% if File.exist?(MAIL_FILE_PATH) and info = YAML::load_file(MAIL_FILE_PATH) %> <% if info['smtp'] %>
Mail Settings :- SMTP <%=link_to_function('Help', :onclick => 'addHelp("mail");') %>
<%=link_to_remote 'Sendmail', :update => 'mail_div', :url => {:controller => 'mail_specification', :action => 'sendmail_form'} %> <%=link_to_remote 'Edit', :update => 'mail_div', :url => {:controller => 'mail_specification', :action => 'edit_smtp', :smtp => info['smtp']} %> <% if info['email_notification'] and info['email_notification'].downcase == 'disabled' %> <%=link_to_remote 'Enable', :update => 'mail_div', :url => {:controller => 'mail_specification', :action => 'enable_notification'}, :confirm => ENABLE_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION, :oncontextmenu => 'return false;' %> <% elsif info['email_notification'] and info['email_notification'].downcase == 'enabled' %> <%=link_to_remote 'Disable', :update => 'mail_div', :url => {:controller => 'mail_specification', :action => 'disable_notification'}, :confirm => DISABLE_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION, :oncontextmenu => 'return false;' %> <% end %> | ||
Server | <%=info['smtp']['address'] %> | Port | <%=info['smtp']['port'] %> |
Domain | <%=info['smtp']['domain'] %> | Authenitcation | <%=info['smtp']['authentication'] %> |
User Name | <%=info['smtp']['user_name'] %> | Password | ************** |
Sender's Email Address | <%=info['smtp']['from'] %> | Recipient Email Addresses | <%=info['smtp']['recipients'] %> |
Mail Settings :- Sendmail <%=link_to_function('Help', :onclick => 'addHelp("mail");') %>
<%=link_to_remote 'SMTP', :update => 'mail_div', :url => {:controller => 'mail_specification', :action => 'smtp_form'} %> <%=link_to_remote 'Edit', :update => 'mail_div', :url => {:controller => 'mail_specification', :action => 'edit_sendmail', :sendmail => info['sendmail']} %> <% if info['email_notification'] and info['email_notification'].downcase == 'disabled' %> <%=link_to_remote 'Enable', :update => 'mail_div', :url => {:controller => 'mail_specification', :action => 'enable_notification'}, :confirm => ENABLE_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION, :oncontextmenu => 'return false;' %> <% elsif info['email_notification'] and info['email_notification'].downcase == 'enabled' %> <%=link_to_remote 'Disable', :update => 'mail_div', :url => {:controller => 'mail_specification', :action => 'disable_notification'}, :confirm => DISABLE_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION, :oncontextmenu => 'return false;' %> <% end %> | |
Location | <%=info['sendmail']['location']%> | |
Sender's Email Address | <%=info['sendmail']['from'] %> | |
Recipient Email Addresses | <%=info['sendmail']['recipients'] %> |
Mail Settings <%=link_to_function('Help', :onclick => 'addHelp("mail");') %>
<%=link_to_remote 'SMTP', :update => 'mail_div', :url => {:controller => 'mail_specification', :action => 'smtp_form'} %> | <%=link_to_remote 'Sendmail', :update => 'mail_div', :url => {:controller => 'mail_specification', :action => 'sendmail_form'} %> |