# -*- encoding : utf-8 -*- require 'rsolr' ## ## # = Introduction # Blacklight::Solr::Document is the module with logic for a class representing # an individual document returned from Solr results. It can be added in to any # local class you want, but in default Blacklight a SolrDocument class is # provided for you which is pretty much a blank class "include"ing # Blacklight::Solr::Document. # # Blacklight::Solr::Document provides some DefaultFinders. # # It also provides support for Document Extensions, which advertise supported # transformation formats. # module Blacklight::Solr::Document autoload :SchemaOrg, 'blacklight/solr/document/schema_org' autoload :DublinCore, 'blacklight/solr/document/dublin_core' autoload :Email, 'blacklight/solr/document/email' autoload :Sms, 'blacklight/solr/document/sms' autoload :Extensions, 'blacklight/solr/document/extensions' autoload :Export, 'blacklight/solr/document/export' autoload :MoreLikeThis, 'blacklight/solr/document/more_like_this' extend ActiveSupport::Concern include Blacklight::Solr::Document::SchemaOrg include Blacklight::Solr::Document::Export include Blacklight::Solr::Document::MoreLikeThis included do extend ActiveModel::Naming include Blacklight::Solr::Document::Extensions end attr_reader :solr_response def initialize(source_doc={}, solr_response=nil) @_source = source_doc.with_indifferent_access @solr_response = solr_response apply_extensions end # the wrapper method to the @_source object. # If a method is missing, it gets sent to @_source # with all of the original params and block def method_missing(m, *args, &b) @_source.send(m, *args, &b) end def [] *args @_source.send :[], *args end # Helper method to check if value/multi-values exist for a given key. # The value can be a string, or a RegExp # Multiple "values" can be given; only one needs to match. # # Example: # doc.has?(:location_facet) # doc.has?(:location_facet, 'Clemons') # doc.has?(:id, 'h009', /^u/i) def has?(k, *values) return true if key?(k) and values.empty? return false if self[k].nil? target = self[k] if target.is_a?(Array) values.each do |val| return target.any?{|tv| val.is_a?(Regexp) ? (tv =~ val) : (tv==val)} end else return values.any? {|val| val.is_a?(Regexp) ? (target =~ val) : (target == val)} end end def key? k @_source.key? k end def has_highlight_field? k return false if @solr_response['highlighting'].blank? or @solr_response['highlighting'][self.id].blank? @solr_response['highlighting'][self.id].key? k.to_s end def highlight_field k return nil unless has_highlight_field? k @solr_response['highlighting'][self.id][k.to_s].map { |x| x.html_safe } end # helper # key is the name of the field # opts is a hash with the following valid keys: # - :sep - a string used for joining multivalued field values # - :default - a value to return when the key doesn't exist # if :sep is nil and the field is a multivalued field, the array is returned def get(key, opts={:sep=>', ', :default=>nil}) if key? key val = self[key] (val.is_a?(Array) and opts[:sep]) ? val.join(opts[:sep]) : val else opts[:default] end end def first key Array(self[key]).first end def id self[self.class.unique_key] end def to_param id.to_s end def as_json(options = nil) @_source.as_json(options) end def to_partial_path 'catalog/document' end # Returns a hash keyed by semantic tokens (see ExtendableClassMethods#semantic_fields), value is an array of # strings. (Array to handle multi-value fields). If no value(s) # available, empty array is returned. # # Default implementation here uses ExtendableClassMethods#semantic_fields # to just take values from Solr stored fields. # Extensions can over-ride this method to provide better/different lookup, # but extensions should call super and modify hash returned, to avoid # unintentionally erasing values provided by other extensions. def to_semantic_values unless @semantic_value_hash @semantic_value_hash = Hash.new([]) # default to empty array self.class.field_semantics.each_pair do |key, solr_field| value = self[solr_field] # Make single and multi-values all arrays, so clients # don't have to know. unless value.nil? value = [value] unless value.kind_of?(Array) @semantic_value_hash[key] = value end end end return @semantic_value_hash end # Certain class-level methods needed for the document-specific # extendability architecture module ClassMethods attr_writer :unique_key def unique_key @unique_key ||= 'id' end # Returns array of hashes of registered extensions. Each hash # has a :module_obj key and a :condition_proc key. Usually this # method is only used internally in #apply_extensions, but if you # Class-level method for accessing/setting semantic mappings # for solr stored fields. Can be set by local app, key is # a symbol for a semantic, value is a solr _stored_ field. # # Stored field can be single or multi-value. In some cases # clients may only use the first value from a multi-value field. # # Currently documented semantic tokens, not all may be # used by core BL, but some may be used by plugins present # or future. # :title, :author, :year, :language => User-presentable strings. def field_semantics @field_semantics ||= {} end end end