#!/usr/bin/env ruby ## # Provides a IRB session with a NcsNavigator::Mdes::Specification instance # for free-form prodding. # Allow this executable to be run directly from the source as well as # from an installed gem. begin lib = File.expand_path('../../lib', __FILE__) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(lib) $LOAD_PATH << lib require 'rubygems' end end require 'irb' require 'ncs_navigator/mdes' $mdes12 = NcsNavigator::Mdes::Specification.new('1.2') $mdes20 = NcsNavigator::Mdes::Specification.new('2.0') expected_loc = ENV[NcsNavigator::Mdes::SourceDocuments::BASE_ENV_VAR] ? ENV[NcsNavigator::Mdes::SourceDocuments::BASE_ENV_VAR].inspect : 'the default location' puts "Documents are expected to be in #{expected_loc}." puts "$mdes12 is a Specification for 1.2" puts "$mdes20 is a Specification for 2.0" IRB.start(__FILE__)