import Controller from '@ember/controller'; import Service, { inject as injectService } from '@ember/service'; import { run } from '@ember/runloop'; import { QueryParamTestCase, moduleFor } from 'internal-test-helpers'; moduleFor( 'Query Params - shared service state', class extends QueryParamTestCase { boot() { this.setupApplication(); return this.visitApplication(); } setupApplication() { { this.route('home', { path: '/' }); this.route('dashboard'); }); this.add( 'service:filters', Service.extend({ shared: true, }) ); this.add( 'controller:home', Controller.extend({ filters: injectService(), }) ); this.add( 'controller:dashboard', Controller.extend({ filters: injectService(), queryParams: [{ 'filters.shared': 'shared' }], }) ); this.addTemplate('application', `{{link-to 'Home' 'home' }}
`); this.addTemplate( 'home', `{{link-to 'Dashboard' 'dashboard' }}{{input type="checkbox" id='filters-checkbox' checked=(mut filters.shared) }}` ); this.addTemplate('dashboard', `{{link-to 'Home' 'home' }}`); } visitApplication() { return this.visit('/'); } ['@test can modify shared state before transition'](assert) { assert.expect(1); return this.boot().then(() => { this.$input = document.getElementById('filters-checkbox'); // click the checkbox once to set filters.shared to false run(this.$input, 'click'); return this.visit('/dashboard').then(() => { assert.ok(true, 'expecting navigating to dashboard to succeed'); }); }); } ['@test can modify shared state back to the default value before transition'](assert) { assert.expect(1); return this.boot().then(() => { this.$input = document.getElementById('filters-checkbox'); // click the checkbox twice to set filters.shared to false and back to true run(this.$input, 'click'); run(this.$input, 'click'); return this.visit('/dashboard').then(() => { assert.ok(true, 'expecting navigating to dashboard to succeed'); }); }); } } );