# Copyright (c) 2020 Contrast Security, Inc. See https://www.contrastsecurity.com/enduser-terms-0317a for more details. # frozen_string_literal: true # intentional -- we're using a << operator here cs__scoped_require 'contrast/agent/class_reopener' cs__scoped_require 'contrast/agent/patching/policy/patch_status' cs__scoped_require 'contrast/components/interface' cs__scoped_require 'contrast/utils/ruby_ast_rewriter' module Contrast module Agent # Used for Ruby 2.5 to allow us to rewrite those methods which have # interpolation in them. # # TODO: RUBY-714 remove w/ EOL of 2.5 # @deprecated Changes to this class are discouraged as this approach is # being phased out with support for those language versions. class Rewriter include Contrast::Components::Interface access_component :logging, :scope SELF_DEFINITION = 'def self.' DEFINITION = 'def ' class << self def rewrite_class module_data, redo_rewrite = false mod = module_data.mod return unless mod status = Contrast::Agent::Patching::Policy::PatchStatus.get_status(mod) return if (status.rewritten? || status.rewriting?) && !redo_rewrite status.rewriting! # default-initialize to nil within top-level method scope # so that it's available w/in the `ensure` block opener = nil with_contrast_scope do unless should_rewrite?(module_data) status.no_rewrite! return end opener = Contrast::Agent::ClassReopener.new(module_data) if opener.nil? || (instance_methods.empty? && singleton_methods.empty?) status.no_rewrite! return end rewrite_all_methods(opener, mod, mod.public_instance_methods(false), :PUBLIC_INSTANCE) rewrite_all_methods(opener, mod, mod.protected_instance_methods(false), :PROTECTED_INSTANCE) rewrite_all_methods(opener, mod, mod.private_instance_methods(false), :PRIVATE_INSTANCE) rewrite_all_methods(opener, mod, mod.singleton_methods(false), :SINGLETON) status.rewritten! end rescue SyntaxError, StandardError => e opener = nil mod ||= module_data.mod logger.debug('Reopening threw a handled exception - skipping rewriting', e, module: module_data.name) status ||= Contrast::Agent::Patching::Policy::PatchStatus.get_status(mod) status.failed_rewrite! ensure with_contrast_scope do opener&.commit_patches end logger.trace('Rewriting complete', module: module_data.name, result: Contrast::Agent::Patching::Policy::PatchStatus.get_status( module_data.mod).rewrite_status) end private def location_available? location return unless location return false if location.empty? || location[0].empty? || location[0].include?('eval') true end def rewrite_all_methods opener, clazz, methods, type methods.each do |method| # Skip contrast woven methods. # There should be a better way to do this next if method.to_s.start_with?('cs__') original_source_code = source_code(opener, clazz, method, type) next if original_source_code.nil? next if unrepeatable?(original_source_code) next unless interpolations?(original_source_code) replace_method_definition(opener, clazz, method, original_source_code, type) end end def source_code opener, clazz, method_name, type return unless method_exists?(clazz, method_name, type) method_instance = method_instance(clazz, method_name, type) return nil if method_instance.nil? location = method_instance.source_location return nil unless location_available?(location) return nil if opener.written_from_location?(location) opener.written_from_location!(location) opener.source_code(location, method_name) rescue SyntaxError logger.debug('Can\'t parse method source', error: 'SyntaxError', module: clazz.cs__name, method: method_name) rescue StandardError => e if defined?(MethodSource) && defined?(MethodSource::SourceNotFoundError) logger.debug( 'Can\'t parse method source', e, error: 'SourceNotFoundError', module: clazz.cs__name, method: method_name) else logger.debug('Can\'t lookup method source', module: clazz.cs__name, method: method_name) end end def method_exists? clazz, method_name, type case type when :SINGLETON clazz.cs__singleton_class.public_method_defined?(method_name) when :PUBLIC_INSTANCE clazz.public_method_defined?(method_name) when :PROTECTED_INSTANCE clazz.protected_method_defined?(method_name) when :PRIVATE_INSTANCE clazz.private_method_defined?(method_name) end end def method_instance clazz, method_name, type case type when :SINGLETON clazz.singleton_method(method_name) else clazz.instance_method(method_name) end end def replace_method_definition opener, clazz, method, original_source_code, type new_method_source = rewrite_method(original_source_code) return unless valid_code?(new_method_source) case type when :SINGLETON opener.public_singleton_methods << new_method_source when :PUBLIC_INSTANCE opener.public_instance_methods << new_method_source when :PROTECTED_INSTANCE opener.protected_instance_methods << new_method_source when :PRIVATE_INSTANCE opener.private_instance_methods << new_method_source end rescue StandardError => e logger.debug('Can\'t rewrite in class_eval', e, module: clazz.cs__name, method: method) end def rewrite_method original_source_code new_code = rewrite(original_source_code) new_code = remove_self_definition(new_code) new_code end def rewrite source @rewriter ||= Contrast::Utils::RubyAstRewriter.new @rewriter.rewrite(source) end def remove_self_definition new_code new_code.gsub(SELF_DEFINITION, DEFINITION) end # attempt to generate an AST for the rewritten code, if one can be generated we can assume it is at least valid ruby # if it returns nil that means that the AST was unable to build due to an error and we should use the original source code def valid_code? new_content !Ripper.sexp(new_content).nil? end def interpolations? method_source method_source.match?(/^.*".*#(\$\w+|@\w+|@@\w+|\{.*\}).*".*$/) end # These functions cannot be repeated -- when doing replace things, we # should comment these lines out. # cannot repeat class foo < # bar UNREPEATABLE_FUNCTIONS = /(^|\s)(class\s*\W.*<|included(\s+do|\s*{))/.cs__freeze # these methods dynamically create functions. replacing them in rails # resulted in a lot of undefined_ errors. i know we'll have to figure # out how to support them, but baby steps UNREPEATABLE_ACCESSOR_FUNCTIONS = /(^|\s)((cattr_accessor|cattr_reader|cattr_writer|attr_reader|attr_writer|attr_accessor|mattr_accessor|mattr_reader|mattr_writer|public) )/.cs__freeze # evals are scary and terrify me. we shouldn't rewrite them if we don't # have to POTENTIALLY_UNREPEATABLE_FUNCTIONS = /(class_eval|instance_eval|method_eval|eval|module_eval|define_method|define_method_attribute|require_dependency|instance_predicate)/.cs__freeze # Binding a Constant, ie starting with ::, affects the lookup of that # Constant. Since we're effectively moving the file in which it would # be declared, we cannot repeat this lookup, so we cannot replace this # file BOUND_CONSTANTS = /(^|\s)::\w/.cs__freeze DISABLE_FUNCTIONS_REGEXP = /(^|\s)((undef|include|extend|alias|alias_method|require|require_relative|send) )/.cs__freeze def unrepeatable? original_source_code (original_source_code.index('__dir__') || original_source_code.index('File.dirname') || original_source_code.index('__FILE__') || original_source_code.match?(UNREPEATABLE_FUNCTIONS) || original_source_code.match?(UNREPEATABLE_ACCESSOR_FUNCTIONS) || original_source_code.match?(POTENTIALLY_UNREPEATABLE_FUNCTIONS) || original_source_code.match?(BOUND_CONSTANTS) || original_source_code.match?(DISABLE_FUNCTIONS_REGEXP)) end UNTOUCHABLE_MODULES = %w[ AbstractController ActionCable ActionController ActionDispatch ActionMailer ActionPack ActionView ActiveModel ActiveRecord ActiveSupport Brakeman Contrast Debase Debugger Erubis GraphQL NewRelic Pry Puma PhusionPassenger Rails::Application Rails::Engine Rails::Railtie Rake RSpec Warden WEBrick ].cs__freeze def should_rewrite? module_data clazz = module_data.mod name = module_data.name return false unless clazz # Name can be nil for anonymous modules. We won't work on them. return false unless name return false if name == Contrast::Utils::ObjectShare::CLASS return false if name == Contrast::Utils::ObjectShare::MODULE # We've ran into issues rewriting these Modules. Ideally, we'll solve # the issues and this check will go away UNTOUCHABLE_MODULES.none? { |untouchable| name.include?(untouchable) } end end end end end