# encoding: utf-8 require "logstash/inputs/base" require "logstash/namespace" require "logstash/timestamp" require "lumberjack/beats" require "lumberjack/beats/server" require "logstash/codecs/identity_map_codec" require "logstash/codecs/multiline" require "logstash/inputs/beats_support/circuit_breaker" require "logstash/inputs/beats_support/codec_callback_listener" require "logstash/inputs/beats_support/connection_handler" require "logstash/inputs/beats_support/event_transform_common" require "logstash/inputs/beats_support/decoded_event_transform" require "logstash/inputs/beats_support/raw_event_transform" require "logstash/inputs/beats_support/synchronous_queue_with_offer" require "logstash/util" require "thread_safe" # use Logstash provided json decoder Lumberjack::Beats::json = LogStash::Json # Allow Logstash to receive events from Beats # # https://github.com/elastic/filebeat[filebeat] # class LogStash::Codecs::Base # This monkey patch add callback based # flow to the codec until its shipped with core. # This give greater flexibility to the implementation by # sending more data to the actual block. if !method_defined?(:accept) def accept(listener) decode(listener.data) do |event| listener.process_event(event) end end end if !method_defined?(:auto_flush) def auto_flush(*) end end end class LogStash::Inputs::Beats < LogStash::Inputs::Base class InsertingToQueueTakeTooLong < Exception; end config_name "beats" default :codec, "plain" # The IP address to listen on. config :host, :validate => :string, :default => "" # The port to listen on. config :port, :validate => :number, :required => true # Events are by default send in plain text, you can # enable encryption by using `ssl` to true and configuring # the `ssl_certificate` and `ssl_key` options. config :ssl, :validate => :boolean, :default => false # SSL certificate to use. config :ssl_certificate, :validate => :path # SSL key to use. config :ssl_key, :validate => :path # SSL key passphrase to use. config :ssl_key_passphrase, :validate => :password # Validate client certificates against theses authorities # You can defined multiples files or path, all the certificates will # be read and added to the trust store. You need to configure the `ssl_verify_mode` # to `peer` or `force_peer` to enable the verification. # # This feature only support certificate directly signed by your root ca. # Intermediate CA are currently not supported. # config :ssl_certificate_authorities, :validate => :array, :default => [] # By default the server dont do any client verification, # # `peer` will make the server ask the client to provide a certificate, # if the client provide the certificate it will be validated. # # `force_peer` will make the server ask the client for their certificate, if the clients # doesn't provide it the connection will be closed. # # This option need to be used with `ssl_certificate_authorities` and a defined list of CA. config :ssl_verify_mode, :validate => ["none", "peer", "force_peer"], :default => "none" # The number of seconds before we raise a timeout, # this option is useful to control how much time to wait if something is blocking the pipeline. config :congestion_threshold, :validate => :number, :default => 5 # This is the default field that the specified codec will be applied config :target_field_for_codec, :validate => :string, :default => "message", :deprecated => "This option is now deprecated, the plugin is now compatible with Filebeat and Logstash-Forwarder" # TODO(sissel): Add CA to authenticate clients with. RECONNECT_BACKOFF_SLEEP = 0.5 def register if !@ssl @logger.warn("Beats input: SSL Certificate will not be used") unless @ssl_certificate.nil? @logger.warn("Beats input: SSL Key will not be used") unless @ssl_key.nil? elsif !ssl_configured? raise LogStash::ConfigurationError, "Certificate or Certificate Key not configured" end @logger.info("Beats inputs: Starting input listener", :address => "#{@host}:#{@port}") @lumberjack = Lumberjack::Beats::Server.new(:address => @host, :port => @port, :ssl => @ssl, :ssl_certificate => @ssl_certificate, :ssl_key => @ssl_key, :ssl_key_passphrase => @ssl_key_passphrase ? @ssl_key_passphrase.value : nil, :ssl_certificate_authorities => @ssl_certificate_authorities, :ssl_verify_mode => @ssl_verify_mode) # in 1.5 the main SizeQueue doesnt have the concept of timeout # We are using a small plugin buffer to move events to the internal queue @buffered_queue = LogStash::Inputs::BeatsSupport::SynchronousQueueWithOffer.new(@congestion_threshold) @circuit_breaker = LogStash::Inputs::BeatsSupport::CircuitBreaker.new("Beats input", :exceptions => [InsertingToQueueTakeTooLong]) # wrap the configured codec to support identity stream # from the producers if running with the multiline codec. # # If they dont need an identity map, codec are stateless and can be reused # accross multiples connections. if need_identity_map? @codec = LogStash::Codecs::IdentityMapCodec.new(@codec) end # Keep a list of active connections so we can flush their codec on shutdown # Use threadsafe gem, since we have a strict dependency on concurrent-ruby 0.9.2 # in the core @connections_list = ThreadSafe::Hash.new end # def register def ssl_configured? !(@ssl_certificate.nil? || @ssl_key.nil?) end def target_codec_on_field? !@target_codec_on_field.empty? end def run(output_queue) @output_queue = output_queue start_buffer_broker while !stop? do # Wrapping the accept call into a CircuitBreaker if @circuit_breaker.closed? connection = @lumberjack.accept # call that creates a new connection # if the connection is nil the connection was closed upstream, # so we will try in another iteration to recover or stop. next if connection.nil? Thread.new do handle_new_connection(connection) end else @logger.warn("Beats input: the pipeline is blocked, temporary refusing new connection.", :reconnect_backoff_sleep => RECONNECT_BACKOFF_SLEEP) sleep(RECONNECT_BACKOFF_SLEEP) end end end # def run def stop @logger.debug("Beats input: stopping the plugin") @lumberjack.close rescue nil # we may have some stuff in the codec buffer transformer = LogStash::Inputs::BeatsSupport::EventTransformCommon.new(self) # Go through all the active connection and flush their # codec content, some context data could be lost in this case # but at least the events main data would be persisted. @connections_list.each do |_, connection_handler| connection_handler.flush do |event| # We might loose some context of the transformer.transform(event) event.tag("beats_input_flushed_by_logtash_shutdown") @output_queue << event end end @logger.debug("Beats input: stopped") end # This Method is called inside a new thread def handle_new_connection(connection) @logger.debug? && @logger.debug("Beats inputs: accepting a new connection", :peer => connection.peer) LogStash::Util.set_thread_name("[beats-input]>connection-#{connection.peer}") connection_handler = LogStash::Inputs::BeatsSupport::ConnectionHandler.new(connection, self, @buffered_queue) @connections_list[connection] = connection_handler # All the errors handling is done here @circuit_breaker.execute { connection_handler.accept } rescue Lumberjack::Beats::Connection::ConnectionClosed => e # Only show theses errors if we run in debug mode, # This logger can get noisy if we use a proxy that check if the host is alive. @logger.debug? && @logger.debug("Beats Input: Remote connection closed", :peer => connection.peer, :exception => e) rescue LogStash::Inputs::BeatsSupport::CircuitBreaker::OpenBreaker, LogStash::Inputs::BeatsSupport::CircuitBreaker::HalfOpenBreaker => e @logger.warn("Beats input: The circuit breaker has detected a slowdown or stall in the pipeline, the input is closing the current connection and rejecting new connection until the pipeline recover.", :exception => e.class) rescue Exception => e # If we have a malformed packet we should handle that so the input doesn't crash completely. @logger.error("Beats input: unhandled exception", :exception => e, :backtrace => e.backtrace) ensure transformer = LogStash::Inputs::BeatsSupport::EventTransformCommon.new(self) connection_handler.flush do |event| # handle the basic event enrichment with tags # since at that time we lose all the context transformer.transform(event) event.tag("beats_input_flushed_by_end_of_connection") @output_queue << event end @connections_list.delete(connection) @logger.debug? && @logger.debug("Beats input: clearing the connection from the known clients", :peer => connection.peer) end # The default Logstash Sizequeue doesn't support timeouts. # This is problematic because this will make the client timeouts # and reconnect creating multiples threads and OOMing the jvm. # # We are using a proxy queue supporting blocking with a timeout and # this thread take the element from one queue into another one. def start_buffer_broker Thread.new do LogStash::Util.set_thread_name("[beats-input]-buffered-queue-broker") begin while !stop? @output_queue << @buffered_queue.take end rescue java.lang.InterruptedException => e # If we are shutting down without waiting the queue to unblock # we will get an `java.lang.InterruptionException` in that context we will not log it. @logger.error("Beats input: bufferered queue exception", :exception => e) unless stop? rescue => e @logger.error("Beats input: unexpected exception", :exception => e) end end end def need_identity_map? @codec.kind_of?(LogStash::Codecs::Multiline) end end # class LogStash::Inputs::Beats