module Lono::AppFile class Build < Base def initialize_variables @output_files_path = "#{Lono.config.output_path}/#{@blueprint}/files" end def run return unless detect_files? puts "Building app/files for blueprint #{@blueprint}" build_all end def build_all clean_output copy_to_output Registry.items.each do |item| if zip_directory(item) elsif item.file? zip_file(item) else puts "WARN: #{item.path} does not exist. Double check that the path is correct in the s3_key call.".color(:yellow) end end end def zip_file(item) path = item.path zip_file = item.zip_file_name puts "Zipping file and generating md5 named file from: #{path}" command = "cd #{File.dirname(path)} && zip -q #{zip_file} #{File.basename(path)}" # create zipfile at same level of file zip(command) end def zip_directory(item) path = item.path zip_file = item.zip_file_name puts "Zipping folder and generating md5 named file from: #{path}" command = "cd #{path} && zip --symlinks -rq #{zip_file} ." # create zipfile witih directory zip(command)"#{path}/#{zip_file}", "#{File.dirname(path)}/#{zip_file}") # move zip back to the parent directory end def zip(command) # puts "=> #{command}".color(:green) # uncomment to debug `#{command}` unless $?.success? puts "ERROR: Fail to run #{command}".color(:red) puts "Maybe zip is not installed or path is incorrect?" exit 1 end end def clean_output FileUtils.rm_rf(@output_files_path) end def copy_to_output src = "#{Lono.blueprint_root}/app/files" dest = @output_files_path FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(dest)) FileUtils.cp_r(src, dest) end def detect_files? app_files = Dir["#{Lono.blueprint_root}/app/files/*"] if app_files.empty? false else puts "Detected app/files for blueprint #{@blueprint}" true end end end end