*** Parameters: *** {} *** Markdown input: *** 'Twas a "test" to 'remember' in the '90s. 'Twas a "test" to 'remember' in the '90s. It was --- in a sense --- really... interesting. It was --- in a sense --- really... interesting. I -- too -- met << some curly quotes >> there or <>No space. I -- too -- met << some curly quotes >> there or <>No space. She was 6\"12\'. > She was 6\"12\'. *** Output of inspect *** md_el(:document,[ md_el(:code,[],{:raw_code=>"'Twas a \"test\" to 'remember' in the '90s.", :lang=>nil},[]), md_par([ md_entity("lsquo"), "Twas a ", md_entity("ldquo"), "test", md_entity("rdquo"), " to ", md_entity("lsquo"), "remember", md_entity("rsquo"), " in the ", md_entity("rsquo"), "90s." ]), md_el(:code,[],{:raw_code=>"It was --- in a sense --- really... interesting.", :lang=>nil},[]), md_par([ "It was ", md_entity("mdash"), " in a sense ", md_entity("mdash"), " really", md_entity("hellip"), " interesting." ]), md_el(:code,[],{:raw_code=>"I -- too -- met << some curly quotes >> there or <>No space.", :lang=>nil},[]), md_par([ "I ", md_entity("ndash"), " too ", md_entity("ndash"), " met ", md_entity("laquo"), md_entity("nbsp"), "some curly quotes", md_entity("nbsp"), md_entity("raquo"), " there or ", md_entity("laquo"), "here", md_entity("raquo"), "No space." ]), md_el(:code,[],{:raw_code=>"She was 6\\\"12\\'.", :lang=>nil},[]), md_el(:quote,[ md_par(["She was 6", md_entity("quot"), "12", md_entity("apos"), "."]) ],{},[]) ],{},[]) *** Output of to_html ***
'Twas a "test" to 'remember' in the '90s.

‘Twas a “test” to ‘remember’ in the ’90s.

It was --- in a sense --- really... interesting.

It was — in a sense — really… interesting.

I -- too -- met << some curly quotes >> there or <<here>>No space.

I – too – met « some curly quotes » there or «here»No space.

She was 6\"12\'.

She was 6"12'.

*** Output of to_latex *** \begin{verbatim}'Twas a "test" to 'remember' in the '90s.\end{verbatim} `Twas a ``test'' to `remember' in the '90s. \begin{verbatim}It was --- in a sense --- really... interesting.\end{verbatim} It was --- in a sense --- really\ldots{} interesting. \begin{verbatim}I -- too -- met << some curly quotes >> there or <>No space.\end{verbatim} I -- too -- met \guillemotleft{}~some curly quotes~\guillemotright{} there or \guillemotleft{}here\guillemotright{}No space. \begin{verbatim}She was 6\"12\'.\end{verbatim} \begin{quote}% She was 6"12'. \end{quote} *** Output of to_md *** 'Twas a "test" to 'remember' in the '90s. 'Twas a "test" to 'remember' in the '90s. It was --- in a sense --- really... interesting. It was --- in a sense --- really... interesting. I -- too -- met << some curly quotes >> there or <>No space. I -- too -- met << some curly quotes >> there or <>No space. She was 6\"12\'. > She was 6\"12\'. *** Output of to_s *** Twas a test to remember in the 90s.It was in a sense really interesting.I too met some curly quotes there or hereNo space.She was 612.