require 'spec_helper' module RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn describe ThrowSymbol do describe "with no args" do before(:each) { @matcher = throw_symbol } it "matches if any Symbol is thrown" do @matcher.matches?(lambda{ throw :sym }).should be_true end it "matches if any Symbol is thrown with an arg" do @matcher.matches?(lambda{ throw :sym, "argument" }).should be_true end it "does not match if no Symbol is thrown" do @matcher.matches?(lambda{ }).should be_false end it "provides a failure message" do @matcher.matches?(lambda{}) @matcher.failure_message_for_should.should == "expected a Symbol to be thrown, got nothing" end it "provides a negative failure message" do @matcher.matches?(lambda{ throw :sym}) @matcher.failure_message_for_should_not.should == "expected no Symbol to be thrown, got :sym" end end describe "with a symbol" do before(:each) { @matcher = throw_symbol(:sym) } it "matches if correct Symbol is thrown" do @matcher.matches?(lambda{ throw :sym }).should be_true end it "matches if correct Symbol is thrown with an arg" do @matcher.matches?(lambda{ throw :sym, "argument" }).should be_true end it "does not match if no Symbol is thrown" do @matcher.matches?(lambda{ }).should be_false end it "does not match if correct Symbol is thrown" do @matcher.matches?(lambda{ throw :other_sym }).should be_false end it "provides a failure message when no Symbol is thrown" do @matcher.matches?(lambda{}) @matcher.failure_message_for_should.should == "expected :sym to be thrown, got nothing" end it "provides a failure message when wrong Symbol is thrown" do @matcher.matches?(lambda{ throw :other_sym }) @matcher.failure_message_for_should.should == "expected :sym to be thrown, got :other_sym" end it "provides a negative failure message" do @matcher.matches?(lambda{ throw :sym }) @matcher.failure_message_for_should_not.should == "expected :sym not to be thrown, got :sym" end it "only matches NameErrors raised by uncaught throws" do expect { @matcher.matches?(lambda{ sym }).should be_false }.to raise_error(NameError) end end describe "with a symbol and an arg" do before(:each) { @matcher = throw_symbol(:sym, "a") } it "matches if correct Symbol and args are thrown" do @matcher.matches?(lambda{ throw :sym, "a" }).should be_true end it "does not match if nothing is thrown" do @matcher.matches?(lambda{ }).should be_false end it "does not match if other Symbol is thrown" do @matcher.matches?(lambda{ throw :other_sym, "a" }).should be_false end it "does not match if no arg is thrown" do @matcher.matches?(lambda{ throw :sym }).should be_false end it "does not match if wrong arg is thrown" do @matcher.matches?(lambda{ throw :sym, "b" }).should be_false end it "provides a failure message when no Symbol is thrown" do @matcher.matches?(lambda{}) @matcher.failure_message_for_should.should == %q[expected :sym with "a" to be thrown, got nothing] end it "provides a failure message when wrong Symbol is thrown" do @matcher.matches?(lambda{ throw :other_sym }) @matcher.failure_message_for_should.should == %q[expected :sym with "a" to be thrown, got :other_sym] end it "provides a failure message when wrong arg is thrown" do @matcher.matches?(lambda{ throw :sym, "b" }) @matcher.failure_message_for_should.should == %q[expected :sym with "a" to be thrown, got :sym with "b"] end it "provides a failure message when no arg is thrown" do @matcher.matches?(lambda{ throw :sym }) @matcher.failure_message_for_should.should == %q[expected :sym with "a" to be thrown, got :sym with no argument] end it "provides a negative failure message" do @matcher.matches?(lambda{ throw :sym }) @matcher.failure_message_for_should_not.should == %q[expected :sym with "a" not to be thrown, got :sym with no argument] end it "only matches NameErrors raised by uncaught throws" do expect { @matcher.matches?(lambda{ sym }).should be_false }.to raise_error(NameError) end it "raises other errors" do expect { @matcher.matches?(lambda { raise "Boom" }) }.to raise_error(/Boom/) end end end end