Location or Facility receiving/performing the order. Code must be entered using national coding e.g. RXF01 ORC:2 Placers Order Id ORC:3 Labs Order Id ORC:12 Requesting Physician as a nationally coded person. Use the description if this is not coded. OBR:4 Service Id - the identity of the test ordered LOINC Code ??? CCYYMMDDhhmm Equivalent to OBR:22 CCYYMMDDhhmm Equivalent to OBR:14 OBR:15.1 e.g. serum, blood OBR:27.3 In patient / out patient - equivalent ot PV1:2 Patient Class or derivation thereiof Where can this map to in SDA???? Date Order entered Location the procedure was performed at. Use National coding e.g. RXF01 AT Was the sample taken Before (B) or After (A) dialysis OBX:3 OBX:4 OBX:5 OBX:6 OBX:7 OBX:8 Abnormal Flags OBX:11 F=FINAL, P=PRELIMINARY, D=DELETED OBX:14 From NTE:3