--- en: activemodel: attributes: area: area_type: Area type name: Name organization: Organization area_type: name: Name organization: Organization plural: Plural attachment: attachment_collection_id: Folder description: Description file: File title: Attachment or image name weight: Order position attachment_collection: description: Description name: Name weight: Order position category: description: Description name: Name parent_id: Parent weight: Order position component: name: Name published_at: Published at weight: Order position external_domain: value: Value help_section: content: Content id: ID import: user_group_id: Create imports as newsletter: body: Body send_to_all_users: Send to all users send_to_followers: Send to followers send_to_participants: Send to participants subject: Subject organization: admin_terms_of_service_body: Body for the admin terms of service alert_color: Alert available_authorizations: Available authorizations badges_enabled: Enable badges comments_max_length: Comments max length (Leave 0 for default value) cta_button_path: Call To Action button path cta_button_text: Call To Action button text customize_welcome_notification: Customize welcome notification default_locale: Default locale description: Description enable_omnipresent_banner: Show omnipresent banner enable_participatory_space_filters: Enable participatory space filters facebook_handler: Facebook handler favicon: Icon force_authentication: Force authentication force_users_to_authenticate_before_access_organization: Force users to authenticate before access organization from: Sender's email address github_handler: GitHub handler header_snippets: Header snippets highlight_alternative_color: Highlight, alternative highlight_color: Highlight highlighted_content_banner_action_subtitle: Action button subtitle highlighted_content_banner_action_title: Action button title highlighted_content_banner_action_url: Action button URL highlighted_content_banner_enabled: Show the highlighted content banner highlighted_content_banner_image: Image highlighted_content_banner_short_description: Short description highlighted_content_banner_title: Title host: Host instagram_handler: Instagram handler logo: Logo machine_translation_display_priority: Machine translation display priority machine_translation_display_priority_original: Original text first machine_translation_display_priority_translation: Translated text first name: Name official_img_footer: Official logo footer official_url: Official organization URL omnipresent_banner_short_description: Short description omnipresent_banner_title: Title omnipresent_banner_url: URL organization_admin_email: Organization admin email organization_admin_name: Organization admin name organization_locales: Organization locales primary_color: Primary reference_prefix: Reference prefix rich_text_editor_in_public_views: Enable rich text editor for participants secondary_color: Secondary secondary_hosts: Secondary hosts send_welcome_notification: Send welcome notification success_color: Success tertiary_color: Tertiary time_zone: Time Zone tos_version: Terms of service version twitter_handler: X handler user_groups_enabled: Enable groups users_registration_mode: Users registration mode warning_color: Warning welcome_notification_body: Welcome notification body welcome_notification_subject: Welcome notification subject youtube_handler: YouTube handler participatory_space_private_user: email: Email name: Name scope: code: Code name: Name organization: Organization parent_id: Parent scope_type: Scope type scope_type_id: Scope type scope_type: name: Name organization: Organization plural: Plural settings: scope_id: Scope static_page: allow_public_access: Allow access without authentication changed_notably: There have been noticeable changes. content: Content organization: Organization show_in_footer: Show in the footer slug: URL slug title: Title topic_id: Topic weight: Order position static_page_topic: description: Description name: Topic name show_in_footer: Show in the footer title: Title weight: Order position user_group_csv_verification: file: File errors: models: newsletter: attributes: base: at_least_one_space: Select at least one participatory space. organization: attributes: official_img_footer: allowed_file_content_types: Invalid image file participatory_space_private_user_csv_import: attributes: file: malformed: Malformed import file, please read through the instructions carefully and make sure the file is UTF-8 encoded. user_group_csv_verification: attributes: file: malformed: Malformed import file, please read through the instructions carefully and make sure the file is UTF-8 encoded. new_import: attributes: file: invalid_file: Invalid file provided, please check that the file is correctly formatted. invalid_mime_type: Invalid MIME type. activerecord: attributes: decidim/static_page: content: Content slug: URL slug title: Title doorkeeper/application: authorize_url: Authorize URL client_id: Client ID client_secret: Client Secret organization_name: Organization name organization_url: Organization URL redirect_uri: Redirect URI site: Website decidim: admin: actions: add: Add attachment: new: New attachment attachment_collection: new: New attachment folder browse: Browse category: new: New category export: Export all export-selection: Export selection import: Import newsletter: new: New newsletter participatory_space_private_user: new: New participatory space private user per_page: Per page permissions: Permissions reject: Reject send_me_a_test_email: Send me a test email share: Share user: new: New admin verify: Verify admin_terms_of_service: accept: error: There was an error while accepting the admin terms of service. success: Great! You have accepted the admin terms of service. actions: accept: I agree with the terms are_you_sure: Are you sure you want to refuse the admin terms of service? refuse: Refuse the admin terms title: Agree to the terms of service required_review: alert: 'Required: Review our admin terms of service' callout: Please take a moment to review the admin terms of service. Otherwise you will not be able to manage the platform. cta: Review them now. title: Admin terms of service area_types: create: error: There was a problem creating a new area type. success: Area type created successfully. destroy: success: Area type successfully destroyed. edit: title: Edit area type update: Update new: create: Create area type title: New area type update: error: There was a problem updating this area type. success: Area type updated successfully. areas: create: error: There was a problem creating a new area. success: Area created successfully. destroy: has_spaces: This area has dependent spaces. Please make sure no Participatory Space references this area before deleting it. success: Area successfully destroyed. edit: title: Edit area update: Update new: create: Create area title: New area no_areas: No Areas update: error: There was a problem updating this area. success: Area updated successfully. attachment_collections: create: error: There was a problem creating a new folder. success: Folder created successfully. destroy: success: Folder destroyed successfully. edit: title: Edit folder update: Update index: attachment_collections_title: Attachment folders new: create: Create title: New folder update: error: There was a problem updating this folder. success: Folder updated successfully. attachments: create: error: There was a problem creating a new attachment. success: Attachment created successfully. destroy: success: Attachment destroyed successfully. edit: title: Edit attachment update: Update index: attachments_title: Attachments new: create: Create attachment title: New attachment update: error: There was a problem updating this attachment. success: Attachment updated successfully. attachments_privacy_warning: message: Be careful when working with attachments in a private space. Any participant could share this document to others. autocomplete: no_results: No results found search_prompt: Type at least three characters to search. block_user: new: action: Block account and send justification already_reported_html: Continuing with this action you will also hide all the participants contents. Block the account. description: Blocking a user will render their account unusable. You may provide in your justification any guidelines on ways you would consider unblocking the user. justification: Justification title: Block User %{name} categories: create: error: There was a problem creating this category. success: Category created successfully. destroy: error: There was a problem deleting this category. Please delete any subcategory first, make sure no other entity belongs to this category and try again. success: Category deleted successfully. edit: title: Edit category update: Update index: categories_title: Categories new: create: Create category title: New category update: error: There was a problem updating this category. success: Category updated successfully. component_permissions: update: error: There was a problem updating the permissions of this component. success: Permissions updated successfully. components: create: error: There was a problem creating this component. success: Component created successfully. success_landing_page: Component created successfully. You can add a content block for this component in the home of the space. Go to Landing page to configure it. destroy: error: There was a problem destroying this component. success: Component deleted successfully. edit: title: Edit component update: Update form: default_step_settings: Default step settings global_settings: Global settings step_settings: Step settings index: add: Add component headers: actions: Actions name: Component name scope: Component scope type: Component type new: add: Add component title: 'Add component: %{name}' publish: success: The component has been successfully published. title: Components unpublish: success: The component has been successfully unpublished. update: error: There was a problem updating this component. success: The component was updated successfully. conflicts: attempts: Attempts 'false': 'No' managed_user_name: Managed User solved: Solved title: Verification conflicts transfer: email: Email error: There was a problem transfering the current participant to managed participant. name: Name reason: Reason success: The current transfer has been successfully completed. title: Transfer 'true': 'Yes' user_name: User content_blocks: create: error: There was an error while creating the content block. success: Content block successfully created. destroy: error: There was a problem trying to delete this content block. success: Content block successfully deleted. edit: active_content_blocks: Active content blocks add: Add content block destroy_confirmation: Are you sure you want to delete this content block? inactive_content_blocks: Inactive content blocks title: Page contents update: Update dashboard: pending_moderations: anouncement: one: There are %{count} pending moderation other: There are %{count} pending moderations goto_moderation: Go to global moderations title: Pending Moderations show: dropdown: Dropdown view_more_logs: View more logs domain_whitelist: form: domain_too_short: Domain too short update: error: Failed to update domain whitelist. success: Domain whitelist updated successfully. exports: export_as: "%{name} as %{export_format}" formats: CSV: CSV Excel: Excel FormPDF: PDF JSON: JSON notice: Your export is currently in progress. You will receive an email when it is complete. filters: category_id_eq: label: Category filter_label: Filter invitation_accepted_at_present: label: Invite accepted values: 'false': 'No' 'true': 'Yes' last_sign_in_at_present: label: Ever logged in values: 'false': 'No' 'true': 'Yes' moderated_users: reports_reason_eq: label: Report reason values: does_not_belong: Does not belong offensive: Offensive spam: Spam moderations: reportable_type_string_eq: label: Type officialized_at_null: label: State values: 'false': Officialized 'true': Not officialized participatory_space_private_users: user_invitation_accepted_at_not_null: label: Invitation accepted values: 'false': Not accepted 'true': Accepted user_invitation_sent_at_not_null: label: Invitation sent values: 'false': Not sent 'true': Sent private_space_eq: label: Private values: 'false': Public 'true': Private published_at_null: label: Published values: 'false': Published 'true': Unpublished scope_id_eq: label: Scope search_label: Search search_placeholder: name_or_nickname_or_email_cont: Search %{collection} by email, name or nickname. report_count_eq: Report count eq reported_id_string_or_reported_content_cont: Search %{collection} by reportable id or content. title_cont: Search %{collection} by title. user_name_or_user_email_cont: Search %{collection} by name or email. user_name_or_user_nickname_or_user_email_cont: Search %{collection} by email, name or nickname. state_eq: label: State values: all: All pending: Pending rejected: Rejected verified: Verified forms: file_help: import: explanation: 'Guidance for file:' message_1: CSV, JSON and Excel (.xlsx) files are supported message_2: For CSV files, the separator between columns must be a semicolon (";") help_sections: error: There was a problem updating the help sections. form: save: Save success: Help sections updated successfully. impersonatable_users: index: filter: all: All managed: Managed not_managed: Not managed impersonate: Impersonate impersonate_new_managed_user: Manage new participant managed: Managed name: Name needs_authorization_warning: You need at least one authorization enabled for this organization. not_managed: Not managed promote: Promote search: Search status: Status view_logs: View logs impersonations: close_session: error: There was a problem closing the current participant management session. success: The current impersonation session has been successfully ended. create: error: There was a problem managing the participant. success: The managed participant has been successfully created. form: authorization_method: Authorization method name: Name reason: Reason new: impersonate: Impersonate impersonate_existing_managed_user: Manage participant "%{name}" impersonate_existing_user: Manage participant "%{name}" impersonate_new_managed_user: Manage new participant imports: and: and data_errors: duplicate_headers: detail: Please check that file contains required columns or headers only once. message: one: Duplicate column %{columns}. other: Duplicate columns %{columns}. invalid_indexes: lines: detail: Please check that these lines are formatted correctly and contain valid records. message: one: Found an error in the import file on line %{indexes}. other: Found errors in the import file on lines %{indexes}. records: detail: Please check that these records are formatted correctly and contain valid records. message: one: Found an error in the import file for records with order numbers %{indexes}. other: Found errors in the import file for records with order numbers %{indexes}. missing_headers: detail: Please check that the file contains required columns. message: one: Missing column %{columns}. other: Missing columns %{columns}. error: There was a problem during the import. example_error: There was a problem creating an example for the given type. new: accepted_mime_types: csv: CSV json: JSON xlsx: Excel (.xlsx) actions: back: Back download_example: Download example download_example_format: Example as %{name} file_legend: Add an import file that will be parsed. import: Import notice: "%{count} %{resource_name} successfully imported." logs: filters: participatory_space: Find participatory space text: Search by user email, name or nickname. user: User logs_list: no_logs_yet: There are no logs yet. no_matching_logs: There are no logs with the provided search filters. Try to change them and retry. managed_users: promotion: error: There was a problem promoting the managed participant. success: The managed participant has been successfully promoted. promotions: new: explanation: Managed participants can be promoted to standard participants. It means they will be invited to the application and you will not be able to manage them again. The invited participant will receive an email to accept your invitation. new_managed_user_promotion: New managed participant promotion promote: Promote menu: admin_log: Admin activity log admins: Admins appearance: Appearance area_types: Area types areas: Areas configuration: Configuration content: Reported content external_domain_whitelist: Allowed external domains help_sections: Help sections homepage: Homepage impersonations: Impersonations moderation: Global moderations newsletters: Newsletters participants: Participants reported_users: Reported participants scope_types: Scope types scopes: Scopes see_site: See site settings: Settings static_page_topics: Topics static_pages: Pages user_groups: Groups users: Participants metrics: metrics: see_more_metrics: See more metrics models: area: fields: area_type: Area type name: Name area_type: fields: name: Name plural: Plural attachment: fields: collection: Folder content_type: Type file_size: Size title: Title name: Attachment attachment_collection: name: Folder category: name: Category impersonation_log: fields: admin: Admin ended_at: Ended at expired_at: Expired at reason: Reason started_at: Started at user: Participant newsletter: fields: created_at: Created at progress: Progress sent_at: Sent at sent_to: Sent to subject: Subject name: Newsletter participatory_space_private_user: name: Participatory space private participant scope: fields: name: Name scope_type: Scope type scope_type: fields: name: Name plural: Plural share_token: fields: created_at: Created at expires_at: Expires at last_used_at: Last time used times_used: Times used token: Token user: Created by static_page: fields: created_at: Created at title: Title user: fields: created_at: Creation date email: Email last_sign_in_at: Last log in date name: Name role: Role roles: admin: Admin user_manager: Participant manager name: Participant user_group: fields: actions: Actions created_at: Created at document_number: Document number name: Name nickname: Nickname phone: Phone state: State users_count: Participants count moderated_users: index: actions: block: Block User title: Actions unblock: Unblock User unreport: Unreport name: Name nickname: Nickname reason: Reason reports: Reports count title: Reported participants report: reasons: does_not_belong: Does not belong offensive: Offensive spam: Spam tabs: blocked: Blocked unblocked: Not Blocked moderations: index: title: Reported content report: reasons: does_not_belong: Does not belong hidden_during_block: Hidden while blocking user offensive: Offensive spam: Spam reports: index: author: Author(s) callout_html: A content appears in the moderation panel when it has been signaled by a user (can be anyone with a registered account) by clicking on the %{icon} flag next to the item. content_original_language: Content original language participatory_space: Participatory space reported_content: Reported content see_current: See current see_original: See original title: Moderation reports show: report_details: Reason details report_language: Report language report_reason: Reason title: Report details newsletter_templates: index: preview_template: Preview title: Newsletter templates use_template: Use this template show: preview: 'Preview template: %{template_name}' use_template: Use this template newsletters: create: error: There was a problem creating this newsletter. success: Newsletter created successfully. Please review it before sending. deliver: error: There was a problem delivering this newsletter. success: Newsletter delivered successfully. destroy: error_already_sent: 'Can''t destroy newsletter: It has already been sent.' success: Newsletter destroyed successfully. edit: save_and_preview: Save and preview title: Edit newsletter index: all: all all_users: 'All users ' and: 'and ' confirm_delete: Are you sure you want to delete this newsletter? followers: 'followers ' has_been_sent_to: 'Has been sent to: ' no_scopes: No scopes not_sent: Not sent participants: 'participants ' segmented_to: 'Segmented to %{subject}: ' subscribed_count: 'Subscribed:' title: Newsletters new: save: Save title: New newsletter select_recipients_to_deliver: all_spaces: All all_users_help: Sends newsletter to all confirmed users. confirm_deliver: Are you sure you want to deliver this newsletter? This action cannot be undone. deliver: Deliver newsletter followers_help: Sends newsletter to all confirmed users that follow any selected participatory spaces in the list. none: None participants_help: Sends newsletter to all confirmed users that have participated in any of the selected participatory spaces in the list. recipients_count: This newsletter will be send to %{count} users. scopes_help: Sends newsletter to users that have any of the selected scope activated in their account's "My Interests" settings. select_scopes: Filter for users having activated any selected scope in their account's My Interests settings. select_spaces: Select spaces to segment the newsletter select_users: Select which users you want to send the newsletter title: Select recipients to deliver warning: "Attention: This newsletter will only be send to users that have activated I want to receive newsletters in their notifications settings." send: no_recipients: No recipients for this selection. send_to_user: sent_successfully: Newsletter has been sent successfully to %{email} show: preview: Preview select_recipients_to_deliver: Select recipients to deliver send_me_a_test_email: Send me a test email subject: Subject update: error: There was a problem updating this newsletter. success: Newsletter updated successfully. Please review it before sending. officializations: block: error: There was an error blocking the participant. success: Participant successfully blocked. create: success: Participant successfully officialized. destroy: success: Participant successfully unofficialized. index: actions: Actions badge: Badge block: Block User created_at: Created At name: Name nickname: Nickname not_officialized: Not officialized officialize: Officialize officialized: Officialized reofficialize: Reofficialize reports: Reports show_email: Show email address status: Status unblock: Unblock User unofficialize: Unofficialize new: badge: Officialization badge officialize: Officialize title: Officialize participant "%{name}" show_email_modal: description: If you need to contact a participant directly, you can click on the Show button to see their email address. This action will be logged. email_address: Email address full_name: Full name hidden: hidden show: Show title: Show participant's email address unblock: error: There was an error unblocking the participant. success: Participant successfully unblocked. organization: edit: title: Edit organization update: Update form: facebook: Facebook github: GitHub instagram: Instagram rich_text_editor_in_public_views_help: In some text areas, participants will be able to insert some HTML tags by using the rich text editor. social_handlers: Social twitter: X url: URL youtube: YouTube update: error: There was a problem updating this organization. success: Organization updated successfully. organization_appearance: edit: update: Update form: colors: choose_color: Choose a primary color colors_title: Organization colors colors_warning_html: Warning! Changing these colors can break the accessibility contrasts. You can check the contrast of your choosing with WebAIM Contrast Checker or other similar tools. explanation: This tool helps you out to choose a color scheme, made up of hues equally spaced around the color wheel, that will be used in the organization's website. legend_html: Main application colors, based on the Triadic algorithm. The secondary color is auto-calculated from the primary color and the saturation you chose. saturation: Saturation title: Color chooser update_suggested_colors: Update suggested colors cta_button_path_help_html: 'You can overwrite where the Call To Action button in the homepage links to. Use partial paths, not full URLs here. Accepts letters, numbers, dashes and slashes, and must start with a letter. The Call To Action button is shown in the homepage between the welcome text and the description. Example: %{url}' cta_button_text_help: You can overwrite the Call To Action button text in the homepage for each available language in your organization. If not set, the default value will be used. The Call To Action button is shown in the homepage between the welcome text and the description. header_snippets: header_snippets_help_html: Use this field to add things to the HTML head. The most common use is to integrate third-party services that require some extra JavaScript or CSS. Also, you can use it to add extra meta tags to the HTML. Note that this will only be rendered in public pages, not in the admin section. If the code interacts with external APIs or does not comply with the application security guidelines, it will be necessary to change the Content Security Policy. Read more about on the documentation site . title: HTML header snippets homepage_appearance_title: Edit homepage appearance homepage_highlighted_content_banner_title: Highligted content banner images: layout_appearance_title: Edit layout appearance preview: Preview omnipresent_banner_appearance_title: Edit omnipresent banner organization_external_domain_whitelist: edit: update: Update external_domain: down: Down external_domain: External domain remove: Remove up: Up form: add: Add to whitelist title: External domain whitelist participatory_space_private_users: create: error: There was a problem adding a private participant for this participatory space. success: Participatory space private participant access successfully created. destroy: error: There was a problem deleting a private participant for this participatory space. success: Participatory space private participant access successfully destroyed. index: import_via_csv: Import via CSV title: Participatory space private participant new: create: Create title: New Participatory Space private participant. participatory_space_private_users_csv_imports: create: invalid: There was a problem reading the CSV file. Please make sure you have followed the instructions. success: CSV file uploaded successfully, we are sending an invitation email to participants. This might take a while. new: csv_upload: title: Upload your CSV file destroy: button: Delete all private participants confirm: Are you sure you want to delete all private participants? This action cannot be undone, you will not be able to recover them. empty: You have no private participants. explanation: You have %{count} private participants. title: Delete private participants example_file: 'Example file:' explanation: Upload your CSV file. It must have two columns with email in the first column of the file and name in the last column of the file of the users that you want to add to the participatory space, without headers. Avoid using invalid chars like `<>?%&^*#@()[]=+:;"{}\|` in user name. explanation_example: | john.doe@example.org%{csv_col_sep}John Doe jane.doe@example.org%{csv_col_sep}Jane Doe title: Import private participants via CSV upload: Upload reminders: create: error: There was a problem creating reminders. success: one: "%{count} user will be reminded." other: "%{count} users will be reminded." new: submit: Send resource_permissions: edit: submit: Submit title: Edit permissions update: success: Permissions updated successfully. resources: index: headers: scope: Scope scope_types: create: error: There was a problem creating a new scope type. success: Scope type created successfully. destroy: success: Scope type successfully destroyed edit: title: Edit scope type update: Update new: create: Create scope type title: New scope type update: error: There was a problem updating this scope type. success: Scope type updated successfully scopes: create: error: There was a problem creating a new scope. success: Scope created successfully. destroy: success: Scope successfully destroyed. edit: title: Edit scope update: Update new: create: Create scope title: New scope no_scopes: No scopes at this level. update: error: There was a problem updating this scope. success: Scope updated successfully share_tokens: actions: confirm_destroy: Are you sure you want to delete this token? destroy: Delete share: Share destroy: error: There was a problem destroying the token. success: Token destroyed successfully. share_tokens: empty: There are no active tokens. help: These tokens are used to publicly share this unpublished resource to any user. They will be hidden when the resource is published. Click on the token's share icon to visit the shareable URL. title: Share tokens shared: gallery: add_images: Add images edit_images: Edit images gallery_legend: Add an image gallery (Optional) static_page_topics: create: error: There was a problem creating a new topic. success: Topic created successfully. destroy: success: Topic successfully destroyed. edit: title: Edit topic update: Update topic new: create: Create topic title: New topic update: error: There was a problem updating this topic. success: Topic updated successfully static_pages: actions: view: View public page create: error: There was a problem creating a new page. success: Page created successfully. destroy: success: Page successfully destroyed edit: changed_notably_help: If checked, participants will be notified to accept the new terms of service. last_notable_change: 'Last notable change: %{tos_version_formatted}' title: Edit page update: Update form: none: None slug_help_html: 'Use partial paths, not full URLs here. Accepts letters, numbers, dashes and slashes, and must start with a letter. Example: %{url}' index: last_notable_change: Last notable change new: create: Create page title: New page topic: empty: There are no pages under this topic. without_topic: Pages without topic update: error: There was a problem updating this page. success: Page updated successfully. titles: admin_log: Admin log area_types: Area types areas: Areas authorization_workflows: Verification methods dashboard: Dashboard edit_external_domains: External domain whitelist edit_landing_page: Page contents edit_organization_appearance: Edit homepage appearance impersonatable_users: Manageable participants impersonations: Participants management menu: Menu metrics: Metrics page_topics: Topics pages: Pages panel: Admin participants: Participants scope_types: Scope types scopes: Scopes statistics: Activity user_groups: Groups users: Administrators user_group: csv_verify: invalid: There was a problem reading the CSV file. success: CSV file uploaded successfully, we are verifying the groups matching the criteria. This might take a while. reject: invalid: There was a problem rejecting this group. success: Group successfully rejected. verify: invalid: There was a problem verifying this group. success: Group successfully verified. user_groups: index: state: pending: Pending rejected: Rejected verified: Verified verify_via_csv: Verify via CSV user_groups_csv_verifications: new: example_file: 'Example file:' explanation: Upload your CSV file. It must have the official emails of the groups in your organization in the first column of the file, without headers. Only groups that have confirmed their email and that have an email appearing in the CSV file will be validated. explanation_example: | acme@example.org bubba.gump@example.org title: Upload your CSV file upload: Upload users: create: error: There was a problem inviting this admin. success: Participant successfully invited. destroy: error: There was a problem trying to delete this admin. success: Participant is no longer an administrator. form: email: Email name: Name role: Role new: create: Invite title: Invite new administrator users_statistics: users_count: admins: Admins last_day: Last day last_month: Last month last_week: Last week no_users_count_statistics_yet: There are no users count statistics yet. participants: Participants forms: errors: impersonate_user: reason: You need to provide a reason when managing a non-managed participant. metrics: blocked_users: object: blocked users title: Blocked users reported_users: object: reported users title: Reported users user_reports: object: user reports title: User reports moderations: actions: expand: Expand hidden: Hidden hide: Hide not_hidden: Not hidden title: Actions unhide: Unhide unreport: Unreport admin: reportable: hide: invalid: There was a problem hiding the resource. success: Resource successfully hidden. unhide: invalid: There was a problem unhiding the resource. success: Resource successfully unhidden. unreport: invalid: There was a problem unreporting the resource. success: Resource successfully unreported. models: moderation: fields: created_at: Reported at deleted_resource: Deleted resource hidden_at: Hidden at participatory_space: Participatory space report_count: Reports count reportable_id: ID reportable_type: Type reported_content_url: Reported content URL reports: Reason visit_url: Visit URL report: fields: details: Reason details locale: Language reason: Reason errors: messages: invalid_json: Invalid JSON layouts: decidim: admin: global_moderations: title: Global moderations