require File.expand_path("spec_helper", File.dirname(__FILE__)) describe "capturing" do it "doesn't yield the verb" do app do |r| r.get do |*args| args.size.to_s end end body.should == '0' end it "doesn't yield the path" do app do |r| r.get "home" do |*args| args.size.to_s end end body('/home').should == '0' end it "yields the segment" do app do |r| r.get "user", :id do |id| id end end body("/user/johndoe").should == 'johndoe' end it "yields a number" do app do |r| r.get "user", :id do |id| id end end body("/user/101").should == '101' end it "yields a segment per nested block" do app do |r| r.on :one do |one| r.on :two do |two| r.on :three do |three| one + two + three end end end end body("/one/two/three").should == "onetwothree" end it "regex captures in regex format" do app do |r| r.get %r{posts/(\d+)-(.*)} do |id, slug| id + slug end end body("/posts/123-postal-service").should == "123postal-service" end end describe "" do it "ensures the patch is matched fully" do app do |r| "" do "+1" end end body.should == '+1' status('//').should == 404 end it "handles no arguments" do app do |r| r.on "" do do "+1" end end end body.should == '+1' status('//').should == 404 end it "matches strings" do app do |r| "123" do "+1" end end body("/123").should == '+1' status("/123/").should == 404 end it "matches regexps" do app do |r| /(\w+)/ do |id| id end end body("/123").should == '123' status("/123/").should == 404 end it "matches segments" do app do |r| :id do |id| id end end body("/123").should == '123' status("/123/").should == 404 end end describe "matchers" do it "should handle string with embedded param" do app do |r| r.on "posts/:id" do |id| id end end body('/posts/123').should == '123' status('/post/123').should == 404 end it "should handle multiple params in single string" do app do |r| r.on "u/:uid/posts/:id" do |uid, id| uid + id end end body("/u/jdoe/posts/123").should == 'jdoe123' status("/u/jdoe/pots/123").should == 404 end it "should escape regexp metacharaters in string" do app do |r| r.on "u/:uid/posts?/:id" do |uid, id| uid + id end end body("/u/jdoe/posts?/123").should == 'jdoe123' status("/u/jdoe/post/123").should == 404 end it "should handle colons by themselves" do app do |r| r.on "u/:/:uid/posts/::id" do |uid, id| uid + id end end body("/u/:/jdoe/posts/:123").should == 'jdoe123' status("/u/a/jdoe/post/b123").should == 404 end it "should handle regexes and nesting" do app do |r| r.on(/u\/(\w+)/) do |uid| r.on(/posts\/(\d+)/) do |id| uid + id end end end body("/u/jdoe/posts/123").should == 'jdoe123' status("/u/jdoe/pots/123").should == 404 end it "should handle regex nesting colon param style" do app do |r| r.on(/u:(\w+)/) do |uid| r.on(/posts:(\d+)/) do |id| uid + id end end end body("/u:jdoe/posts:123").should == 'jdoe123' status("/u:jdoe/poss:123").should == 404 end it "symbol matching" do app do |r| r.on "user", :id do |uid| r.on "posts", :pid do |id| uid + id end end end body("/user/jdoe/posts/123").should == 'jdoe123' status("/user/jdoe/pots/123").should == 404 end it "paths and numbers" do app do |r| r.on "about" do r.on :one, :two do |one, two| one + two end end end body("/about/1/2").should == '12' status("/about/1").should == 404 end it "paths and decimals" do app do |r| r.on "about" do r.on(/(\d+)/) do |one| one end end end body("/about/1").should == '1' status("/about/1.2").should == 404 end it "should allow arrays to match any value" do app do |r| r.on [/(\d+)/, /\d+(bar)?/] do |id| id end end body('/123').should == '123' body('/123bar').should == 'bar' status('/123bard').should == 404 end it "should have array capture match string if match" do app do |r| r.on %w'p q' do |id| id end end body('/p').should == 'p' body('/q').should == 'q' status('/r').should == 404 end end describe "r.on" do it "executes on no arguments" do app do |r| r.on do "+1" end end body.should == '+1' end it "executes on true" do app do |r| r.on true do "+1" end end body.should == '+1' end it "executes on non-false" do app do |r| r.on "123" do "+1" end end body("/123").should == '+1' end it "ensures SCRIPT_NAME and PATH_INFO are reverted" do app do |r| r.on lambda { r.env["SCRIPT_NAME"] = "/hello"; false } do "Unreachable" end r.on do r.env["SCRIPT_NAME"] + ':' + r.env["PATH_INFO"] end end body("/hello").should == ':/hello' end it "doesn't mutate SCRIPT_NAME or PATH_INFO after request is returned" do app do |r| r.on 'login', 'foo' do "Unreachable" end r.on do r.env["SCRIPT_NAME"] + ':' + r.env["PATH_INFO"] end end pi, sn = '/login', '' env = {"REQUEST_METHOD" => "GET", "PATH_INFO" => pi, "SCRIPT_NAME" => sn}[2].join.should == ":/login" env["PATH_INFO"].should equal(pi) env["SCRIPT_NAME"].should equal(sn) end it "skips consecutive matches" do app do |r| r.on do "foo" end r.on do "bar" end end body.should == "foo" end it "finds first match available" do app do |r| r.on false do "foo" end r.on do "bar" end end body.should == "bar" end it "reverts a half-met matcher" do app do |r| r.on "post", false do "Should be unmet" end r.on do r.env["SCRIPT_NAME"] + ':' + r.env["PATH_INFO"] end end body("/hello").should == ':/hello' end it "doesn't write to body if body already written to" do app do |r| r.on do response.write "a" "b" end end body.should == 'a' end end describe "param! matcher" do it "should yield a param only if given and not empty" do app do |r| r.get "signup", :param! => "email" do |email| email end r.on do "No email" end end io = body("/signup", "rack.input" => io, "QUERY_STRING" => "").should == '' body("/signup", "rack.input" => io, "QUERY_STRING" => "").should == 'No email' body("/signup", "rack.input" => io, "QUERY_STRING" => "email=").should == 'No email' end end describe "param matcher" do it "should yield a param only if given" do app do |r| r.get "signup", :param=>"email" do |email| email end r.on do "No email" end end io = body("/signup", "rack.input" => io, "QUERY_STRING" => "").should == '' body("/signup", "rack.input" => io, "QUERY_STRING" => "").should == 'No email' body("/signup", "rack.input" => io, "QUERY_STRING" => "email=").should == '' end end describe "path matchers" do it "one level path" do app do |r| r.on "about" do "About" end end body('/about').should == "About" status("/abot").should == 404 end it "two level nested paths" do app do |r| r.on "about" do r.on "1" do "+1" end r.on "2" do "+2" end end end body('/about/1').should == "+1" body('/about/2').should == "+2" status('/about/3').should == 404 end it "two level inlined paths" do app do |r| r.on "a/b" do "ab" end end body('/a/b').should == "ab" status('/a/d').should == 404 end it "a path with some regex captures" do app do |r| r.on /user(\d+)/ do |uid| uid end end body('/user123').should == "123" status('/useradf').should == 404 end it "matching the root with a string" do app do |r| "" do "Home" end end body.should == 'Home' status("//").should == 404 status("/foo").should == 404 end it "matching the root with the root method" do app do |r| r.root do "Home" end end body.should == 'Home' status('REQUEST_METHOD'=>'POST').should == 404 status("//").should == 404 status("/foo").should == 404 end end describe "root/empty segment matching" do it "matching an empty segment" do app do |r| r.on "" do r.path end end body.should == '/' status("/foo").should == 404 end it "nested empty segments" do app do |r| r.on "" do r.on "" do r.on "1" do r.path end end end end body("///1").should == '///1' status("/1").should == 404 status("//1").should == 404 end it "/events/? scenario" do a = app do |r| r.on "" do "Hooray" end do "Foo" end end app(:new) do |r| r.on "events" do a end end body("/events").should == 'Foo' body("/events/").should == 'Hooray' status("/events/foo").should == 404 end end describe "segment handling" do before do app do |r| r.on "post" do r.on :id do |id| id end end end end it "matches numeric ids" do body('/post/1').should == '1' end it "matches decimal numbers" do body('/post/1.1').should == '1.1' end it "matches slugs" do body('/post/my-blog-post-about-cuba').should == 'my-blog-post-about-cuba' end it "matches only the first segment available" do body('/post/one/two/three').should == 'one' end end describe "request verb methods" do it "executes if verb matches" do app do |r| r.get do "g" end do "p" end end body.should == 'g' body('REQUEST_METHOD'=>'POST').should == 'p' end it "requires exact match if given arguments" do app do |r| r.get "" do "g" end "" do "p" end end body.should == 'g' body('REQUEST_METHOD'=>'POST').should == 'p' status("/a").should == 404 status("/a", 'REQUEST_METHOD'=>'POST').should == 404 end it "does not require exact match if given arguments" do app do |r| r.get do "" do "g" end "get" end do "" do "p" end "post" end end body.should == 'g' body('REQUEST_METHOD'=>'POST').should == 'p' body("/a").should == 'get' body("/a", 'REQUEST_METHOD'=>'POST').should == 'post' end end describe "all matcher" do it "should match only all all arguments match" do app do |r| :all=>['foo', :y] do |file| file end end body("/foo/bar").should == 'bar' status.should == 404 status("/foo").should == 404 status("/foo/").should == 404 status("/foo/bar/baz").should == 404 end end describe "extension matcher" do it "should match given file extensions" do app do |r| r.on "css" do r.on :extension=>"css" do |file| file end end end body("/css/reset.css").should == 'reset' status("/css/").should == 404 end end describe "method matcher" do it "should match given request types" do app do |r| "", :method=>:get do "foo" end "", :method=>[:patch, :post] do "bar" end end body("REQUEST_METHOD"=>"GET").should == 'foo' body("REQUEST_METHOD"=>"PATCH").should == 'bar' body("REQUEST_METHOD"=>"POST").should == 'bar' status("REQUEST_METHOD"=>"DELETE").should == 404 end end describe "route block that returns string" do it "should be treated as if an on block returned string" do app do |r| "+1" end body.should == '+1' end end describe "hash_matcher" do it "should enable the handling of arbitrary hash keys" do app(:bare) do hash_matcher(:foos){|v| consume(self.class.cached_matcher(:"foos-#{v}"){/((?:foo){#{v}})/})} route do |r| :foos=>1 do |f| "1#{f}" end :foos=>2 do |f| "2#{f}" end :foos=>3 do |f| "3#{f}" end end end body("/foo").should == '1foo' body("/foofoo").should == '2foofoo' body("/foofoofoo").should == '3foofoofoo' status("/foofoofoofoo").should == 404 status.should == 404 end end