require "spec_helper" require "license_acceptance/strategy/prompt" require "license_acceptance/product" require "tty-prompt" RSpec.describe LicenseAcceptance::Strategy::Prompt do let(:output) { } let(:config) do instance_double(LicenseAcceptance::Config, output: output) end let(:acc) { } let(:prompt) { instance_double(TTY::Prompt) } let(:p1) { instance_double(LicenseAcceptance::Product, id: "foo", pretty_name: "Pretty Name") } let(:missing_licenses) { [p1] } before do expect(TTY::Prompt).to receive(:new).at_least(:once).and_return(prompt) end describe "when the user accepts" do it "returns true" do expect(prompt).to receive(:ask).and_return("yes") msg1 = /License that need accepting:\n \* #{p1.pretty_name}/m msg2 = /product license persisted\./ b = { [] } expect(acc.request(missing_licenses, &b)).to eq(true) expect(output.string).to match(msg1) expect(output.string).to match(msg2) end describe "when there are multiple products" do let(:p2) { instance_double(LicenseAcceptance::Product, id: "bar", pretty_name: "Other") } let(:missing_licenses) { [p1, p2] } it "returns true" do expect(prompt).to receive(:ask).and_return("yes") msg1 = /Licenses that need accepting:\n \* #{p1.pretty_name}\n \* #{p2.pretty_name}/m msg2 = /product licenses persisted\./ msg3 = /2 product licenses\nmust be accepted/m b = { [] } expect(acc.request(missing_licenses, &b)).to eq(true) expect(output.string).to match(msg1) expect(output.string).to match(msg2) expect(output.string).to match(msg3) end end describe "when the callback returns an error" do it "returns true" do expect(prompt).to receive(:ask).and_return("yes") msg1 = /License that need accepting:\n \* #{p1.pretty_name}/m msg2 = /Could not persist acceptance:/ b = { ["foo")] } expect(acc.request(missing_licenses, &b)).to eq(true) expect(output.string).to match(msg1) expect(output.string).to match(msg2) end end end describe "when the prompt times out" do it "returns false" do expect(Timeout).to receive(:timeout).twice.and_yield expect(prompt).to receive(:ask).twice.and_raise(LicenseAcceptance::Strategy::PromptTimeout) expect(prompt).to receive(:unsubscribe).twice expect(prompt).to receive(:reader).twice msg1 = /Prompt timed out./ b = { [] } expect(acc.request(missing_licenses, &b)).to eq(false) expect(output.string).to match(msg1) end end describe "when the user declines twice" do it "returns false" do expect(prompt).to receive(:ask).twice.and_return("no") msg1 = /License that need accepting:\n \* #{p1.pretty_name}/m msg2 = /product license persisted\./ b = { raise "should not be called" } expect(acc.request(missing_licenses, &b)).to eq(false) expect(output.string).to match(msg1) expect(output.string).to_not match(msg2) end end describe "when the user declines once then accepts" do it "returns true" do expect(prompt).to receive(:ask).and_return("no") expect(prompt).to receive(:ask).and_return("yes") msg1 = /License that need accepting:\n \* #{p1.pretty_name}/m msg2 = /product license persisted\./ msg3 = /If you do not accept this license you will\nnot be able to use Chef products/m b = { [] } expect(acc.request(missing_licenses, &b)).to eq(true) expect(output.string).to match(msg1) expect(output.string).to match(msg2) expect(output.string).to match(msg3) end end end