class Router < CloudstackCli::Base desc "list", "list virtual routers" option :project, desc: "name of the project" option :account, desc: "name of the account" option :zone, desc: "name of the zone" option :state, desc: "the status of the router" option :redundant_state, desc: "the state of redundant virtual router", enum: %w(master backup fault unknown) option :listall, type: :boolean, desc: "list all routers", default: true option :showid, type: :boolean, desc: "display the router ID" option :reverse, type: :boolean, default: false, desc: "reverse listing of routers" option :command, desc: "command to execute for each router", enum: %w(START STOP REBOOT) option :concurrency, type: :numeric, default: 10, aliases: '-C', desc: "number of concurrent command to execute" option :format, default: "table", enum: %w(table json yaml) def list resolve_project resolve_zone resolve_account routers = client.list_routers(options) if options[:listall] client.list_projects(listall: true).each do |project| routers = routers + client.list_routers( options.merge(projectid: project['id']) ) end end if options[:redundant_state] routers = filter_by(routers, 'redundantstate', options[:redundant_state].downcase) end routers.reverse! if options[:reverse] print_routers(routers, options) execute_router_commands(options[:command].downcase, routers) if options[:command] end desc "list_from_file FILE", "list virtual routers from file" option :reverse, type: :boolean, default: false, desc: "reverse listing of routers" option :command, desc: "command to execute for each router", enum: %w(START STOP REBOOT) option :concurrency, type: :numeric, default: 10, aliases: '-C', desc: "number of concurrent command to execute" option :format, default: "table", enum: %w(table json yaml) def list_from_file(file) routers = parse_file(file)["routers"] routers.reverse! if options[:reverse] print_routers(routers, options) execute_router_commands(options[:command].downcase, routers) if options[:command] end desc "stop NAME [NAME2 ..]", "stop virtual router(s)" option :force, desc: "stop without confirmation", type: :boolean, aliases: '-f' def stop(*names) routers = {|name| get_router(name)} print_routers(routers) exit unless options[:force] || yes?("\nStop router(s) above? [y/N]:", :magenta) jobs = do |router| {id: client.stop_router({id: router['id']}, {sync: true})['jobid'], name: "Stop router #{router['name']}"} end puts watch_jobs(jobs) end desc "start NAME [NAME2 ..]", "start virtual router(s)" option :force, desc: "start without confirmation", type: :boolean, aliases: '-f' def start(*names) routers = {|name| get_router(name)} print_routers(routers) exit unless options[:force] || yes?("\nStart router(s) above? [y/N]:", :magenta) jobs = do |router| {id: client.start_router({id: router['id']}, {sync: true})['jobid'], name: "Start router #{router['name']}"} end puts watch_jobs(jobs) end desc "reboot NAME [NAME2 ..]", "reboot virtual router(s)" option :force, desc: "start without confirmation", type: :boolean, aliases: '-f' def reboot(*names) routers = {|name| client.list_routers(name: name).first} print_routers(routers) exit unless options[:force] || yes?("\nReboot router(s) above? [y/N]:", :magenta) jobs = do |router| {id: client.reboot_router({id: router['id']}, {sync: true})['jobid'], name: "Reboot router #{router['name']}"} end puts watch_jobs(jobs) end desc "stop_start NAME [NAME2 ..]", "stops and starts virtual router(s)" option :force, desc: "stop_start without confirmation", type: :boolean, aliases: '-f' def stop_start(*names) routers = {|name| get_router(name)} print_routers(routers) exit unless options[:force] || yes?("\nRestart router(s) above? [y/N]:", :magenta) jobs = do |router| {id: client.stop_router({id: router['id']}, {sync: true})['jobid'], name: "Stop router #{router['name']}"} end puts watch_jobs(jobs) jobs = do |router| {id: client.start_router({id: router['id']}, {sync: true})['jobid'], name: "Start router #{router['name']}"} end puts watch_jobs(jobs) say "Finished.", :green end desc "destroy NAME [NAME2 ..]", "destroy virtual router(s)" option :force, desc: "destroy without asking", type: :boolean, aliases: '-f' def destroy(*names) routers = {|name| get_router(name)} print_routers(routers) exit unless options[:force] || yes?("\nDestroy router(s) above? [y/N]:", :magenta) jobs = do |router| {id: client.destroy_router({id: router['id']}, {sync: true})['jobid'], name: "Destroy router #{router['name']}"} end puts watch_jobs(jobs) end no_commands do def get_router(name) unless router = client.list_routers(name: name, listall: true).first unless router = client.list_routers(name: name, project_id: -1).first say "Can't find router with name #{name}.", :red exit 1 end end router end def print_routers(routers, options = {}) if routers.size < 1 say "No routers found." else case options[:format].to_sym when :yaml puts({'routers' => routers}.to_yaml) when :json say JSON.pretty_generate(routers: routers) else table = [%w( ID Name Zone Account Project Redundant-State IP Linklocal-IP Status Redundant Offering )] table[0].delete('ID') unless options[:showid] routers.each do |router| table << [ router["id"], router["name"], router["zonename"], router["account"], router["project"], router["redundantstate"], router["nic"] && router["nic"].first ? router["nic"].first['ipaddress'] : "", router["linklocalip"], router["state"], router["isredundantrouter"], router["serviceofferingname"] ] table[-1].delete_at(0) unless table[0].index "ID" end print_table table puts say "Total number of routers: #{routers.size}" end end end def execute_router_commands(command, routers) unless %w(start stop reboot).include?(command) say "\nCommand #{options[:command]} not supported.", :red exit 1 end exit unless yes?("\n#{command.capitalize} the router(s) above? [y/N]:", :magenta) jobs = do |router| { job_id: nil, object_id: router["id"], name: "#{command.capitalize} router #{router['name']}", status: -1 } end run_background_jobs(jobs, "#{command}_router") end end end