require 'webmock/minitest' module Keratin::AuthN module Test module Helpers JWS_ALGORITHM = 'RS256' # a factory for JWT id_tokens private def id_token_for(subject) iss: Keratin::AuthN.config.issuer, aud: Keratin::AuthN.config.audience, sub: subject, iat: 10.seconds.ago, exp: 1.hour.from_now ).sign(jws_keypair, JWS_ALGORITHM).to_s end # a temporary RSA key for our test suite. # # generates the smallest (fastest) key possible for RS256 private def jws_keypair @keypair ||= end # stubs the endpoints necessary to validate a signed JWT private def stub_auth_server(issuer: Keratin::AuthN.config.issuer, keypair: jws_keypair) Keratin::AuthN.keychain.clear stub_request(:get, "#{issuer}/configuration").to_return( status: 200, body: {'jwks_uri' => "#{issuer}/jwks"}.to_json ) stub_request(:get, "#{issuer}/jwks").to_return( status: 200, body: { keys: [ keypair.public_key.to_jwk.slice(:kty, :kid, :e, :n).merge( use: 'sig', alg: JWS_ALGORITHM ) ] }.to_json ) end end end end