import { createElement, Component } from 'preact' /** @jsx createElement */ import Status from './status' import DropdownArrowDown from './dropdown-arrow-down' const IS_PREACT = process.env.COMPONENT_LIBRARY === 'PREACT' const IS_REACT = process.env.COMPONENT_LIBRARY === 'REACT' const keyCodes = { 13: 'enter', 27: 'escape', 32: 'space', 38: 'up', 40: 'down' } // Based on const hasPointerEvents = (() => { const element = document.createElement('x') = 'pointer-events:auto' return === 'auto' })() function isIosDevice () { return !!(navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPod|iPhone|iPad)/g) && navigator.userAgent.match(/AppleWebKit/g)) } function isPrintableKeyCode (keyCode) { return ( (keyCode > 47 && keyCode < 58) || // number keys keyCode === 32 || keyCode === 8 || // spacebar or backspace (keyCode > 64 && keyCode < 91) || // letter keys (keyCode > 95 && keyCode < 112) || // numpad keys (keyCode > 185 && keyCode < 193) || // ;=,-./` (in order) (keyCode > 218 && keyCode < 223) // [\]' (in order) ) } // Preact does not implement onChange on inputs, but React does. function onChangeCrossLibrary (handler) { if (IS_PREACT) { return { onInput: handler } } if (IS_REACT) { return { onChange: handler } } } export default class Autocomplete extends Component { static defaultProps = { autoselect: false, cssNamespace: 'autocomplete', customAttributes: {}, defaultValue: '', displayMenu: 'inline', minLength: 0, name: 'input-autocomplete', placeholder: '', onConfirm: () => {}, confirmOnBlur: true, showNoOptionsFound: true, showAllValues: false, required: false, multiple: false, selectedOptions: {}, tNoResults: () => 'No results found', tSelectedOptionDescription: () => 'Press Enter or Space to remove selection', dropdownArrow: DropdownArrowDown } elementReferences = {} constructor (props) { super(props) this.state = { focused: null, hovered: null, clicked: null, menuOpen: false, options: props.defaultValue ? [props.defaultValue] : [], selectedOptions: props.selectedOptions ? [props.selectedOptions] : [], query: props.defaultValue, selected: null } this.handleComponentBlur = this.handleComponentBlur.bind(this) this.handleKeyDown = this.handleKeyDown.bind(this) this.handleUpArrow = this.handleUpArrow.bind(this) this.handleDownArrow = this.handleDownArrow.bind(this) this.handleEnter = this.handleEnter.bind(this) this.handlePrintableKey = this.handlePrintableKey.bind(this) this.handleListMouseLeave = this.handleListMouseLeave.bind(this) this.handleOptionBlur = this.handleOptionBlur.bind(this) this.handleOptionClick = this.handleOptionClick.bind(this) this.handleOptionFocus = this.handleOptionFocus.bind(this) this.handleOptionMouseEnter = this.handleOptionMouseEnter.bind(this) this.handleSelectedOptionClick = this.handleSelectedOptionClick.bind(this) this.handleSelectedOptionKeyDown = this.handleSelectedOptionKeyDown.bind(this) this.handleInputBlur = this.handleInputBlur.bind(this) this.handleInputChange = this.handleInputChange.bind(this) this.handleInputFocus = this.handleInputFocus.bind(this) this.pollInputElement = this.pollInputElement.bind(this) this.getDirectInputChanges = this.getDirectInputChanges.bind(this) } componentDidMount () { this.pollInputElement() } componentWillUnmount () { clearTimeout(this.$pollInput) clearTimeout(this.$blurInput) } // Applications like Dragon NaturallySpeaking will modify the // `input` field by directly changing its `.value`. These events // don't trigger our JavaScript event listeners, so we need to poll // to handle when and if they occur. pollInputElement () { this.getDirectInputChanges() this.$pollInput = setTimeout(() => { this.pollInputElement() }, 100) } getDirectInputChanges () { const inputReference = this.elementReferences[-1] const queryHasChanged = inputReference && inputReference.value !== this.state.query if (queryHasChanged) { this.handleInputChange({ target: { value: inputReference.value } }) } } componentDidUpdate (prevProps, prevState) { const { focused, clicked } = this.state const componentLostFocus = focused === null const focusedChanged = prevState.focused !== focused const focusDifferentElement = (focusedChanged && !componentLostFocus) || clicked !== null if (focusDifferentElement) { this.elementReferences[focused].focus() } const focusedInput = focused === -1 const componentGainedFocus = focusedChanged && prevState.focused === null const selectAllText = focusedInput && componentGainedFocus if (selectAllText) { const inputElement = this.elementReferences[focused] inputElement.setSelectionRange(0, inputElement.value.length) } } hasAutoselect () { return isIosDevice() ? false : this.props.autoselect } // This template is used when converting from a state.options object into a state.query. templateInputValue (value) { const inputValueTemplate = this.props.templates && this.props.templates.inputValue return inputValueTemplate ? inputValueTemplate(value) : value } // This template is used when displaying results / suggestions. templateSuggestion (value) { const suggestionTemplate = this.props.templates && this.props.templates.suggestion return suggestionTemplate ? suggestionTemplate(value) : value } handleComponentBlur (newState) { const { options, query, selected } = this.state let newQuery if (this.props.confirmOnBlur) { newQuery = newState.query || query this.props.onConfirm(options[selected]) } else { newQuery = query } this.setState({ focused: null, clicked: null, menuOpen: newState.menuOpen || false, query: newQuery, selected: null }) if (this.props.selectElement && this.props.selectElement.multiple) { // Reset input state this.setState({ menuOpen: false, selected: null, query: '' }) } } handleListMouseLeave (event) { this.setState({ hovered: null }) } handleOptionBlur (event, index) { const { focused, clicked, menuOpen, options, selected } = this.state const focusingOutsideComponent = event.relatedTarget === null && clicked === null const focusingInput = event.relatedTarget === this.elementReferences[-1] const focusingAnotherOption = focused !== index && focused !== -1 const blurComponent = (!focusingAnotherOption && focusingOutsideComponent) || !(focusingAnotherOption || focusingInput) if (blurComponent) { const keepMenuOpen = menuOpen && isIosDevice() this.handleComponentBlur({ menuOpen: keepMenuOpen, query: this.templateInputValue(options[selected]) }) } } handleInputBlur (event) { const { focused, menuOpen, options, query, selected } = this.state const focusingAnOption = focused !== -1 clearTimeout(this.$blurInput) if (!focusingAnOption) { const keepMenuOpen = menuOpen && isIosDevice() const newQuery = isIosDevice() ? query : this.templateInputValue(options[selected]) this.$blurInput = setTimeout(() => this.handleComponentBlur({ menuOpen: keepMenuOpen, query: newQuery }), 200) } } handleInputChange (event) { const { minLength, source, showAllValues } = this.props const autoselect = this.hasAutoselect() const query = const queryEmpty = query.length === 0 const queryChanged = this.state.query.length !== query.length const queryLongEnough = query.length >= minLength this.setState({ query }) const searchForOptions = showAllValues || (!queryEmpty && queryChanged && queryLongEnough) if (searchForOptions) { source(query, (options) => { const optionsAvailable = options.length > 0 this.setState({ menuOpen: optionsAvailable, options, selected: (autoselect && optionsAvailable) ? 0 : -1 }) }) } else if (queryEmpty || !queryLongEnough) { this.setState({ menuOpen: false, options: [] }) } } handleInputClick (event) { this.handleInputChange(event) } handleInputFocus (event) { this.setState({ focused: -1 }) } handleOptionFocus (index) { this.setState({ focused: index, hovered: null, selected: index }) } handleOptionMouseEnter (event, index) { // iOS Safari prevents click event if mouseenter adds hover background colour // See: if (!isIosDevice()) { this.setState({ hovered: index }) } } handleOptionClick (event, index) { const selectedOption = this.state.options[index] const newQuery = this.templateInputValue(selectedOption) clearTimeout(this.$blurInput) this.props.onConfirm(selectedOption) this.setState({ focused: -1, clicked: index, hovered: null, menuOpen: false, query: newQuery, selected: -1 }) if (this.props.selectElement && this.props.selectElement.multiple) { this.updateMultiselect(selectedOption) } this.forceUpdate() } updateMultiselect (selectedOption) { if (selectedOption) { // Update select state for option const addedSelectOption = [], option => option.textContent === selectedOption)[0] if (addedSelectOption) { addedSelectOption.selected = true } // Update multiselect list let availableOptions = [], option => option.textContent) this.props.selectedOptions = availableOptions.filter(option => option.selected === true) // Reset input state this.setState({ menuOpen: false, selected: null, query: '' }) } } handleSelectedOptionClick (event, index) { // Remove from the list const removedOption = this.props.selectedOptions[index] this.props.selectedOptions = this.props.selectedOptions.filter(e => e !== removedOption) // Update select state for option const removedSelectOption = [], option => option.textContent === removedOption.textContent)[0] if (removedSelectOption) { removedSelectOption.selected = false } this.forceUpdate() } handleSelectedOptionKeyDown (event, index) { switch (keyCodes[event.keyCode]) { case 'space': this.handleSelectedOptionClick(event, index) break case 'enter': this.handleSelectedOptionClick(event, index) break } } handleUpArrow (event) { event.preventDefault() const { menuOpen, selected } = this.state const isNotAtTop = selected !== -1 const allowMoveUp = isNotAtTop && menuOpen if (allowMoveUp) { this.handleOptionFocus(selected - 1) } } handleDownArrow (event) { event.preventDefault() // if not open, open if (this.props.showAllValues && this.state.menuOpen === false) { event.preventDefault() this.props.source('', (options) => { this.setState({ menuOpen: true, options, selected: 0, focused: 0, hovered: null }) }) } else if (this.state.menuOpen === true) { const { menuOpen, options, selected } = this.state const isNotAtBottom = selected !== options.length - 1 const allowMoveDown = isNotAtBottom && menuOpen if (allowMoveDown) { this.handleOptionFocus(selected + 1) } } } handleSpace (event) { // if not open, open if (this.props.showAllValues && this.state.menuOpen === false && this.state.query === '') { event.preventDefault() this.props.source('', (options) => { this.setState({ menuOpen: true, options }) }) } const focusIsOnOption = this.state.focused !== -1 if (focusIsOnOption) { event.preventDefault() this.handleOptionClick(event, this.state.focused) } } handleEnter (event) { if (this.state.menuOpen) { event.preventDefault() const hasSelectedOption = this.state.selected >= 0 if (hasSelectedOption) { this.handleOptionClick(event, this.state.selected) } } } handlePrintableKey (event) { const inputElement = this.elementReferences[-1] const eventIsOnInput = === inputElement if (!eventIsOnInput) { // FIXME: This would be better if it was in componentDidUpdate, // but using setState to trigger that seems to not work correctly // in preact@8.1.0. inputElement.focus() } } handleKeyDown (event) { switch (keyCodes[event.keyCode]) { case 'up': this.handleUpArrow(event) break case 'down': this.handleDownArrow(event) break case 'space': this.handleSpace(event) break case 'enter': this.handleEnter(event) break case 'escape': this.handleComponentBlur({ query: this.state.query }) break default: if (isPrintableKeyCode(event.keyCode)) { this.handlePrintableKey(event) } break } } render () { const { cssNamespace, displayMenu, id, minLength, name, placeholder, required, multiple, showAllValues, tNoResults, tStatusQueryTooShort, tStatusNoResults, tStatusSelectedOption, tStatusResults, tSelectedOptionDescription, dropdownArrow: dropdownArrowFactory, customAttributes } = this.props const { focused, hovered, menuOpen, options, query, selected } = this.state const autoselect = this.hasAutoselect() const inputFocused = focused === -1 const noOptionsAvailable = options.length === 0 const queryNotEmpty = query.length !== 0 const queryLongEnough = query.length >= minLength const showNoOptionsFound = this.props.showNoOptionsFound && inputFocused && noOptionsAvailable && queryNotEmpty && queryLongEnough const wrapperClassName = `${cssNamespace}__wrapper` const inputClassName = `${cssNamespace}__input` const componentIsFocused = focused !== null const inputModifierFocused = componentIsFocused ? ` ${inputClassName}--focused` : '' const inputModifierType = this.props.showAllValues ? ` ${inputClassName}--show-all-values` : ` ${inputClassName}--default` const dropdownArrowClassName = `${cssNamespace}__dropdown-arrow-down` const optionFocused = focused !== -1 && focused !== null const menuClassName = `${cssNamespace}__menu` const menuModifierDisplayMenu = `${menuClassName}--${displayMenu}` const menuIsVisible = menuOpen || showNoOptionsFound const menuModifierVisibility = `${menuClassName}--${(menuIsVisible) ? 'visible' : 'hidden'}` const optionClassName = `${cssNamespace}__option` const selectedOptionsClassName = `${cssNamespace}__list` const hintClassName = `${cssNamespace}__hint` const selectedOptionText = this.templateInputValue(options[selected]) const optionBeginsWithQuery = selectedOptionText && selectedOptionText.toLowerCase().indexOf(query.toLowerCase()) === 0 const hintValue = (optionBeginsWithQuery && autoselect) ? query + selectedOptionText.substr(query.length) : '' const showHint = hasPointerEvents && hintValue let dropdownArrow // we only need a dropdown arrow if showAllValues is set to a truthy value if (showAllValues) { dropdownArrow = dropdownArrowFactory({ className: dropdownArrowClassName }) // if the factory returns a string we'll render this as HTML (usage w/o (P)React) if (typeof dropdownArrow === 'string') { dropdownArrow =
} } return (