// Copyright (C) 2014  Davis E. King (davis@dlib.net)
// License: Boost Software License   See LICENSE.txt for the full license.

#include "numpy.h"
#include <dlib/pixel.h>
#include <dlib/matrix.h>
#include <dlib/array.h>

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

class numpy_gray_image

    numpy_gray_image() : _data(0), _nr(0), _nc(0) {}
    numpy_gray_image (boost::python::object& img) 
        long shape[2];
        get_numpy_ndarray_parts(img, _data, _contig_buf, shape);
        _nr = shape[0];
        _nc = shape[1];

    friend inline long num_rows(const numpy_gray_image& img) { return img._nr; } 
    friend inline long num_columns(const numpy_gray_image& img) { return img._nc; } 
    friend inline void* image_data(numpy_gray_image& img) { return img._data; } 
    friend inline const void* image_data(const numpy_gray_image& img) { return img._data; }
    friend inline long width_step(const numpy_gray_image& img) { return img._nc*sizeof(unsigned char); }


    unsigned char* _data;
    dlib::array<unsigned char> _contig_buf;
    long _nr;
    long _nc;

namespace dlib
    template <>
    struct image_traits<numpy_gray_image >
        typedef unsigned char pixel_type;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

inline bool is_gray_python_image (boost::python::object& img)
        long shape[2];
        get_numpy_ndarray_shape(img, shape);
        return true;
    catch (dlib::error&)
        return false;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

class numpy_rgb_image

    numpy_rgb_image() : _data(0), _nr(0), _nc(0) {}
    numpy_rgb_image (boost::python::object& img) 
        long shape[3];
        get_numpy_ndarray_parts(img, _data, _contig_buf, shape);
        _nr = shape[0];
        _nc = shape[1];
        if (shape[2] != 3)
            throw dlib::error("Error, python object is not a three band image and therefore can't be a RGB image.");

    friend inline long num_rows(const numpy_rgb_image& img) { return img._nr; } 
    friend inline long num_columns(const numpy_rgb_image& img) { return img._nc; } 
    friend inline void* image_data(numpy_rgb_image& img) { return img._data; } 
    friend inline const void* image_data(const numpy_rgb_image& img) { return img._data; }
    friend inline long width_step(const numpy_rgb_image& img) { return img._nc*sizeof(dlib::rgb_pixel); }


    dlib::rgb_pixel* _data;
    dlib::array<dlib::rgb_pixel> _contig_buf;
    long _nr;
    long _nc;

namespace dlib
    template <>
    struct image_traits<numpy_rgb_image >
        typedef rgb_pixel pixel_type;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

inline bool is_rgb_python_image (boost::python::object& img)
        long shape[3];
        get_numpy_ndarray_shape(img, shape);
        if (shape[2] == 3)
            return true;
        return false;
    catch (dlib::error&)
        return false;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------