# encoding: utf-8 require 'backports' require 'backports/basic_object' unless defined?(::BasicObject) require 'devtools/spec_helper' require 'ice_nine' if ENV['COVERAGE'] == 'true' require 'simplecov' require 'coveralls' SimpleCov.formatter = SimpleCov::Formatter::MultiFormatter[ SimpleCov::Formatter::HTMLFormatter, Coveralls::SimpleCov::Formatter ] SimpleCov.start do command_name 'spec:unit' add_filter 'config' add_filter 'spec' minimum_coverage 100 end end require 'axiom' include Axiom # require spec support files and shared behavior Dir[File.expand_path('../{support,shared}/**/*.rb', __FILE__)].each do |file| require file end RSpec.configure do |config| # Record the original Attribute descendants config.before do @original_descendants = Attribute.descendants.dup end # Reset the Attribute descendants config.after do Attribute.descendants.replace(@original_descendants) end end