require 'spec_helper' describe Maltese::Sitemap, vcr: true do subject { } let(:doi) { "10.1002/jca.21694" } context "get_query_url" do it "default" do expect(subject.get_query_url).to eq("") end it "with page[size] one" do expect(subject.get_query_url(size: 1)).to eq("") end it "with size" do expect(subject.get_query_url(size: 250)).to eq("") end end context "get_total" do it "with works" do expect(subject.get_total).to eq(833105) end end context "queue_jobs" do it "should report if there are works returned by the Datacite REST API" do response = subject.queue_jobs expect(response).to eq(833085) end end context "get_data" do it "should report if there are works returned by the Datacite REST API" do response = subject.get_data(subject.get_query_url) expect(response.body.dig("meta", "total")).to eq(833098) expect(response.body.fetch("data", []).size).to eq(1000) doc = response.body.fetch("data", []).first expect(doc.dig("attributes", "doi")).to eq(doi) end it "should catch errors with the Datacite REST API" do stub = stub_request(:get, subject.get_query_url).to_return(:status => [408]) response = subject.get_data(subject.get_query_url) expect(response.body).to eq("errors"=>[{"status"=>408, "title"=>"Request timeout"}]) expect(stub).to have_been_requested end end context "parse_data" do it "should report if there are no works returned by the Datacite REST API" do body = + 'sitemap_nil.json') result = JSON.parse(body)) expect(subject.parse_data(result)).to eq(0) end it "should report if there are works returned by the Datacite REST API" do body = + 'sitemap.json') result = JSON.parse(body)) response = subject.parse_data(result) expect(response).to eq(1001) end it "should catch timeout errors with the Datacite REST API" do result = { "errors" => [{ "title" => "the server responded with status 408 for", "status" => 408 }] }) response = subject.parse_data(result) expect(response).to eq(result.body["errors"]) end end context "push_data" do it "should report if there are no works returned by the Datacite REST API" do result = [] expect { subject.push_data }.to output(/1 links/).to_stdout end it "should report if there are works returned by the Datacite REST API" do body = + 'sitemap.json') result = JSON.parse(body)) result = subject.parse_data(result) expect { subject.push_data }.to output(/1001 links/).to_stdout end end end