class Jets::Controller module Rendering include Redirection def ensure_render return @rendered_data if @rendered # defaults to rendering templates, managed_options).render end # Many different ways to render: # # render "articles/index", layout: "application" # render :new # render template: "articles/index", layout: "application" # render json: {my: "data"} # render text: "plain text" def render(options={}, rest={}) raise "DoubleRenderError" if @rendered if options.is_a?(Symbol) or options.is_a?(String) options = normalize_options(options, rest) end options.reverse_merge!(managed_options) adjust_content_type!(options) @rendered_data =, options).render @rendered = true @rendered_data end def adjust_content_type!(options) if options.key?(:json) options[:content_type] = "application/json" elsif options.key?(:xml) options[:content_type] = "application/xml" end end def managed_options layout = self.class.layout.nil? ? default_layout : self.class.layout options = { layout: layout } options[:headers] = response.headers unless response.headers.empty? options end def default_layout application_layout_exist = !Dir.glob("#{Jets.root}/app/views/layouts/application*").empty? "application" if application_layout_exist end # Can normalize the options when it is a String or a Symbol # Also set defaults here like the layout. # Ensure options is a Hash, not a String or Symbol. def normalize_options(options, rest) template = options.to_s rest.merge(template: template) end # Add API Gateway Stage Name def add_stage_name(url) return url unless actual_host Jets::Controller::Stage.add(actual_host, url) end def url_for(url) add_stage_name(url) end def actual_host headers["host"] end end end