require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'test_helper') require 'hammer_cli' describe HammerCLIForeman do before :each do HammerCLI::Settings.load({:_params => {:interactive => false}}) end context "collection_to_common_format" do let(:kind) { { "name" => "PXELinux", "id" => 1 } } it "should convert old API format" do old_format = [ { "template_kind" => kind } ] set = HammerCLIForeman.collection_to_common_format(old_format) set.must_be_kind_of HammerCLI::Output::RecordCollection set.first.must_equal(kind) end it "should convert common API format" do common_format = [ kind ] set = HammerCLIForeman.collection_to_common_format(common_format) set.must_be_kind_of HammerCLI::Output::RecordCollection set.first.must_equal(kind) end it "should convert new API format" do new_format = { "total" => 1, "subtotal" => 1, "page" => 1, "per_page" => 20, "search" => nil, "sort" => { "by" => nil, "order" => nil }, "results" => [ kind ] } set = HammerCLIForeman.collection_to_common_format(new_format) set.must_be_kind_of HammerCLI::Output::RecordCollection set.first.must_equal(kind) end it "should rise error on unexpected format" do proc { HammerCLIForeman.collection_to_common_format('unexpected') }.must_raise RuntimeError end end context "record_to_common_format" do let(:arch) { { "name" => "x86_64", "id" => 1 } } it "should convert old API format" do old_format = { "architecture" => arch } rec = HammerCLIForeman.record_to_common_format(old_format) rec.must_equal(arch) end it "should convert common API format" do common_format = arch rec = HammerCLIForeman.record_to_common_format(common_format) rec.must_equal(arch) end end context "Create command" do it "should format created entity in csv output" do ResourceMocks.mock_action_call(:architectures, :create, { "architecture" => { "name" => "i386", "id" => 3, "created_at" => "2013-12-16T15:35:21Z", "operatingsystem_ids" => [], "updated_at" => "2013-12-16T15:35:21Z" } }) arch ="", { :adapter => :csv, :interactive => false }) out, err = capture_io {["--name='i386'"]) } out.must_match("Message,Id,Name\nArchitecture created.,3,i386\n") end end context "AddAssociatedCommand" do it "should associate resource" do ResourceMocks.mock_action_calls( [:organizations, :show, { "id" => 1, "domain_ids" => [2] }], [:domains, :show, { "id" => 1, "name" => "local.lan" }]) class Assoc < HammerCLIForeman::AddAssociatedCommand resource :organizations associated_resource :domains build_options end res ="", { :adapter => :csv, :interactive => false }) res.stubs(:get_identifier).returns(1) res.stubs(:get_associated_identifier).returns(1) res.get_new_ids.sort.must_equal ['1', '2'] end it "should associate resource with new format" do ResourceMocks.mock_action_calls( [:organizations, :show, { "id" => 1, "domains" => [{ "id" => 2, "name" => "global.lan" }] }], [:domains, :show, { "id" => 1, "name" => "local.lan" }]) class Assoc < HammerCLIForeman::AddAssociatedCommand resource :organizations associated_resource :domains build_options end res ="", { :adapter => :csv, :interactive => false }) res.stubs(:get_identifier).returns(1) res.stubs(:get_associated_identifier).returns(1) res.get_new_ids.sort.must_equal ['1', '2'] end end end describe HammerCLIForeman::Command do it "uses foreman option builder" do builder = HammerCLIForeman::Command.option_builder builder.class.must_equal HammerCLIForeman::ForemanOptionBuilder end it "properly raises error on intentional searching of parameters that are not required" do class TestList < HammerCLIForeman::ListCommand resource :domains build_options end com ="", { :adapter => :csv, :interactive => false }) com.resolver.class.any_instance.stubs(:location_id).raises( "Error", HammerCLIForeman.foreman_api_connection.api.resource(:locations) ) ) out, err = capture_io do['--location', 'loc']).wont_equal HammerCLI::EX_OK end err.must_equal "Error: Could not find location, please set one of options --location, --location-title, --location-id.\n" end it "ignores error on attempt to search of parameters that are not required" do class TestList < HammerCLIForeman::ListCommand resource :domains build_options end com ="", { :adapter => :csv, :interactive => false }) com.resolver.class.any_instance.stubs(:location_id).raises( "Error", HammerCLIForeman.foreman_api_connection.api.resource(:locations) ) ) ResourceMocks.mock_action_call(:domains, :index, []) out, err = capture_io do[]).must_equal HammerCLI::EX_OK end end describe "build_options" do it "uses build parameters in the block" do HammerCLIForeman::Command.build_options do |o| o.class.must_equal HammerCLIForeman::BuildParams end end end end