21937 20200804090406.0 physcolloquia-bk00169017b eng Particle Fever Physics Department screening Berkeley, CA University of California, Berkeley, Dept. of Physics 2014 2014 1 streaming video file digital, sd., col. Video Recorded at a colloquium held on September 12, 2014, sponsored by the Dept. of Physics, University of California, Berkeley. originally produced as an .mts file in 2014 Speakers: Filmmakers Mark Levinson ("83) and Walter Murch; UCB particle physicists. The UC Berkeley Physics Department presents a showing of Particle Fever, the documentary that brings to life the exciting search for the Higgs Boson! Following the screening, filmmakers Mark Levinson ('83), Walter Murch, and a panel of UC Berkeley particle physicists discuss the film and the science that inspired it. These physicists include Lawrence Hall, Marjorie Shapiro, Yasunori Nomura, Petr Horava, Beate Heinemann, and Surjeet Rajendran. Lecture. University of California, Berkeley. Dept. of Physics Physics Library https://avplayer.lib.berkeley.edu/Video-Public-Physics/physcolloquia-bk00169017b UC Berkeley Library Online Video Collection. ark:/28722/bk00169017b 2020-05-21 ADP m Physics Colloquia Physics Colloquia Physics Colloquia 01:02:35 colloquia/9-12-14ParticleFever.mp4