# Copyright (C) 2020 MongoDB Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. autoload :Net, 'net/http' module Mongo module Auth class Aws # Helper class for working with AWS requests. # # The primary purpose of this class is to produce the canonical AWS # STS request and calculate the signed headers and signature for it. # # @api private class Request # The body of the STS GetCallerIdentity request. # # This is currently the only request that this class supports making. STS_REQUEST_BODY = "Action=GetCallerIdentity&Version=2011-06-15".freeze # The timeout, in seconds, to use for validating credentials via STS. VALIDATE_TIMEOUT = 10 # Constructs the request. # # @note By overriding the time, it is possible to create reproducible # requests (in other words, replay a request). # # @param [ String ] access_key_id The access key id. # @param [ String ] secret_access_key The secret access key. # @param [ String ] session_token The session token for temporary # credentials. # @param [ String ] host The value of Host HTTP header to use. # @param [ String ] server_nonce The server nonce binary string. # @param [ Time ] time The time of the request. def initialize(access_key_id:, secret_access_key:, session_token: nil, host:, server_nonce:, time: Time.now ) @access_key_id = access_key_id @secret_access_key = secret_access_key @session_token = session_token @host = host @server_nonce = server_nonce @time = time %i(access_key_id secret_access_key host server_nonce).each do |arg| value = instance_variable_get("@#{arg}") if value.nil? || value.empty? raise ArgumentError, "Value for #{arg} is required" end end end # @return [ String ] access_key_id The access key id. attr_reader :access_key_id # @return [ String ] secret_access_key The secret access key. attr_reader :secret_access_key # @return [ String ] session_token The session token for temporary # credentials. attr_reader :session_token # @return [ String ] host The value of Host HTTP header to use. attr_reader :host # @return [ String ] server_nonce The server nonce binary string. attr_reader :server_nonce # @return [ Time ] time The time of the request. attr_reader :time # @return [ String ] formatted_time ISO8601-formatted time of the # request, as would be used in X-Amz-Date header. def formatted_time @formatted_time ||= @time.utc.strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ') end # @return [ String ] formatted_date YYYYMMDD formatted date of the request. def formatted_date formatted_time[0, 8] end # @return [ String ] region The region of the host, derived from the host. def region # TODO implement region derivation when SPEC-1646 is done. 'us-east-1' end # Returns the scope of the request, per the AWS signature V4 specification. # # @return [ String ] The scope. def scope "#{formatted_date}/#{region}/sts/aws4_request" end # Returns the hash containing the headers of the calculated canonical # request. # # @note Not all of these headers are part of the signed headers list, # the keys of the hash are not necessarily ordered lexicographically, # and the keys may be in any case. # # @return [ ] headers The headers. def headers headers = { 'content-length' => STS_REQUEST_BODY.length.to_s, 'content-type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'host' => host, 'x-amz-date' => formatted_time, 'x-mongodb-gs2-cb-flag' => 'n', 'x-mongodb-server-nonce' => Base64.encode64(server_nonce).gsub("\n", ''), } # Hash#compact is available as of Ruby 2.4 if session_token headers['x-amz-security-token'] = session_token end headers end # Returns the hash containing the headers of the calculated canonical # request that should be signed, in a ready to sign form. # # The differences between #headers and this method is this method: # # - Removes any headers that are not to be signed. Per AWS # specifications it should be possible to sign all headers, but # MongoDB server expects only some headers to be signed and will # not form the correct request if other headers are signed. # - Lowercases all header names. # - Orders the headers lexicographically in the hash. # # @return [ ] headers The headers. def headers_to_sign headers_to_sign = {} headers.keys.sort_by { |k| k.downcase }.each do |key| write_key = key.downcase headers_to_sign[write_key] = headers[key] end headers_to_sign end # Returns semicolon-separated list of names of signed headers, per # the AWS signature V4 specification. # # @return [ String ] The signed header list. def signed_headers_string headers_to_sign.keys.join(';') end # Returns the canonical request used during calculation of AWS V4 # signature. # # @return [ String ] The canonical request. def canonical_request headers = headers_to_sign serialized_headers = headers.map do |k, v| "#{k}:#{v}" end.join("\n") hashed_payload = Digest::SHA256.new.update(STS_REQUEST_BODY).hexdigest "POST\n/\n\n" + # There are two newlines after serialized headers because the # signature V4 specification treats each header as containing the # terminating newline, and there is an additional newline # separating headers from the signed header names. "#{serialized_headers}\n\n" + "#{signed_headers_string}\n" + hashed_payload end # Returns the calculated signature of the canonical request, per # the AWS signature V4 specification. # # @return [ String ] The signature. def signature hashed_canonical_request = Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(canonical_request) hashed_body = Digest::SHA256.new.update(STS_REQUEST_BODY).hexdigest string_to_sign = "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256\n" + "#{formatted_time}\n" + "#{scope}\n" + hashed_canonical_request # All of the intermediate HMAC operations are not hex-encoded. mac = hmac("AWS4#{secret_access_key}", formatted_date) mac = hmac(mac, region) mac = hmac(mac, 'sts') signing_key = hmac(mac, 'aws4_request') # Only the final HMAC operation is hex-encoded. hmac_hex(signing_key, string_to_sign) end # Returns the value of the Authorization header, per the AWS # signature V4 specification. # # @return [ String ] Authorization header value. def authorization "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=#{access_key_id}/#{scope}, SignedHeaders=#{signed_headers_string}, Signature=#{signature}" end # Validates the credentials and the constructed request components # by sending a real STS GetCallerIdentity request. # # @return [ Hash ] GetCallerIdentity result. def validate! sts_request = Net::HTTP::Post.new("https://#{host}").tap do |req| headers.each do |k, v| req[k] = v end req['authorization'] = authorization req['accept'] = 'application/json' req.body = STS_REQUEST_BODY end http = Net::HTTP.new(host, 443) http.use_ssl = true http.start do resp = Timeout.timeout(VALIDATE_TIMEOUT, Error::CredentialCheckError, 'GetCallerIdentity request timed out') do http.request(sts_request) end payload = JSON.parse(resp.body) if resp.code != '200' aws_code = payload.fetch('Error').fetch('Code') aws_message = payload.fetch('Error').fetch('Message') msg = "Credential check for user #{access_key_id} failed with HTTP status code #{resp.code}: #{aws_code}: #{aws_message}" msg += '.' unless msg.end_with?('.') msg += " Please check that the credentials are valid, and if they are temporary (i.e. use the session token) that the session token is provided and not expired" raise Error::CredentialCheckError, msg end payload.fetch('GetCallerIdentityResponse').fetch('GetCallerIdentityResult') end end private def hmac(key, data) OpenSSL::HMAC.digest("SHA256", key, data) end def hmac_hex(key, data) OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest("SHA256", key, data) end end end end end