cache whenever it processes a request with a non-GET HTTP method. @function up.proxy.clear @stable ### clear = cache.clear ###* This event is [emitted](/up.emit) before an [AJAX request](/up.ajax) is starting to load. @event up:proxy:load @param event.url @param event.method @param event.target @experimental ### ###* This event is [emitted](/up.emit) when the response to an [AJAX request](/up.ajax) has been received. @event up:proxy:received @param event.url @param event.method @param event.target @experimental ### isIdempotent = (request) -> normalizeRequest(request) u.contains(config.safeMethods, request.method) checkPreload = ($link) -> delay = parseInt(u.presentAttr($link, 'up-delay')) || config.preloadDelay unless $link.is($waitingLink) $waitingLink = $link cancelPreloadDelay() curriedPreload = -> preload($link) $waitingLink = null startPreloadDelay(curriedPreload, delay) startPreloadDelay = (block, delay) -> preloadDelayTimer = setTimeout(block, delay) ###* @function up.proxy.preload @param {String|Element|jQuery} The element whose destination should be preloaded. @return A promise that will be resolved when the request was loaded and cached @experimental ### preload = (linkOrSelector, options) -> $link = $(linkOrSelector) options = u.options(options) method = up.link.followMethod($link, options) if isIdempotent(method: method) up.log.group "Preloading link %o", $link, -> options.preload = true up.follow($link, options) else up.puts("Won't preload %o due to unsafe method %s", $link, method) u.resolvedPromise() ###* Links with an `up-preload` attribute will silently fetch their target when the user hovers over the click area, or when the user puts her mouse/finger down (before releasing). This way the response will already be cached when the user performs the click, making the interaction feel instant. @selector [up-preload] @param [up-delay=75] The number of milliseconds to wait between hovering and preloading. Increasing this will lower the load in your server, but will also make the interaction feel less instant. @stable ### up.on 'mouseover mousedown touchstart', '[up-preload]', (event, $element) -> # Don't do anything if we are hovering over the child # of a link. The actual link will receive the event # and bubble in a second. unless up.link.childClicked(event, $element) checkPreload($element) up.on 'up:framework:reset', reset preload: preload ajax: ajax get: get alias: alias clear: clear remove: remove isIdle: isIdle isBusy: isBusy isCachable: isCachable config: config defaults: -> up.fail('up.proxy.defaults(...) no longer exists. Set values on he up.proxy.config property instead.') )(jQuery) up.ajax = up.proxy.ajax