require 'helper' class TestFilePath < FunWith::Files::TestCase context "testing basics" do should "initialize kindly" do f1 = "/", "bin", "bash" ) f2 = "/".fwf_filepath( "bin", "bash" ) assert_file f1 assert_file f2 end should "have location class methods available" do assert_respond_to FunWith::Files::FilePath, :home assert_respond_to FunWith::Files::FilePath, :config_dir assert_respond_to FunWith::Files::FilePath, :root assert_respond_to FunWith::Files::FilePath, :data_dir end should "join smoothly" do bin_dir = "/bin".fwf_filepath assert_equal "/bin/bash", bin_dir.join("bash").to_s assert_equal "/bin/bash", bin_dir.join("bash".fwf_filepath).to_s end should "go up/down when asked" do f1 = "/", "home", "users", "monkeylips", "ask_for_floyd" ) f2 = "/", "home", "users" ) root = "/" ) assert_equal f2, f1.up.up assert_equal root, f1.up.up.up.up.up.up.up #invoking up didn't change original assert_match( /ask_for_floyd/, f1.to_s ) assert_equal f1, f2.down( "monkeylips" ).down( "ask_for_floyd" ) assert_equal f1, f2.down( "monkeylips", "ask_for_floyd" ) # invoking down didn't change original refute_match( /ask_for_floyd/, f2.to_s ) end should "convert from string" do str = "/" f1 = f2 = str.fwf_filepath assert_equal f1, f2 end should "convert from pathname" do str = "/" f1 = f2 = assert_equal f1, f2 f3 = f1.join( "bin", "bash" ) f4 = str ).fwf_filepath( "bin", "bash" ) assert_equal f3, f4 end end context "test glob" do setup do @data_dir = FunWith::Files.root( 'test', 'data' ) end should "glob items in test/data directory" do files = @data_dir.glob(:all) assert_equal 5, files.length files = @data_dir.glob(:all, :flags => [File::FNM_DOTMATCH]) assert_equal 9, files.length end should "glob with case insensitive flag" do files = @data_dir.glob("grep1.txt") assert_equal 1, files.length # TODO: Case sensitive search? # files = @data_dir.glob("grep1.txt", :flags => [File::FNM_CASEFOLD]) # assert_equal 2, files.length # files = @data_dir.glob("grep1.txt", :sensitive => true) # assert_equal 2, files.length end end context "test sequence" do setup do @tmp_dir = FunWith::Files.root( 'test', 'tmp' ) end teardown do `rm -rf #{@tmp_dir.join('*')}` end should "sequence files nicely" do seqfile = @tmp_dir.join("sequence.txt") files = [seqfile] 10.times do |i| seqfile.write( i.to_s ) seqfile = seqfile.succ files << seqfile end assert_file files[0] assert_file files[1] assert_file files[9] assert_file_contents files[0], "0" assert_file_contents files[9], "9" end should "sequence files with custom stamp length" do seqfile = @tmp_dir.join("sequence.txt") 10.times do |i| seqfile.write( i.to_s ) seqfile = seqfile.succ( digit_count: 4 ) end assert_file @tmp_dir.join("sequence.txt") assert_file @tmp_dir.join("sequence.0000.txt") assert_file @tmp_dir.join("sequence.0008.txt") assert_file_contents @tmp_dir.join("sequence.txt"), "0" assert_file_contents @tmp_dir.join("sequence.0008.txt"), "9" end end context "test specify()" do should "just friggin' work" do fil = "resume.doc".fwf_filepath test_data = [ [:cyberdyne, "resume.cyberdyne.doc"], [:administrative, "resume.cyberdyne.administrative.doc"], [:v2, "resume.cyberdyne.administrative.v2.doc"], [:gratuitous_use_of_specifier, "resume.cyberdyne.administrative.v2.gratuitous_use_of_specifier.doc"] ] for key, result in test_data fil = fil.specifier( key ) assert_equal result, fil.to_s end end end context "test digest functions" do setup do @tmp_dir = FunWith::Files.root( 'test', 'tmp' ) end teardown do empty_temp_directory end should "md5hash a file" do nilhash = "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e" nilhashhash = "74be16979710d4c4e7c6647856088456" empty = @tmp_dir.join("empty.dat") empty.touch assert_equal( nilhash, empty.md5 ) file = @tmp_dir.join( "#{nilhash}.dat" ) file.write( nilhash ) assert_equal( nilhashhash, file.md5 ) end end context "test access" do should "receive an electric shock when it tries to touch an unwritable file" do @read_only_file = "/bin/bash".fwf_filepath # This usually exists. I don't know enough Windows to think of a similarly ubiquitous file. if @read_only_file.file? && ! @read_only_file.writable? assert_raises( Errno::EPERM ) do @read_only_file.touch end else skip end end end context "testing extension methods" do setup do @hello_path = "hello.txt".fwf_filepath @dot_path0 = ".config".fwf_filepath @dot_path1 = "~/.ssh".fwf_filepath end context "test ext()" do should "not change path when sent nil as an argument" do assert_equal @hello_path.path, @hello_path.ext( nil ).path end should "append when given symbol" do assert_equal @hello_path.path + ".tgz", @hello_path.ext( :tgz ).path end should "append when given string" do assert_equal @hello_path.path + ".tgz", @hello_path.ext( 'tgz' ).path end should "append correctly when given leading ." do assert_equal @hello_path.path + ".tgz", @hello_path.ext( '.tgz' ).path end should "append multiple extensions as separate args" do assert_equal @hello_path.path + ".backup.tar.gz", @hello_path.ext( :backup, "tar", nil, ".gz" ).path end should "append multiple extensions as a single string" do assert_equal @hello_path.path + ".backup.tar.gz", @hello_path.ext( ".backup.tar.gz" ).path end end context "test without_ext()" do setup do end should "pop the extension (normal)" do #debugger assert_equal "hello", @hello_path.without_ext.to_s assert_equal "hello", @hello_path.without_ext("txt").path assert_equal "hello", @hello_path.without_ext(".txt").path assert_equal "hello.txt", @hello_path.without_ext(".html").path assert_equal "hello.txt", @hello_path.without_ext("html").path assert_equal "hello", @hello_path.without_ext(:txt).path end should "not affect dot files" do assert_equal ".config", @dot_path0.without_ext.path assert_equal ".config", @dot_path0.without_ext("config").path assert_equal ".config", @dot_path0.without_ext(".config").path assert_equal ".config", @dot_path0.without_ext(:config).path end end # Why does it return a filepath for the dirname piece, strings for the other two pieces? context "test dirname_and_basename_and_ext" do end end context "test join()" do setup do @path = "/".fwf_filepath end should "accept all manner of arguments" do expected = "/bin/0/file.rb".fwf_filepath result = @path.join( :bin, 0, "file.rb" ) assert_equal expected, result result = @path / :bin / 0 / "file.rb" assert_equal expected, result end end context "testing block form" do end end