module Asciimath2UnitsML class Conv include Rsec::Helpers def read_yaml(path) validate_yaml(symbolize_keys(YAML.load_file(File.join(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), path)))), path) end def flip_name_and_symbol(hash) hash.each_with_object({}) do |(k, v), m| next if || m[v.symbolid] = v end end def flip_name_and_symbols(hash) hash.each_with_object({}) do |(k, v), m| next if || v.symbolids.each { |s| m[s] = v } end end def validate_yaml(hash, path) return hash if path == "../unitsdb/quantities.yaml" return hash if path == "../unitsdb/dimensions.yaml" hash.each_with_object({}) do |(k, v), m| path == "../unitsdb/units.yaml" and validate_unit(v) m = validate_symbols(m, v) v[:unit_symbols]&.each { |s| validate_unit_symbol_cardinality(s, k) } end hash end def validate_unit(v) if v[:quantity_reference] v[:quantity_reference].is_a?(Array) or raise "No quantity_reference array provided for unit: #{v}" end if v[:unit_name] v[:unit_name].is_a?(Array) or raise "No unit_name array provided for unit: #{v}" end end def validate_symbols(m, v) symbol = symbol_key(v) !symbol.nil? or raise "No symbol provided for unit: #{v}" Array(symbol)&.each do |s| m[s] && s != "1" and raise "symbol #{s} is not unique in #{v}: already used for #{m[s]}" m[s] = v end m end def validate_unit_symbol_cardinality(us, k) return true if us.nil? !us[:id].nil? && !us[:ascii].nil? && !us[:html].nil? && !us[:mathml].nil? && !us[:latex].nil? && !us[:unicode].nil? and return true raise "malformed unit_symbol for #{k}: #{us}" end def symbol_key(v) symbol = v[:unit_symbols]&.each_with_object([]) { |s, m| m << (s["id"] || s[:id]) } || v.dig(:symbol, :ascii) || v[:symbol] #|| v[:short] symbol = [symbol] if !symbol.nil? && v[:unit_symbols] && !symbol.is_a?(Array) symbol end def symbolize_keys(hash) return hash if hash.is_a? String hash.inject({}) do |result, (key, value)| new_key = case key when String then key.to_sym else key end new_value = case value when Hash then symbolize_keys(value) when Array then { |m| symbolize_keys(m) } else value end result[new_key] = new_value result end end def parser prefix2 = /#{ { |x| x.size == 2 }.join("|")}/.r prefix1 = /#{ { |x| x.size == 1 }.join("|")}/.r unit_keys = @units.keys.reject do |k| /\*|\^|\/|^1$/.match(k) || @units[k].prefixed { |k| Regexp.escape(k) } unit1 = /#{unit_keys.sort_by(&:length).reverse.join("|")}/.r exponent = /\^\(-?\d+\)/ { |m| m.sub(/\^/, "").gsub(/[()]/, "") } | /\^-?\d+/ { |m| m.sub(/\^/, "") } multiplier = %r{\*|//|/} { |x| { multiplier: x[0] } } unit = seq("sqrt(", unit1, ")") { |x| { prefix: nil, unit: x[1], display_exponent: "0.5" } } | seq("sqrt(", prefix1, unit1, ")") { |x| { prefix: x[1], unit: x[2], display_exponent: "0.5" } } | seq("sqrt(", prefix2, unit1, ")") { |x| { prefix: x[1], unit: x[2], display_exponent: "0.5" } } | seq(unit1, exponent._? & multiplier) { |x| { prefix: nil, unit: x[0], display_exponent: (x[1][0] )} } | seq(unit1, exponent._?).eof { |x| { prefix: nil, unit: x[0], display_exponent: (x[1][0] )} } | seq(prefix1, unit1, exponent._? ) { |x| { prefix: x[0], unit: x[1], display_exponent: (x[2][0] ) } } | seq(prefix2, unit1, exponent._? ) { |x| { prefix: x[0], unit: x[1], display_exponent: (x[2][0] ) } } | "1" { |_| { prefix: nil, unit: "1", display_exponent: nil } } units = seq(prefix2, "-") { |x| [{ prefix: x[0], unit: nil, display_exponent: nil }] } | seq(prefix1, "-") { |x| [{ prefix: x[0], unit: nil, display_exponent: nil }] } | unit.join(multiplier) parser = units.eof end def parse(x) text = Array(x.split(/,\s*/)) units = @parser.parse!(text[0]) if !units || Rsec::INVALID[units] raise "error parsing UnitsML expression", x, 1, 0 end Rsec::Fail.reset postprocess(units, text) end def postprocess(units, text) units = postprocess1(units) quantity = text[1..-1]&.select { |x| /^quantity:/.match(x) }&.first&.sub(/^quantity:\s*/, "") name = text[1..-1]&.select { |x| /^name:/.match(x) }&.first&.sub(/^name:\s*/, "") symbol = text[1..-1]&.select { |x| /^symbol:/.match(x) }&.first&.sub(/^symbol:\s*/, "") normtext = units_only(units) do |u| exp = u[:exponent] && u[:exponent] != "1" ? "^#{u[:exponent]}" : "" "#{u[:prefix]}#{u[:unit]}#{exp}" end.join("*") [units, text[0], normtext, quantity, name, symbol] end def postprocess1(units) inverse = false units.each_with_object([]) do |u, m| if u[:multiplier] inverse = (u[:multiplier] == "/") else u[:exponent] = inverse ? "-#{u[:display_exponent] || '1'}" : u[:display_exponent] u[:exponent] = u[:exponent]&.sub(/^--+/, "") end m << u end end def Asciimath2UnitsML(expression) xml = Nokogiri::XML(asciimath2mathml(expression)) MathML2UnitsML(xml).to_xml end # section 2: delimit number Invisible-Times unit def MathML2UnitsML(xml) xml.is_a? String and xml = Nokogiri::XML(xml) xml.xpath(".//m:mtext", "m" => MATHML_NS).each do |x| next unless %r{^unitsml\(.+\)$}.match(x.text) text = x.text.sub(%r{^unitsml\((.+)\)$}m, "\\1") units, origtext, normtext, quantity, name, symbol = parse(text) rendering = symbol ? embeddedmathml(asciimath2mathml(symbol)) : mathmlsymbol(units, false) x.replace("#{delimspace(rendering, x)}<mrow xref='#{unit_id(origtext)}'>#{rendering}</mrow>\n"\ "#{unitsml(units, origtext, normtext, quantity, name)}") end dedup_ids(xml) end def delimspace(rendering, elem) return "" if elem&.previous_element && elem& != "mn" text ="<mrow>#{rendering}</mrow>").text.strip) /\p{L}|\p{N}/.match(text) ? "<mo rspace='thickmathspace'>⁢</mo>" : "<mo>⁢</mo>" end def dedup_ids(xml) %w(Unit Dimension Prefix Quantity).each do |t| xml.xpath(".//m:#{t}/@xml:id", "m" => UNITSML_NS).map { |a| a.text }.uniq.each do |v| xml.xpath(".//*[@xml:id = '#{v}']").each_with_index do |n, i| next if i == 0 n.remove end end end xml end def asciimath2mathml(expression) => true).append_expression( AsciiMath.parse( gsub(/<math>/, "<math xmlns='#{MATHML_NS}'>") end def embeddedmathml(mathml) x = Nokogiri::XML(mathml) x.xpath(".//m:mi", "m" => MATHML_NS).each { |mi| mi["mathvariant"] = "normal" } x.children.to_xml end def ambig_units u = @units_id.each_with_object({}) do |(k, v), m| v.symbolids.each do |x| next if %r{[*/^]}.match(x) next unless v.symbols_hash[x][:html] != x m[v.symbols_hash[x][:html]] ||= [] m[v.symbols_hash[x][:html]] << x end end u.keys.each { |k| u[k] = u[k].unshift(k) if @symbols.dig(k, :html) == k } render_ambig_units(u) end def render_ambig_units(u) maxcols = 0 u.each { |_, v| maxcols = v.size if maxcols < v.size } puts %([cols="#{maxcols + 1}*"]\n|===\n|Symbol | Unit + ID #{"| " * (maxcols - 1)}\n) puts "\n\n" u.keys.sort_by { |a| [-u[a].size, a.gsub(%r{\&[^;]+;}, "").gsub(/[^A-Za-z]/, "").downcase] }.each do |k| print "| #{html2adoc(k)} " u[k].sort_by { |v1| v1.size }.each { |v1| print "| #{@units[v1].name}: `#{v1}` " } puts "#{"| " * (maxcols - u[k].size) }\n" end puts "|===\n" end def html2adoc(k) k.gsub(%r{<i>}, "__").gsub(%r{</i>}, "__") .gsub(%r{<sup>}, "^").gsub(%r{</sup>}, "^") .gsub(%r{<sub>}, "~").gsub(%r{</sub>}, "~") end end end