require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') describe "HtmlAcceptance" do before(:each) do FileUtils.mkdir tmp_path if !File.exists?('/tmp/validation') clean_dir(tmp_path)'/tmp/validation') end it "should return false for invalid xml" do result=@h.validator(bad_html, "").valid?.should be_false end it "should return true for valid html" do result=@h.validator(good_html, "").valid?.should be_true end it "should have an exception string for invalid xml" do result=@h.validator(bad_html, "") (result.exceptions.empty?).should be_false end it "should return true for valid? if exceptions are accepted" do result=@h.validator(bad_html, "") result.accept! result=@h.validator(bad_html, "").valid?.should be_true end it "should show no exceptions for a truly valid file" do result=@h.validator(good_html, "") (result.exceptions == '').should be_true end it "should still show exceptions when returning valid for an accepted exception string" do result=@h.validator(bad_html, "") result.accept! result=@h.validator(bad_html, "") result.valid?.should be_true (result.exceptions.length == 0).should be_false end it "should reset exceptions after each call to valid?" do result=@h.validator(bad_html, "") result=@h.validator(good_html, "") (result.exceptions.length == 0).should be_true result.valid?.should be_true end it "should reset accepted exceptions string after seeing valid html for a path" do result=@h.validator(bad_html, "") result.accept! result=@h.validator(bad_html, "").valid?.should be_true # now we see valid, so we should reset result=@h.validator(good_html, "").valid?.should be_true result=@h.validator(bad_html, "").valid?.should be_false end it "should not pass a different non-accepted exception" do result=@h.validator(bad_html, "") result.accept! e1=result.exceptions result=@h.validator("", "").valid?.should be_false end it "should let me pass a tidy option" do'/tmp/validation', :tidy_opts=>"-e") result=@h.validator("foo", 'c:\mycoolapp\somesite.html') result.exceptions.include?("were found!").should be_true'/tmp/validation') result=@h.validator("foo", 'c:\mycoolapp\somesite.html') result.exceptions.include?("were found!").should be_false end it "should yeild exception results" do'/tmp/validation', :tidy_opts=>"-e") result=@h.validator("foo", 'c:\\somesite.html') had_exceptions=false @h.each_exception do |e| had_exceptions=true e.is_a?(HTMLAcceptanceResult).should be_true (e.resource.length > 0).should be_true (e.html.length > 0).should be_true end had_exceptions.should be_true end private def bad_html 'the title<title></head><body><p>blah blah</body></html>' end def good_html '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""><html><title>the title

a paragraph' end def tmp_path is_windows=(RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /mswin|mingw|cygwin/) is_windows ? 'c:\temp\validation' : '/tmp/validation' end # clean our temp dir without killing it def clean_dir(dir) Dir.chdir(dir) Dir.glob('*').each {|f| FileUtils.rm(f) } end end