class CreateTriggerToUpdateCurrentObservationSets < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1] def up sql = <<-SQL CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_current_observation_set_from_trigger() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $body$ -- TC 14/12/2017 -- This function is called by a trigger when a row is inserted or updated in -- pathology_observations. Its purpose is to keep current_observation_sets up to date -- with the latest observations for any patient. -- The current_observation_sets table maintains a jsonb hash into which we insert or replace -- the observation, keyed by OBX code. -- e.g. .. {"HGB": { "result": 123.1, "observed_at": '2017-12-12-01:01:01'}, .. DECLARE a_patient_id bigint; a_code text; current_observed_at timestamp; current_result text; new_observed_at timestamp; BEGIN RAISE NOTICE 'TRIGGER called on %',TG_TABLE_NAME ; /* If inserting or updating, we _could_ assume the last observation to be inserted is the most 'recent' one (with the latest observed_at date). However the order of incoming messages is not guaranteed, so we have two options: 1. Refresh the entire current_observation_set for the patient 2. Check the current observed_at date in the jsonb and only update if we have a more recent one We have gone for 2. */ IF (TG_OP = 'INSERT' OR TG_OP = 'UPDATE') THEN -- Note we could re-generate the entire current pathology for the patient using -- select refresh_current_observation_set(a_patient_id); -- which is safer but uses more resources, so avoiding this for now. -- Find and store patient_id into local variable select request.patient_id into a_patient_id from pathology_observation_requests request where = NEW.request_id; -- Find and store the obx code into local variable select description.code into a_code from pathology_observation_descriptions description where = NEW.description_id; -- Important! Create the observation_set if it doesn exist yet -- ignore the error id the row already exists insert into pathology_current_observation_sets (patient_id) values (a_patient_id) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING; -- We are going to compare the current and new observed_at dates -- so need to cast them to a timestamp select cast(New.observed_at as timestamp) into new_observed_at; -- Get the most recent date and value for this observation -- and store to variables. select cast(values -> a_code ->> 'observed_at' as timestamp), values -> a_code ->> 'result' into current_observed_at, current_result from pathology_current_observation_sets where patient_id = a_patient_id; -- Output some info to helps us debug. This can be removed later. RAISE NOTICE ' Request id % Patient id % Code %', NEW.request_id, a_patient_id, a_code; RAISE NOTICE ' Last %: % at %', a_code, current_result, current_observed_at; RAISE NOTICE ' New %: % at %', a_code, NEW.result, new_observed_at; IF current_observed_at IS NULL OR new_observed_at >= current_observed_at THEN -- The new pathology_observation row contain a more recent result that the old one. -- (note there may not be an old one if the patient has neve had this obs before). RAISE NOTICE ' Updating pathology_current_observation_sets..'; -- Update the values jsonb column with the new hash for this code, e.g. -- .. {"HGB": { "result": 123.1, "observed_at": '2017-12-12-01:01:01'}, .. -- Note the `set values` below actually reads in the jsonb, updates it, -- and wites the whole thing back. update pathology_current_observation_sets set values = jsonb_set( values, ('{'||a_code||'}')::text[], -- defined in the fn path::text[] jsonb_build_object('result', NEW.result, 'observed_at', new_observed_at), true) where patient_id = a_patient_id; END IF; END IF; RETURN NULL ; END $body$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE COST 100; -- End function -- Create the trigger which will call out function every time a row in pathology_observations -- is inserted or updated DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS update_current_observation_set_trigger ON pathology_observations; CREATE TRIGGER update_current_observation_set_trigger AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE ON pathology_observations FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE update_current_observation_set_from_trigger(); SQL ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(sql) end def down ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(" DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS update_current_observation_set_trigger ON pathology_observations; DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS update_current_observation_set_from_trigger(); ") end end