# encoding: utf-8 require_relative '../../api' module Github # The Organizations Hooks API manages the post-receive web and # service hooks for an organization. class Client::Orgs::Hooks < API REQUIRED_PARAMS = %w( name config ).freeze # :nodoc: # List organization hooks # # @see https://developer.github.com/v3/orgs/hooks/#list-hooks # # @example # github = Github.new # github.orgs.hooks.list 'org-name' # github.orgs.hooks.list 'org-name' { |hook| ... } # # @api public def list(*args) arguments(args, required: [:org_name]) response = get_request("/orgs/#{arguments.org_name}/hooks", arguments.params) return response unless block_given? response.each { |el| yield el } end alias_method :all, :list # Get a single hook # # @see https://developer.github.com/v3/orgs/hooks/#get-single-hook # # @example # github = Github.new # github.orgs.hooks.get 'org-name', 'hook-id' # # @api public def get(*args) arguments(args, required: [:org_name, :id]) get_request("/orgs/#{arguments.org_name}/hooks/#{arguments.id}", arguments.params) end alias_method :find, :get # Create a hook # # @see https://developer.github.com/v3/orgs/hooks/#create-a-hook # # @param [Hash] params # @input params [String] :name # Required. The name of the service that is being called. # @input params [Hash] :config # Required. Key/value pairs to provide settings for this hook. # These settings vary between the services and are defined in # the github-services repository. Booleans are stored internally # as "1" for true, and "0" for false. Any JSON true/false values # will be converted automatically. # @input params [Array] :events # Determines what events the hook is triggered for. Default: ["push"] # @input params [Boolean] :active # Determines whether the hook is actually triggered on pushes. # # To create a webhook, the following fields are required by the config: # # @input config [String] :url # A required string defining the URL to which the payloads # will be delivered. # @input config [String] :content_type # An optional string defining the media type used to serialize # the payloads. Supported values include json and form. # The default is form. # @input config [String] :secret # An optional string that’s passed with the HTTP requests as # an X-Hub-Signature header. The value of this header is # computed as the HMAC hex digest of the body, # using the secret as the key. # @input config [String] :insecure_ssl # An optional string that determines whether the SSL certificate # of the host for url will be verified when delivering payloads. # Supported values include "0" (verification is performed) and # "1" (verification is not performed). The default is "0".or instance, if the library doesn't get updated to permit a given parameter the api call won't work, however if we skip permission all together, the endpoint should always work provided the actual resource path doesn't change. I'm in the process of completely removing the permit functionality. # # @example # github = Github.new # github.orgs.hooks.create 'org-name', # name: "web", # active: true, # config: { # url: "http://something.com/webhook" # } # } # # @api public def create(*args) arguments(args, required: [:org_name]) do assert_required REQUIRED_PARAMS end post_request("/orgs/#{arguments.org_name}/hooks", arguments.params) end # Edit a hook # # @see https://developer.github.com/v3/orgs/hooks/#edit-a-hook # # @param [Hash] params # @input params [Hash] :config # Required. Key/value pairs to provide settings for this hook. # These settings vary between the services and are defined in # the github-services repository. Booleans are stored internally # as "1" for true, and "0" for false. Any JSON true/false values # will be converted automatically. # @input params [Array] :events # Determines what events the hook is triggered for. Default: ["push"] # @input params [Array] :add_events # Determines a list of events to be added to the list of events # that the Hook triggers for. # @input params [Array] :remove_events # Determines a list of events to be removed from the list of # events that the Hook triggers for. # @input params [Boolean] :active # Determines whether the hook is actually triggered on pushes. # # @example # github = Github.new # github.orgs.hooks.edit 'org-name', 'hook-id', # "name" => "campfire", # "active" => true, # "config" => { # "subdomain" => "github", # "room" => "Commits", # "token" => "abc123" # } # # @api public def edit(*args) arguments(args, required: [:org_name, :id]) do assert_required REQUIRED_PARAMS end patch_request("/orgs/#{arguments.org_name}/hooks/#{arguments.id}", arguments.params) end # Ping a hook # # This will trigger a ping event to be sent to the hook. # # @see https://developer.github.com/v3/orgs/hooks/#ping-a-hook # # @example # github = Github.new # github.orgs.hooks.ping 'org-name', 'hook-id' # # @api public def ping(*args) arguments(args, required: [:org_name, :id]) post_request("/orgs/#{arguments.org_name}/hooks/#{arguments.id}/pings", arguments.params) end # Delete a hook # # @see https://developer.github.com/v3/orgs/hooks/#delete-a-hook # # @example # github = Github.new # github.orgs.hooks.delete 'org-name', 'hook-id' # # @api public def delete(*args) arguments(args, required: [:org_name, :id]) delete_request("/orgs/#{arguments.org_name}/hooks/#{arguments.id}", arguments.params) end end # Client::Orgs::Hooks end # Github