require 'pivotal-tracker' require_relative 'bare' module Git module Whistles module PullRequest class Pivotal < Bare private def pr_command 'pivotal-pr' end def tracker_related_params(team) params = {} story_id = $1.to_i if options.from =~ /(\d+)$/ token = `git config pivotal-tracker.token`.strip if token.empty? puts Term::ANSIColor.yellow %Q{ Your branch appears to have a story ID, but I don't know your Pivotal Tracker token! Please set it with: $ git config [--global] pivotal-tracker.token } die 'Aborting.' end 'Finding your project and story¬' PivotalTracker::Client.token = token begin story, project = PivotalTracker::Project.all.find do |project| '.¬' story = project.stories.find(story_id) and break story, project end '.' rescue RestClient::Unauthorized '.' die "Your token is not authorized by Pivotal Tracker! Please make sure you have the correct one" end if story.nil? log.warn "Apologies… I could not find story #{story_id}." die end "Found story #{story_id} in '#{}'" title = "#{}: #{} [##{}]" headline = "Pivotal tracker story [##{story_id}](#{story.url}) in project *#{}*:" description = story.description.split("\n").map { |line| "> #{line}" }.join("\n") params[:subject] = params[:'pull_request[title]'] = title if (headline.length + description.length) > SAFE_QUERY_STRING_SIZE log.warn "Oops looks like your story body exceeds maximum allowed caracters to send a github request" log.warn "Please copy the info below to your pull request body:" puts puts headline puts puts puts description puts puts puts 'Press any key to continue…' gets params.merge! :"pull_request[body]" => "Please check your command line for the story body" else body = "TODO: describe your changes\n\n===\n\n#{headline}\n\n#{description}" params[:'pull_request[body]'] = body end params end end end end end