describe "auto complete", -> beforeEach -> # set up the spy to see in the autocomplete is called resp = [{"uri":"","label":"French"},{"uri":"","label":"French Sign Language"}] @spy_on_json = spyOn($, 'getJSON').and.returnValue resp #set up a key down event to trigger the auto complete @typeEvent = $.Event('keydown') @typeEvent.keyCode = 70 # lower case f #define the jasmine clock so we can control time jasmine.clock().install() afterEach -> #undefine the jasmine clock so time goes back to normal jasmine.clock().uninstall() describe "language", -> beforeEach -> # setup two inputs for us to attach auto complete to setFixtures ' ' # run all Blacklight.onload functions Blacklight.activate() describe "first input", -> # field triggers auto complete it "auto completes on typing", -> # send a key stroke to the target input to activate the auto complete target = $($("input.generic_work_language")[0]) target.val('fre') target.trigger(@typeEvent) # move time along so that events have a chance to happen jasmine.clock().tick(800); # verify that the ajax call was made expect(@spy_on_json).toHaveBeenCalled() describe "second input", -> # field triggers auto complete it "auto completes on typing", -> # send a key stroke to the target input to activate the auto complete target = $($("input.generic_work_language")[1]) target.val('fre') target.trigger(@typeEvent) # move time along so that events have a chance to happen jasmine.clock().tick(800); # verify that the ajax call was made expect(@spy_on_json).toHaveBeenCalled() describe "subject", -> beforeEach -> # setup two inputs for us to attach auto complete to setFixtures ' ' # run all Blacklight.onload functions Blacklight.activate() describe "first input", -> # field triggers auto complete it "auto completes on typing", -> # send a key stroke to the target input to activate the auto complete target = $($("input.generic_work_subject")[0]) target.val('fre') target.trigger(@typeEvent) # move time along so that events have a chance to happen jasmine.clock().tick(800); # verify that the ajax call was made expect(@spy_on_json).toHaveBeenCalled() describe "second input", -> # field triggers auto complete it "auto completes on typing", -> # send a key stroke to the target input to activate the auto complete target = $($("input.generic_work_subject")[1]) target.val('fre') target.trigger(@typeEvent) # move time along so that events have a chance to happen jasmine.clock().tick(800); # verify that the ajax call was made expect(@spy_on_json).toHaveBeenCalled() describe "location", -> beforeEach -> # setup two inputs for us to attach auto complete to setFixtures ' ' # run all Blacklight.onload functions Blacklight.activate() describe "first input", -> # field triggers auto complete it "auto completes on typing", -> # send a key stroke to the target input to activate the auto complete target = $($("input.generic_work_based_near")[0]) target.val('fre') target.trigger(@typeEvent) # move time along so that events have a chance to happen jasmine.clock().tick(800); # verify that the ajax call was made expect(@spy_on_json).toHaveBeenCalled() describe "second input", -> # field triggers auto complete it "auto completes on typing", -> # send a key stroke to the target input to activate the auto complete target = $($("input.generic_work_based_near")[1]) target.val('fre') target.trigger(@typeEvent) # move time along so that events have a chance to happen jasmine.clock().tick(800); # verify that the ajax call was made expect(@spy_on_json).toHaveBeenCalled()