require 'rake/gempackagetask' require 'rake/rdoctask' require 'rake/clean' # monkey bitchin' for windows stuffs... module FileUtils # If any of these methods ever clobber, try removing them. # Hopefully they'll do something semantically similar. abort "Err: #{__FILE__}:#{__LINE__} monkey patch windows? clobbers!" unless instance_methods.grep(/windows\?/).empty? abort "Err: #{__FILE__}:#{__LINE__} monkey patch sudo clobbers!" unless instance_methods.grep(/sudo/).empty? abort "Err: #{__FILE__}:#{__LINE__} monkey patch gem_cmd clobbers!" unless instance_methods.grep(/gem_cmd/).empty? def windows?; RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mswin|mingw/; end def sudo(cmd) if windows? || (require 'etc'; Etc.getpwuid.uid == 0) sh cmd else sh "sudo #{cmd}" end end def gem_cmd(action, name, *args) rb = Gem.ruby rescue nil rb ||= (require 'rbconfig'; File.join(Config::CONFIG['bindir'], Config::CONFIG['ruby_install_name'])) sudo "#{rb} -r rubygems -e 'require %{rubygems/gem_runner};{#{action} #{name} #{args.join(' ')}})'" end end # Setup our packaging tasks, we're just jacking the builtins. do |pkg| pkg.need_tar, pkg.need_tar_gz, pkg.need_zip = true, true, true if Package pkg.gem_spec = Spec end Rake::Task[:clean].enhance [:clobber_package] # Only generate rdoc if the spec says so, again, jack the builtins. if Spec.has_rdoc do |rd| rd.title = rd.rdoc_dir = 'rdoc' rd.main = "README" rd.rdoc_files.include("lib/**/*.rb", *Spec.extra_rdoc_files) rd.rdoc_files.exclude(*%w(lib/em/version lib/emva lib/evma/ lib/pr_eventmachine lib/jeventmachine)) end Rake::Task[:clean].enhance [:clobber_rdoc] desc 'Generate and open documentation' task :docs => :rdoc do case RUBY_PLATFORM when /darwin/ ; sh 'open rdoc/index.html' when /mswin|mingw/ ; sh 'start rdoc\index.html' else sh 'firefox rdoc/index.html' end end end if Spec.default_executable desc "Run #{Spec.default_executable}" task :run do ruby File.join(Spec.bindir, Spec.default_executable) end end require 'rubygems' desc 'Install gem (and sudo if required)' task :install => :package do gem_cmd(:install, "pkg/#{}-#{Spec.version}.gem") end desc 'Uninstall gem (and sudo if required)' task :uninstall do gem_cmd(:uninstall, "#{}", "-v=#{Spec.version}") end # Find an scm's store directory, if we do, make a task to commit to it only # after running all the tests (successfully). if scm = %w(git svn bzr hg).find { |d| ".#{d}" } desc "Run tests then commit to #{scm}" task :commit => :test do sh "#{scm} commit" end end