module GOVUKDesignSystemFormBuilder module PrefixableArray refine Array do def prefix(text, delimiter: '-') map { |item| text + delimiter + item } end end end class Base delegate :content_tag, :safe_join, :tag, :link_to, :capture, to: :@builder delegate :config, to: GOVUKDesignSystemFormBuilder def initialize(builder, object_name, attribute_name, &block) @builder = builder @object_name = object_name @attribute_name = attribute_name @block_content = capture { } if block_given? end # objects that implement #to_s can be passed directly into #safe_join def to_s html || '' end private # returns the attributes bound to the object that are # required to build all contained elements # # @return [GOVUKDesignSystemFormBuilder::FormBuilder, Symbol, Symbol] an array containing the # builder, object name and attribute name def bound [@builder, @object_name, @attribute_name] end def brand(override = nil) override || config.brand end # returns the id value used for the input # # @note field_id is overridden so that the error summary can link to the # correct element. # # It's straightforward for inputs with a single element (like a textarea # or text input) but the GOV.UK Design System requires that the error # summary link to the first checkbox or radio in a list, so additional # logic is requred # # @return [String] the element's +id+ # @see # GOV.UK linking to elements from the error summary def field_id(link_errors: false) if link_errors && has_errors? build_id('field-error', include_value: false) else build_id('field') end end def has_errors? @builder.object.respond_to?(:errors) && @builder.object.errors.any? && @builder.object.errors.messages[@attribute_name].present? end def described_by(*ids) ids.flatten.compact.join(' ').presence end # Builds the values used for HTML id attributes throughout the builder # # @param id_type [String] a description of the id's type, eg +hint+, +error+ # @param delimiter [String] the characters used to 'split' the output # @param replace [String] the targets to be replaced by the delimiter # @param attribute_name [String] overrides the object's +@attribute_name+ # @param include_value [Boolean] controls whether or not the value will form part # of the final id # # @return [String] the id composed of object, attribute, value and type # # @example # build_id('hint') #=> "person-name-hint" def build_id(id_type, delimiter = '-', replace = '_', attribute_name: nil, include_value: true) attribute = attribute_name || @attribute_name value = include_value && @value || nil [ @object_name, attribute, value, id_type ] .compact .join(delimiter) .parameterize .tr(replace, delimiter) end end end