require File.expand_path("../../spec_helper", __FILE__) describe "Finding objects in the cache" do def cache_key(user) ["Address", 0,].join("/") end describe "by id" do before do @address = Address.create :street => "Spooner" end describe "if the user is in cache" do before do $cache.set(cache_key(@address), "the address") end it "returns the object from cache if its there" do Address.first(:id => == "the address" end end describe "if the user isn't there" do before do $cache.delete(cache_key(@address)) @found = Address.first(:id => end it "finds the object in the database" do @found.should == @address end it "stores the object in cache (read through)" do $cache.get(cache_key(@address)).should == @address end end end describe "several objects via id" do before do @addresses = (0..3).map { Address.create :street => "Spooner" } end describe "when all objects are found" do before do @addresses.each { |a| $cache.set(cache_key(a), "the address") } end it "returns all the objects from cache" do Address.all(:id => { |u| }).should == ["the address"] * 4 end end describe "when some objects are missing" do before do $cache.delete(cache_key(@addresses.first)) @found = Address.all(:id => { |u| }) end it "finds the object and returns it" do expected = @addresses.sort { |a,b| <=> } @found.sort { |a,b| <=> }.should == expected end it "writes the object through to the cache" do lambda { $cache.get(cache_key(@addresses.first)) }.should_not raise_error end end end describe "calling all when the array of ids is empty" do it "returns nothing" do Address.all(:id => []) end end describe "finding several objects in order via cache" do before do @addresses = (0...5).map { Address.create :street => "Spooner" } end it "returns them in order" do fnd = Address.all(:id => { |a| }, :preserve_order! => true) fnd.should == @addresses end end describe "when there's an object in the index that doesn't really exist" do before do table = $db.from("index_addresses_on_street") table.where(:street => "Quahog").delete table.insert(:street => "Quahog", :id => "12345") end it "just returns [] silently on #all" do Address.all(:street => "Quahog").should == [] end end end