HPXML Schematron Validator: HPXML.xsd Expected Transaction to be 'create' or 'update' Expected EventType to be 'audit' or 'proposed workscope' or 'approved workscope' or 'construction-period testing/daily test out' or 'job completion testing/final inspection' or 'quality assurance/monitoring' or 'preconstruction' Expected SiteType to be 'rural' or 'suburban' or 'urban' Expected ShieldingofHome to be 'well-shielded' or 'normal' or 'exposed' Expected Fuel to be 'electricity' or 'renewable electricity' or 'natural gas' or 'renewable natural gas' or 'fuel oil' or 'fuel oil 1' or 'fuel oil 2' or 'fuel oil 4' or 'fuel oil 5/6' or 'district steam' or 'district hot water' or 'district chilled water' or 'solar hot water' or 'propane' or 'kerosene' or 'diesel' or 'coal' or 'anthracite coal' or 'bituminous coal' or 'coke' or 'wood' or 'wood pellets' or 'combination' or 'other' Expected NumberofResidents to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected ResidentialFacilityType to be 'single-family detached' or 'single-family attached' or 'manufactured home' or '2-4 unit building' or '5+ unit building' or 'multi-family - uncategorized' or 'multi-family - town homes' or 'multi-family - condos' or 'apartment unit' or 'studio unit' or 'other' or 'unknown' Expected NumberofConditionedFloors to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected NumberofConditionedFloorsAboveGrade to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected NumberofBedrooms to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected NumberofBathrooms to be greater than 0 Expected ConditionedFloorArea to be greater than 0 Expected ConditionedBuildingVolume to be greater than 0 Expected Year to be '2012' or '2009' or '2006' or '2003' Expected ClimateZone to be '1A' or '1B' or '1C' or '2A' or '2B' or '2C' or '3A' or '3B' or '3C' or '4A' or '4B' or '4C' or '5A' or '5B' or '5C' or '6A' or '6B' or '6C' or '7' or '8' Expected HousePressure to be greater than 0 Expected id attribute for SystemIdentifier Expected UnitofMeasure to be 'CFM' or 'CFMnatural' or 'ACH' or 'ACHnatural' Expected AirLeakage to be greater than 0 Expected UnitofMeasure to be 'SLA' or 'ACHnatural' or 'CFM per sq.ft.' Expected Value to be greater than 0 Expected UnitofMeasure to be 'SLA' or 'ACHnatural' or 'CFM per sq.ft.' Expected Value to be greater than 0 Expected InteriorAdjacentTo to be 'attic' or 'attic - conditioned' or 'attic - unconditioned' or 'attic - unvented' or 'attic - vented' or 'basement' or 'basement - conditioned' or 'basement - unconditioned' or 'crawlspace' or 'crawlspace - conditioned' or 'crawlspace - unconditioned' or 'crawlspace - unvented' or 'crawlspace - vented' or 'garage' or 'garage - conditioned' or 'garage - unconditioned' or 'ground' or 'living space' or 'other' or 'other heated space' or 'other housing unit' or 'other housing unit above' or 'other housing unit below' or 'other multifamily buffer space' or 'other non-freezing space' or 'outside' or 'unconditioned space' Expected Area to be greater than 0 Expected Azimuth to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected Azimuth to be less than 360 Expected RoofType to be 'shingles' or 'slate or tile shingles' or 'wood shingles or shakes' or 'asphalt or fiberglass shingles' or 'metal surfacing' or 'expanded polystyrene sheathing' or 'plastic/rubber/synthetic sheeting' or 'concrete' or 'cool roof' or 'green roof' or 'no one major type' or 'other' Expected RoofColor to be 'light' or 'medium' or 'medium dark' or 'dark' or 'reflective' Expected SolarAbsorptance to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected SolarAbsorptance to be less than or equal to 1 Expected Emittance to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected Emittance to be less than or equal to 1 Expected Pitch to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected RadiantBarrierGrade to be greater than or equal to 1 Expected RadiantBarrierGrade to be less than or equal to 3 Expected id attribute for SystemIdentifier Expected AssemblyEffectiveRValue to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected id attribute for SystemIdentifier Expected ExteriorAdjacentTo to be 'attic' or 'attic - conditioned' or 'attic - unconditioned' or 'attic - unvented' or 'attic - vented' or 'basement' or 'basement - conditioned' or 'basement - unconditioned' or 'crawlspace' or 'crawlspace - conditioned' or 'crawlspace - unconditioned' or 'crawlspace - unvented' or 'crawlspace - vented' or 'garage' or 'garage - conditioned' or 'garage - unconditioned' or 'ground' or 'living space' or 'other' or 'other heated space' or 'other housing unit' or 'other housing unit above' or 'other housing unit below' or 'other multifamily buffer space' or 'other non-freezing space' or 'outside' or 'unconditioned space' Expected InteriorAdjacentTo to be 'attic' or 'attic - conditioned' or 'attic - unconditioned' or 'attic - unvented' or 'attic - vented' or 'basement' or 'basement - conditioned' or 'basement - unconditioned' or 'crawlspace' or 'crawlspace - conditioned' or 'crawlspace - unconditioned' or 'crawlspace - unvented' or 'crawlspace - vented' or 'garage' or 'garage - conditioned' or 'garage - unconditioned' or 'ground' or 'living space' or 'other' or 'other heated space' or 'other housing unit' or 'other housing unit above' or 'other housing unit below' or 'other multifamily buffer space' or 'other non-freezing space' or 'outside' or 'unconditioned space' Expected Area to be greater than 0 Expected Azimuth to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected Azimuth to be less than 360 Expected Siding to be 'wood siding' or 'stucco' or 'synthetic stucco' or 'vinyl siding' or 'aluminum siding' or 'brick veneer' or 'asbestos siding' or 'fiber cement siding' or 'composite shingle siding' or 'masonite siding' or 'other' Expected Color to be 'light' or 'medium' or 'medium dark' or 'dark' or 'reflective' Expected SolarAbsorptance to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected SolarAbsorptance to be less than or equal to 1 Expected Emittance to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected Emittance to be less than or equal to 1 Expected id attribute for SystemIdentifier Expected AssemblyEffectiveRValue to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected id attribute for SystemIdentifier Expected ExteriorAdjacentTo to be 'attic' or 'attic - conditioned' or 'attic - unconditioned' or 'attic - unvented' or 'attic - vented' or 'basement' or 'basement - conditioned' or 'basement - unconditioned' or 'crawlspace' or 'crawlspace - conditioned' or 'crawlspace - unconditioned' or 'crawlspace - unvented' or 'crawlspace - vented' or 'garage' or 'garage - conditioned' or 'garage - unconditioned' or 'ground' or 'living space' or 'other' or 'other heated space' or 'other housing unit' or 'other housing unit above' or 'other housing unit below' or 'other multifamily buffer space' or 'other non-freezing space' or 'outside' or 'unconditioned space' Expected InteriorAdjacentTo to be 'attic' or 'attic - conditioned' or 'attic - unconditioned' or 'attic - unvented' or 'attic - vented' or 'basement' or 'basement - conditioned' or 'basement - unconditioned' or 'crawlspace' or 'crawlspace - conditioned' or 'crawlspace - unconditioned' or 'crawlspace - unvented' or 'crawlspace - vented' or 'garage' or 'garage - conditioned' or 'garage - unconditioned' or 'ground' or 'living space' or 'other' or 'other heated space' or 'other housing unit' or 'other housing unit above' or 'other housing unit below' or 'other multifamily buffer space' or 'other non-freezing space' or 'outside' or 'unconditioned space' Expected Area to be greater than 0 Expected Azimuth to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected Azimuth to be less than 360 Expected Siding to be 'wood siding' or 'stucco' or 'synthetic stucco' or 'vinyl siding' or 'aluminum siding' or 'brick veneer' or 'asbestos siding' or 'fiber cement siding' or 'composite shingle siding' or 'masonite siding' or 'other' Expected Color to be 'light' or 'medium' or 'medium dark' or 'dark' or 'reflective' Expected SolarAbsorptance to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected SolarAbsorptance to be less than or equal to 1 Expected Emittance to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected Emittance to be less than or equal to 1 Expected id attribute for SystemIdentifier Expected AssemblyEffectiveRValue to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected id attribute for SystemIdentifier Expected ExteriorAdjacentTo to be 'attic' or 'attic - conditioned' or 'attic - unconditioned' or 'attic - unvented' or 'attic - vented' or 'basement' or 'basement - conditioned' or 'basement - unconditioned' or 'crawlspace' or 'crawlspace - conditioned' or 'crawlspace - unconditioned' or 'crawlspace - unvented' or 'crawlspace - vented' or 'garage' or 'garage - conditioned' or 'garage - unconditioned' or 'ground' or 'living space' or 'other' or 'other heated space' or 'other housing unit' or 'other housing unit above' or 'other housing unit below' or 'other multifamily buffer space' or 'other non-freezing space' or 'outside' or 'unconditioned space' Expected InteriorAdjacentTo to be 'attic' or 'attic - conditioned' or 'attic - unconditioned' or 'attic - unvented' or 'attic - vented' or 'basement' or 'basement - conditioned' or 'basement - unconditioned' or 'crawlspace' or 'crawlspace - conditioned' or 'crawlspace - unconditioned' or 'crawlspace - unvented' or 'crawlspace - vented' or 'garage' or 'garage - conditioned' or 'garage - unconditioned' or 'ground' or 'living space' or 'other' or 'other heated space' or 'other housing unit' or 'other housing unit above' or 'other housing unit below' or 'other multifamily buffer space' or 'other non-freezing space' or 'outside' or 'unconditioned space' Expected Height to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected Area to be greater than 0 Expected Azimuth to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected Azimuth to be less than 360 Expected Thickness to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected DepthBelowGrade to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected id attribute for SystemIdentifier Expected AssemblyEffectiveRValue to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected id attribute for SystemIdentifier Expected InstallationType to be 'cavity' or 'continuous' or 'continuous - interior' or 'continuous - exterior' Expected NominalRValue to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected ExteriorAdjacentTo to be 'attic' or 'attic - conditioned' or 'attic - unconditioned' or 'attic - unvented' or 'attic - vented' or 'basement' or 'basement - conditioned' or 'basement - unconditioned' or 'crawlspace' or 'crawlspace - conditioned' or 'crawlspace - unconditioned' or 'crawlspace - unvented' or 'crawlspace - vented' or 'garage' or 'garage - conditioned' or 'garage - unconditioned' or 'ground' or 'living space' or 'other' or 'other heated space' or 'other housing unit' or 'other housing unit above' or 'other housing unit below' or 'other multifamily buffer space' or 'other non-freezing space' or 'outside' or 'unconditioned space' Expected InteriorAdjacentTo to be 'attic' or 'attic - conditioned' or 'attic - unconditioned' or 'attic - unvented' or 'attic - vented' or 'basement' or 'basement - conditioned' or 'basement - unconditioned' or 'crawlspace' or 'crawlspace - conditioned' or 'crawlspace - unconditioned' or 'crawlspace - unvented' or 'crawlspace - vented' or 'garage' or 'garage - conditioned' or 'garage - unconditioned' or 'ground' or 'living space' or 'other' or 'other heated space' or 'other housing unit' or 'other housing unit above' or 'other housing unit below' or 'other multifamily buffer space' or 'other non-freezing space' or 'outside' or 'unconditioned space' Expected Area to be greater than 0 Expected id attribute for SystemIdentifier Expected AssemblyEffectiveRValue to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected id attribute for SystemIdentifier Expected InteriorAdjacentTo to be 'attic' or 'attic - conditioned' or 'attic - unconditioned' or 'attic - unvented' or 'attic - vented' or 'basement' or 'basement - conditioned' or 'basement - unconditioned' or 'crawlspace' or 'crawlspace - conditioned' or 'crawlspace - unconditioned' or 'crawlspace - unvented' or 'crawlspace - vented' or 'garage' or 'garage - conditioned' or 'garage - unconditioned' or 'ground' or 'living space' or 'other' or 'other heated space' or 'other housing unit' or 'other housing unit above' or 'other housing unit below' or 'other multifamily buffer space' or 'other non-freezing space' or 'outside' or 'unconditioned space' Expected Area to be greater than 0 Expected Thickness to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected Perimeter to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected ExposedPerimeter to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected PerimeterInsulationDepth to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected UnderSlabInsulationWidth to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected DepthBelowGrade to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected id attribute for SystemIdentifier Expected NominalRValue to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected NominalRValue to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected Area to be greater than 0 Expected Azimuth to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected Azimuth to be less than 360 Expected UFactor to be greater than 0 Expected SHGC to be greater than 0 Expected SHGC to be less than 1 Expected FractionOperable to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected FractionOperable to be less than or equal to 1 Expected id attribute for SystemIdentifier Expected idref attribute for AttachedToWall Expected SummerShadingCoefficient to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected SummerShadingCoefficient to be less than or equal to 1 Expected WinterShadingCoefficient to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected WinterShadingCoefficient to be less than or equal to 1 Expected id attribute for SystemIdentifier Expected SummerShadingCoefficient to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected SummerShadingCoefficient to be less than or equal to 1 Expected WinterShadingCoefficient to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected WinterShadingCoefficient to be less than or equal to 1 Expected id attribute for SystemIdentifier Expected Depth to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected DistanceToTopOfWindow to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected DistanceToBottomOfWindow to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected Area to be greater than 0 Expected Azimuth to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected Azimuth to be less than 360 Expected UFactor to be greater than 0 Expected SHGC to be greater than 0 Expected SHGC to be less than 1 Expected id attribute for SystemIdentifier Expected idref attribute for AttachedToRoof Expected SummerShadingCoefficient to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected SummerShadingCoefficient to be less than or equal to 1 Expected WinterShadingCoefficient to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected WinterShadingCoefficient to be less than or equal to 1 Expected id attribute for SystemIdentifier Expected SummerShadingCoefficient to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected SummerShadingCoefficient to be less than or equal to 1 Expected WinterShadingCoefficient to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected WinterShadingCoefficient to be less than or equal to 1 Expected id attribute for SystemIdentifier Expected Area to be greater than 0 Expected Azimuth to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected Azimuth to be less than 360 Expected RValue to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected id attribute for SystemIdentifier Expected idref attribute for AttachedToWall Expected HeatingSystemFuel to be 'electricity' or 'renewable electricity' or 'natural gas' or 'renewable natural gas' or 'fuel oil' or 'fuel oil 1' or 'fuel oil 2' or 'fuel oil 4' or 'fuel oil 5/6' or 'district steam' or 'district hot water' or 'district chilled water' or 'solar hot water' or 'propane' or 'kerosene' or 'diesel' or 'coal' or 'anthracite coal' or 'bituminous coal' or 'coke' or 'wood' or 'wood pellets' or 'combination' or 'other' Expected FractionHeatLoadServed to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected FractionHeatLoadServed to be less than or equal to 1 Expected id attribute for SystemIdentifier Expected idref attribute for DistributionSystem Expected Units to be 'HSPF' or 'COP' or 'AFUE' or 'Percent' Expected Value to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected CoolingSystemType to be 'central air conditioner' or 'mini-split' or 'room air conditioner' or 'evaporative cooler' or 'chiller' or 'cooling tower' or 'other' Expected CoolingSystemFuel to be 'electricity' or 'renewable electricity' or 'natural gas' or 'renewable natural gas' or 'fuel oil' or 'fuel oil 1' or 'fuel oil 2' or 'fuel oil 4' or 'fuel oil 5/6' or 'district steam' or 'district hot water' or 'district chilled water' or 'solar hot water' or 'propane' or 'kerosene' or 'diesel' or 'coal' or 'anthracite coal' or 'bituminous coal' or 'coke' or 'wood' or 'wood pellets' or 'combination' or 'other' Expected CompressorType to be 'single stage' or 'two stage' or 'variable speed' Expected FractionCoolLoadServed to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected FractionCoolLoadServed to be less than or equal to 1 Expected SensibleHeatFraction to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected SensibleHeatFraction to be less than or equal to 1 Expected id attribute for SystemIdentifier Expected idref attribute for DistributionSystem Expected Units to be 'SEER' or 'EER' or 'COP' or 'kW/ton' Expected Value to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected HeatPumpType to be 'water-to-air' or 'water-to-water' or 'air-to-air' or 'air-to-water' or 'mini-split' or 'ground-to-air' or 'ground-to-water' or 'water-loop-to-air' or 'variable refrigerant flow' Expected HeatPumpFuel to be 'electricity' or 'renewable electricity' or 'natural gas' or 'renewable natural gas' or 'fuel oil' or 'fuel oil 1' or 'fuel oil 2' or 'fuel oil 4' or 'fuel oil 5/6' or 'district steam' or 'district hot water' or 'district chilled water' or 'solar hot water' or 'propane' or 'kerosene' or 'diesel' or 'coal' or 'anthracite coal' or 'bituminous coal' or 'coke' or 'wood' or 'wood pellets' or 'combination' or 'other' Expected CompressorType to be 'single stage' or 'two stage' or 'variable speed' Expected CoolingSensibleHeatFraction to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected CoolingSensibleHeatFraction to be less than or equal to 1 Expected BackupSystemFuel to be 'electricity' or 'renewable electricity' or 'natural gas' or 'renewable natural gas' or 'fuel oil' or 'fuel oil 1' or 'fuel oil 2' or 'fuel oil 4' or 'fuel oil 5/6' or 'district steam' or 'district hot water' or 'district chilled water' or 'solar hot water' or 'propane' or 'kerosene' or 'diesel' or 'coal' or 'anthracite coal' or 'bituminous coal' or 'coke' or 'wood' or 'wood pellets' or 'combination' or 'other' Expected FractionHeatLoadServed to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected FractionHeatLoadServed to be less than or equal to 1 Expected FractionCoolLoadServed to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected FractionCoolLoadServed to be less than or equal to 1 Expected id attribute for SystemIdentifier Expected idref attribute for DistributionSystem Expected Units to be 'HSPF' or 'COP' or 'AFUE' or 'Percent' Expected Value to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected Units to be 'SEER' or 'EER' or 'COP' or 'kW/ton' Expected Value to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected Units to be 'HSPF' or 'COP' or 'AFUE' or 'Percent' Expected Value to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected ControlType to be 'programmable thermostat' or 'manual thermostat' or 'digital thermostat' or 'timer' or 'EMCS' or 'other' Expected id attribute for SystemIdentifier Expected AirDistributionType to be 'regular velocity' or 'high velocity' or 'gravity' or 'fan coil' Expected NumberofReturnRegisters to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected DuctType to be 'supply' or 'return' Expected Units to be 'CFM50' or 'CFM25' or 'CFM per Std 152' or 'Percent' Expected TotalOrToOutside to be 'to outside' or 'total' Expected DuctType to be 'supply' or 'return' Expected DuctInsulationRValue to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected DuctLocation to be 'attic' or 'attic - conditioned' or 'attic - unconditioned' or 'attic - unvented' or 'attic - vented' or 'basement' or 'basement - conditioned' or 'basement - unconditioned' or 'crawlspace' or 'crawlspace - conditioned' or 'crawlspace - unconditioned' or 'crawlspace - unvented' or 'crawlspace - vented' or 'exterior wall' or 'garage' or 'garage - conditioned' or 'garage - unconditioned' or 'interstitial space' or 'living space' or 'other heated space' or 'other housing unit' or 'other multifamily buffer space' or 'other non-freezing space' or 'outside' or 'roof deck' or 'unconditioned space' or 'under slab' Expected DuctSurfaceArea to be greater than 0 Expected HydronicDistributionType to be 'radiator' or 'baseboard' or 'radiant floor' or 'radiant ceiling' or 'water loop' or 'other' Expected ConditionedFloorAreaServed to be greater than 0 Expected AnnualHeatingDistributionSystemEfficiency to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected AnnualHeatingDistributionSystemEfficiency to be less than or equal to 1 Expected AnnualCoolingDistributionSystemEfficiency to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected AnnualCoolingDistributionSystemEfficiency to be less than or equal to 1 Expected id attribute for SystemIdentifier Expected Quantity to be greater than 0 Expected FanType to be 'exhaust only' or 'supply only' or 'heat recovery ventilator' or 'energy recovery ventilator' or 'balanced' or 'central fan integrated supply' Expected HoursInOperation to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected HoursInOperation to be less than or equal to 24 Expected FanLocation to be 'bath' or 'garage' or 'garage - conditioned' or 'garage - unconditioned' or 'hallway' or 'kitchen' or 'other' Expected FractionRecirculation to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected FractionRecirculation to be less than or equal to 1 Expected TotalRecoveryEfficiency to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected TotalRecoveryEfficiency to be less than or equal to 1 Expected SensibleRecoveryEfficiency to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected SensibleRecoveryEfficiency to be less than or equal to 1 Expected AdjustedTotalRecoveryEfficiency to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected AdjustedTotalRecoveryEfficiency to be less than or equal to 1 Expected AdjustedSensibleRecoveryEfficiency to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected AdjustedSensibleRecoveryEfficiency to be less than or equal to 1 Expected id attribute for SystemIdentifier Expected idref attribute for AttachedToHVACDistributionSystem Expected FuelType to be 'electricity' or 'renewable electricity' or 'natural gas' or 'renewable natural gas' or 'fuel oil' or 'fuel oil 1' or 'fuel oil 2' or 'fuel oil 4' or 'fuel oil 5/6' or 'district steam' or 'district hot water' or 'district chilled water' or 'solar hot water' or 'propane' or 'kerosene' or 'diesel' or 'coal' or 'anthracite coal' or 'bituminous coal' or 'coke' or 'wood' or 'wood pellets' or 'combination' or 'other' Expected WaterHeaterType to be 'storage water heater' or 'dedicated boiler with storage tank' or 'instantaneous water heater' or 'heat pump water heater' or 'space-heating boiler with storage tank' or 'space-heating boiler with tankless coil' Expected Location to be 'attic' or 'attic - conditioned' or 'attic - unconditioned' or 'attic - unvented' or 'attic - vented' or 'basement' or 'basement - conditioned' or 'basement - unconditioned' or 'crawlspace' or 'crawlspace - conditioned' or 'crawlspace - unconditioned' or 'crawlspace - unvented' or 'crawlspace - vented' or 'garage' or 'garage - conditioned' or 'garage - unconditioned' or 'living space' or 'mechanical closet' or 'other exterior' or 'other heated space' or 'other housing unit' or 'other interior' or 'other multifamily buffer space' or 'other non-freezing space' or 'roof deck' or 'unconditioned space' Expected PerformanceAdjustment to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected PerformanceAdjustment to be less than or equal to 1 Expected TankVolume to be greater than 0 Expected FractionDHWLoadServed to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected FractionDHWLoadServed to be less than or equal to 1 Expected EnergyFactor to be less than or equal to 5 Expected EnergyFactor to be greater than 0 Expected UniformEnergyFactor to be less than or equal to 5 Expected UniformEnergyFactor to be greater than 0 Expected FirstHourRating to be greater than 0 Expected RecoveryEfficiency to be less than or equal to 5 Expected RecoveryEfficiency to be greater than 0 Expected id attribute for SystemIdentifier Expected idref attribute for RelatedHVACSystem Expected JacketRValue to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected PipingLength to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected ControlType to be 'no control' or 'timer' or 'temperature' or 'presence sensor demand control' or 'manual demand control' Expected RecirculationPipingLoopLength to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected BranchPipingLoopLength to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected PumpPower to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected PipeRValue to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected FacilitiesConnected to be 'one' or 'all' Expected Efficiency to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected Efficiency to be less than or equal to 1 Expected WaterFixtureType to be 'faucet' or 'shower head' or 'other' Expected id attribute for SystemIdentifier Expected SystemType to be 'hot water' or 'hot water and space heating' or 'space heating' or 'hybrid system' Expected CollectorArea to be greater than 0 Expected CollectorLoopType to be 'air direct' or 'air indirect' or 'liquid direct' or 'liquid indirect' or 'passive thermosyphon' Expected CollectorType to be 'single glazing black' or 'single glazing selective' or 'double glazing black' or 'double glazing selective' or 'evacuated tube' or 'integrated collector storage' Expected CollectorAzimuth to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected CollectorAzimuth to be less than 360 Expected CollectorTilt to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected CollectorTilt to be less than or equal to 90 Expected CollectorRatedOpticalEfficiency to be greater than 0 Expected CollectorRatedOpticalEfficiency to be less than 1 Expected CollectorRatedThermalLosses to be greater than 0 Expected StorageVolume to be greater than 0 Expected SolarFraction to be less than or equal to 1 Expected SolarFraction to be greater than 0 Expected id attribute for SystemIdentifier Expected idref attribute for ConnectedTo Expected Location to be 'roof' or 'ground' or 'other' Expected ModuleType to be 'standard' or 'premium' or 'thin film' Expected Tracking to be 'fixed' or '1-axis' or '1-axis backtracked' or '2-axis' Expected ArrayAzimuth to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected ArrayAzimuth to be less than 360 Expected ArrayTilt to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected ArrayTilt to be less than or equal to 90 Expected MaxPowerOutput to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected InverterEfficiency to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected InverterEfficiency to be less than or equal to 1 Expected SystemLossesFraction to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected SystemLossesFraction to be less than or equal to 1 Expected id attribute for SystemIdentifier Expected Location to be 'basement' or 'basement - conditioned' or 'basement - unconditioned' or 'garage' or 'garage - conditioned' or 'garage - unconditioned' or 'laundry room' or 'living space' or 'other' or 'other heated space' or 'other housing unit' or 'other multifamily buffer space' or 'other non-freezing space' or 'unconditioned space' Expected RatedAnnualkWh to be greater than 0 Expected id attribute for SystemIdentifier Expected Location to be 'basement' or 'basement - conditioned' or 'basement - unconditioned' or 'garage' or 'garage - conditioned' or 'garage - unconditioned' or 'laundry room' or 'living space' or 'other' or 'other heated space' or 'other housing unit' or 'other multifamily buffer space' or 'other non-freezing space' or 'unconditioned space' Expected FuelType to be 'electricity' or 'renewable electricity' or 'natural gas' or 'renewable natural gas' or 'fuel oil' or 'fuel oil 1' or 'fuel oil 2' or 'fuel oil 4' or 'fuel oil 5/6' or 'district steam' or 'district hot water' or 'district chilled water' or 'solar hot water' or 'propane' or 'kerosene' or 'diesel' or 'coal' or 'anthracite coal' or 'bituminous coal' or 'coke' or 'wood' or 'wood pellets' or 'combination' or 'other' Expected id attribute for SystemIdentifier Expected Location to be 'basement' or 'basement - conditioned' or 'basement - unconditioned' or 'garage' or 'garage - conditioned' or 'garage - unconditioned' or 'kitchen' or 'living space' or 'other' or 'other heated space' or 'other housing unit' or 'other multifamily buffer space' or 'other non-freezing space' or 'unconditioned space' Expected RatedAnnualkWh to be greater than 0 Expected EnergyFactor to be less than or equal to 5 Expected EnergyFactor to be greater than 0 Expected PlaceSettingCapacity to be greater than 0 Expected id attribute for SystemIdentifier Expected Location to be 'basement' or 'basement - conditioned' or 'basement - unconditioned' or 'garage' or 'garage - conditioned' or 'garage - unconditioned' or 'kitchen' or 'living space' or 'other' or 'other heated space' or 'other housing unit' or 'other multifamily buffer space' or 'other non-freezing space' or 'unconditioned space' Expected RatedAnnualkWh to be greater than 0 Expected id attribute for SystemIdentifier Expected Location to be 'basement' or 'basement - conditioned' or 'basement - unconditioned' or 'garage' or 'garage - conditioned' or 'garage - unconditioned' or 'kitchen' or 'living space' or 'other' or 'other heated space' or 'other housing unit' or 'other multifamily buffer space' or 'other non-freezing space' or 'unconditioned space' Expected RatedAnnualkWh to be greater than 0 Expected id attribute for SystemIdentifier Expected Type to be 'portable' or 'whole-home' Expected Location to be 'attic' or 'attic - conditioned' or 'attic - unconditioned' or 'attic - unvented' or 'attic - vented' or 'basement' or 'basement - conditioned' or 'basement - unconditioned' or 'crawlspace' or 'crawlspace - conditioned' or 'crawlspace - unconditioned' or 'crawlspace - unvented' or 'crawlspace - vented' or 'garage' or 'garage - conditioned' or 'garage - unconditioned' or 'ground' or 'living space' or 'other' or 'other heated space' or 'other housing unit' or 'other housing unit above' or 'other housing unit below' or 'other multifamily buffer space' or 'other non-freezing space' or 'outside' or 'unconditioned space' Expected DehumidistatSetpoint to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected DehumidistatSetpoint to be less than or equal to 1 Expected FractionDehumidificationLoadServed to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected FractionDehumidificationLoadServed to be less than or equal to 1 Expected id attribute for SystemIdentifier Expected Location to be 'basement' or 'basement - conditioned' or 'basement - unconditioned' or 'garage' or 'garage - conditioned' or 'garage - unconditioned' or 'kitchen' or 'living space' or 'other' or 'other heated space' or 'other housing unit' or 'other multifamily buffer space' or 'other non-freezing space' or 'unconditioned space' Expected FuelType to be 'electricity' or 'renewable electricity' or 'natural gas' or 'renewable natural gas' or 'fuel oil' or 'fuel oil 1' or 'fuel oil 2' or 'fuel oil 4' or 'fuel oil 5/6' or 'district steam' or 'district hot water' or 'district chilled water' or 'solar hot water' or 'propane' or 'kerosene' or 'diesel' or 'coal' or 'anthracite coal' or 'bituminous coal' or 'coke' or 'wood' or 'wood pellets' or 'combination' or 'other' Expected id attribute for SystemIdentifier Expected Location to be 'interior' or 'exterior' or 'garage' or 'common area' Expected FractionofUnitsInLocation to be greater than or equal to 0 Expected FractionofUnitsInLocation to be less than or equal to 1 Expected id attribute for SystemIdentifier Expected FanSpeed to be 'low' or 'medium' or 'high' Expected Quantity to be greater than 0 Expected id attribute for SystemIdentifier Expected Type to be 'in ground' or 'on ground' or 'above ground' or 'other' or 'unknown' or 'none' Expected id attribute for SystemIdentifier Expected Type to be 'single speed' or 'multi speed' or 'variable speed' or 'variable flow' or 'other' or 'unknown' or 'none' Expected id attribute for SystemIdentifier Expected Units to be 'kWh/year' or 'W' Expected Type to be 'gas fired' or 'electric resistance' or 'heat pump' or 'solar' or 'other' or 'unknown' or 'none' Expected id attribute for SystemIdentifier Expected Units to be 'kWh/year' or 'therm/year' or 'W' or 'Btuh' Expected Type to be 'in ground' or 'on ground' or 'above ground' or 'other' or 'unknown' or 'none' Expected id attribute for SystemIdentifier Expected Type to be 'single speed' or 'multi speed' or 'variable speed' or 'variable flow' or 'other' or 'unknown' or 'none' Expected id attribute for SystemIdentifier Expected Units to be 'kWh/year' or 'W' Expected Type to be 'gas fired' or 'electric resistance' or 'heat pump' or 'solar' or 'other' or 'unknown' or 'none' Expected id attribute for SystemIdentifier Expected Units to be 'kWh/year' or 'therm/year' or 'W' or 'Btuh' Expected PlugLoadType to be 'TV plasma' or 'TV CRT' or 'TV other' or 'computer' or 'space heater' or 'water bed' or 'aquarium' or 'electric vehicle charging' or 'well pump' or 'sauna' or 'other' Expected id attribute for SystemIdentifier Expected Units to be 'kWh/year' or 'W' Expected FuelLoadType to be 'grill' or 'lighting' or 'fireplace' or 'other' Expected FuelType to be 'electricity' or 'renewable electricity' or 'natural gas' or 'renewable natural gas' or 'fuel oil' or 'fuel oil 1' or 'fuel oil 2' or 'fuel oil 4' or 'fuel oil 5/6' or 'district steam' or 'district hot water' or 'district chilled water' or 'solar hot water' or 'propane' or 'kerosene' or 'diesel' or 'coal' or 'anthracite coal' or 'bituminous coal' or 'coke' or 'wood' or 'wood pellets' or 'combination' or 'other' Expected id attribute for SystemIdentifier Expected Units to be 'therm/year' or 'Btuh' Expected id attribute for BuildingID Expected id attribute for SystemIdentifier Expected id attribute for SystemIdentifier Expected id attribute for SystemIdentifier Expected id attribute for SystemIdentifier Expected id attribute for SystemIdentifier Expected id attribute for SystemIdentifier Expected id attribute for SystemIdentifier